Morning folks.

Good morning Thumper...Have a great day!

The ignore function is a wonderful thing. I've been using it for almost as long as I've been here, and it's such a blessing... Makes posting much more enjoyable....
In regard to the comments about threads with banned posters. I found another;) I haven't seen many but I was completely floored to find this:(
Why would anyone do that, when ignore is available?Perhaps Justin Bieber fans...;)
ETA: And another? Weird...!-(Twat-Free-Version)/page13
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9 months ago he was as liberal as they come.

That proves he's just like other trolls I knew. They never argued anything real, they just had socks, and argued for the sake of rocking the boat. It was extra weird if you ever caught one arguing against their own sock.
It went as expected. Very little actual discussion with a lot of posturing.
This is an interesting place, that is for sure. I'll keep browsing, though. There are a few interesting and decent people, if you weave around and avoid the ones obviously distraught with the entire world.
Let me guess.... it was a "God Bless America" thread, right? He always bans ppl who don't agree with him. Then he sits in there and talks to himself until boredom sets in. Then he starts *another* thread on the same topic, with the same results. It's very weird.
That’s Legion Troll. Try not to feed him.
No about every six months Legion Troll changes his name and avatar and trolls conservatives for a change. He’s an equal opportunity troll.

Fascinating. We had a guy just like that on the old Amazon politics forum. When I first encountered him years ago his screen name was "Katrina".... for the hurricane that wiped out a good lot of his swampland. He posted as a liberal and pulled the whiskers on the conservatives. Then he changed names and behavior and annoyed the libs. He would often delve into the truly dark and weird and start attacking females there and posting lurid and disgusting pornographic descriptions of us being spanked, pissed on, etc. Then he'd switch around and do the same to the male posters. He got banned quite often. Imagine that. lol In his last incarnation before Amazon pulled the plug he had at least 17 different ID sock accounts and was happily sucking the teats of the forum's Best Conservative Ever. He's an email friend of one of our newer Amazon friends here. In fact.... <cue creepy music>.... he. is. here. now.

Have fun with your fresh meat! lol

wolf with meat.jpg
Odd that the forum owner would allow that.
Read the forum rules. The proprietor and most of his moderators are Libertarians so there is very little moderation and a whole lot of chaos. There are a few rules that if broken will get you banned but if you have any common sense or decency you shouldn’t have a problem.

Other than Legion Troll the group you have to watch out for is the Trinity. They change their names often and the can’t count as there are four of them. You will pick up who they are over time. They are;

Threedee. Possibly the only sane member of the Trinity. Word is he should be released on parole soon.

Captain Billy or just plain Billy. His current nom de plume is Peridiot. He’s a moderator and greated you by telling you not to fuck up. Billy is a gun fetishist and a mysanthrope and is about as warm and friendly as a naked mole rat. “Don’t fuck up” is probably the friendliest thing he will say to you.

Then there is Grind. Another moderator. He’s one seriously fucked up douchebag. Grind only knows two political issues and poorly at that . Guns and George Zimmerman. Grind may not know much about politics but he is a charming mother fucker in an Arnold the Pig sort of way. Watch out for him.

Then there is the leader of the Trinity. Watermark. Words cannot begin to describe the depths of depravity he crawled out of. You’d be wise to steer clear of Watermark.
Thanks for the heads up. Though I have to admit. I tend to not worry about harm coming from people on Internet forums. I kind of thrive in toxic environments in real life. So a virtual one doesn't worry me too much.