Most liberal states = least free states

Does Topspin think frail, 92 year old women who live alone should defend themselves by becoming martial artists?

My wife has a gun. The comment was meant to skinny faggy men like southern tool, threedee and sty. Real men don't need guns as they don't walk the earth shaking in fear.
bullshit. you said only skinny rednecks needed guns and martial arts experts didn't. I attached a little gif image, you went all ballistic saying you'd stomp me before I drew, then i said I'd hate to kill you. What I probably should have added in that post is the cute little paraphrase of ( in my best Indigo Montoya voice), but I figured you'd understand what movie I was talking about, what with your college degree and all, so don't sit there and try to blame me for starting shit. YOU started this.

OMG are you two both 5 years old???

"You stated it...NO you started it!"

Which one of you is gonna run and tell your mommy first??
My wife has a gun. The comment was meant to skinny faggy men like southern tool, threedee and sty. Real men don't need guns as they don't walk the earth shaking in fear.
Real men take their responsibility to protect themselves and their families seriously. If a 200# drug-crazed guy breaks into my house I'll drop the remote, pick up my .40 caliber and put a hole in him- end of story. Next commercial I'll call 911.
Oh I'd have a gun to if I lived in shit hoods like you guys.
I'm in an upper upper middle class place. LOL
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Of course you leave out WHY I attacked the source of your material....typical neocon bullshit.

Once again, in typical gun nut fashion, you ignore the FACT that America finally figured out that having clowns like you run around strapped wasn't good for the status quo. Town tamers, sheriffs, US marshalls, town gun ordinances, city ordinances regarding who can purchase weapon purchase, who can carry, when and where, all evolved in order to cut down the number of killings done by guns and to give the law enforcement the edge (in a situation a cop can't tell instantly who is the good guy with a gun if everyone is strapped....unlike the fantasy of western movies or the scenarios spun by NRA numbskulls.). Like I said before, the idiotic premise that state gun laws is a gradient for personal freedom is absurd. But hey, if you feel so strongly that you can't live without being strapped, then you can move to a state and a particular region there within that will allow such. Meanwhile, I'll just go to the local bar and argue politics....and look forward to voting as I choose in the next election, or watch with pleasure kids walking home from a school of their parents choosing. Carry on.

Oh I did indeed present a valid reason why your source is so full of it to even present such an absurd just don't like it because you cannot logically refute what I've in typical neocon/NRA dupe fashion, you want to alter the conversation to a question that you feel will justify your stance. Once again for the cheap seats.....ANY law abiding citizen who is a home owner/state resident can obtain a gun, providing they meet the requirements deemed by their State. If you want a CCWP, you meet that states requirements (if that State has the option). Now if you don't like what's going on in your state, write your congressman to change the they did in Washington, DC. Until then, spare us all this regurgitation of NRA BS.

Oh, that's right....I forgot neocon parrots can only understand yes/no responses....comprehensive reading is somewhat taxing for you. Oh well, keep laughing, much more to pity you.
My question, genius, (for the third time) is: why do you want to take the right of self defense away from innocent people? It can't be answered by yes or no.

Some advice: learn how to use the quote button. :pke:
Oh I'd have a gun to if I lived in shit hoods like you guys.
I'm in an upper upper middle class place. LOL
Are we going to do this comparison again? You lost last time.

A relevant side note: the Sheriff just caught three guys, ages 16, 17, and 18, in the woods behind my neighborhood with $12,000 worth of stuff stolen from some homes down river. The 16 year old was wanted on a parole violation.
seriouly like zero crime in my area, I don't sit around in fear someone might break in.
Though like I said the wife has a gun and she would shoot the perp.
seriouly like zero crime in my area, I don't sit around in fear someone might break in.
Though like I said the wife has a gun and she would shoot the perp.
That is, as long as the perp's not stomping your ass, since you're such a tough guy and would be doing some Tai Chi moves on him.
seriouly like zero crime in my area, I don't sit around in fear someone might break in.
Though like I said the wife has a gun and she would shoot the perp.

Gee, one would think that a badass martial artist like yourself would have taught his wife all the kick ass karate skills she needed to know to fight like a man and stomp anybody that dared threaten her.
That is what I would like to know, I see the reverse happening with the Wedgies, they are trying to force their way of life down our throats, and I say, no thanks. I am with Jefferson and the guys, personally.
Gee, one would think that a badass martial artist like yourself would have taught his wife all the kick ass karate skills she needed to know to fight like a man and stomp anybody that dared threaten her.

It's dumbass white trash like you and souther tool that are killing the repub party. Education is worth it, we used to have a lot of college educated business people and moderate family types. Now you skinhead gun and bible lovers have driven them away.
It's dumbass white trash like you and souther tool that are killing the repub party. Education is worth it, we used to have a lot of college educated business people and moderate family types. Now you skinhead gun and bible lovers have driven them away.

Yea and I'm one of them they drove away. It's a fact they have a hard time swallowing Topper. They aint gonna get it until there are more Libertarians in congress than Republicans. Guys like you and I used to be the heart and sole of the Republican party. We got lazy and took things for granted and got co-opted by the wingnuts, so we are in part to blame for the demise of the Republican party too.
Are we going to go down this road again? I shall remind you that you failed to prove that I was either "dumb" or "white trash".

No you're not SM. You're well educated and certainly not white trash. On the other hand your contrary as hell, ornery, stubborn to a fault, reactionary and sometimes just plain mean. In other words, pretty much a typical southern boy! :clink:
I'm saying, mr. blue text, that all your progressive efforts have not led to a safer America, but merely to more control over the people's actions. Its pure fantasy and pure fascism.

"Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary security deserve neither." -Benjamin Franklin

*Sigh* Do some honest homework and compare crime stats in major cities from the "Roaring Twenties" to present day. No one is saying that life is perfect, but given the alternative with regards to gun regulations it's sure as hell is better. What people don't get is that if you don't do proper examinations of ALL the facts, it's quite easy to take things out of context and attach them to extreme viewpoints. Case in point: people NEVER stop and think why it's so easy for guns (an liquor stores)to get into gang ridden areas of California, yet all other services are stymied or non-existent....yet containment seems to outweigh solutions. Also, people never stop and think what would happen if a cop arrives at an on-going situation of an interrupted home invasion, and he can't distinguish which armed person is the perp or home owner.

Like I said America if you are a law abiding citizen who is a state resident/home owner you can get a gun as long as you meet that particular states requirements.....this also goes for CCWP. That doesn't exist in a "fascist" state. Period.