Most gender-confused children grow out of it, landmark 15-year study concludes

University of Groningen

And I see no link to such a study

The daily mail is a trash heap of lies
Research projects by members
The Centre for Gender Studies of the University of Groningen offers various research projects. You can read more about our members' research topics by following the additional links.

This bullshit the OP gave us not there
I don't know why I'm offering my two cents' worth
when I'd be hard pressed to find an issue which will impact my life less than this one.

Still, an idea is an idea so I suggest this.

When infants are born, put them in the hospital nursery
so that the baby boys and baby girls are sleeping together in the same crib.

Obviously, nothing untoward or inappropriate is going to happen with the innocent babies,
but maybe they'll be conditioned right from the outset to sleep with whom they're supposed to sleep.

I can't be sure that this would work, of course.
I'm just brainstorming here.

Owl, you're a nurse. What do you think?
Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than 2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties, asking them every three years of feelings about their gender.

Results showed at the start of the research, around one-in-10 children (11 percent) expressed 'gender non-contentedness' to varying degrees.

But by age 25, just one-in-25 (4 percent) said they 'often' or 'sometimes' were discontent with their gender.

The researchers concluded: 'The results of the current study might help adolescents to realize that it is normal to have some doubts about one’s identity and one’s gender identity during this age period and that this is also relatively common.'

It comes amid a massive boom in transgender children receiving drugs to change their gender in the US - as critics say doctors and parents are not challenging young people enough.

Patrick Brown, a fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center who was not involved in the research, told 'This study provides even more reason to be skeptical towards aggressive steps to facilitate gender transition in childhood and adolescence.

'The fact that rates of satisfaction are lower even just a few years later suggests that for the vast majority of people, prudence and caution, rather than a rush towards permanent surgeries or hormone therapies, will be the best approach for teenagers struggling to make sense of the world and their place in it.

'As such, policies that prohibit gender transition for minors make a great deal of sense.'

Fucker lied
Give us the actual study you claim exists

Or admitt it is all fucking made up lies

Give us a link to this study that has a real link that comes from the University you claim produced it

You won’t

Because they never did that study

It’s lies
Don't let children buy cigarettes, alcohol, or sex changes until they are 21.

This isn't rocket surgery.

Not the answer I was looking for because irreversible surgeries are not being done on children.

The answer I was looking for is what to do with genuine transgender children.
I don't know why I'm offering my two cents' worth
when I'd be hard pressed to find an issue which will impact my life less than this one.

Still, an idea is an idea so I suggest this.

When infants are born, put them in the hospital nursery
so that the baby boys and baby girls are sleeping together in the same crib.

Obviously, nothing untoward or inappropriate is going to happen with the innocent babies,
but maybe they'll be conditioned right from the outset to sleep with whom they're supposed to sleep.

I can't be sure that this would work, of course.
I'm just brainstorming here.

Owl, you're a nurse. What do you think?

This study isn’t real

Don’t base ANY ideas on shit that is fucking lies
Not the answer I was looking for because irreversible surgeries are not being done on children.

The answer I was looking for is what to do with genuine transgender children.

This study isn’t real

The named university has no record of this crap

I’ve looked and looked
I research any claims these idiots make that they claim is fact

They often just flat out lie in right wing media like the daily mail

It’s a trash heap of lies

As the election nears they will flood the internets with lies like this dressed up to look like serious articles


NEVER give the name of the study

They only quite one right wing asshole who works at a far right disinformation spout.
As the election nears they will flood the internets with lies like this dressed up to look like serious articles


NEVER give the name of the study

They only quite one right wing asshole who works at a far right disinformation spout.

The way I found what I think is the study is using the one quote from the study I plugged that into Google Scholar. But generally it would be best if the news outlet carrying the story actually gave the link itself if they failed to do so.