Most liberal states = least free states

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The moronic presumption is that state gun laws are a gradient towards personal freedom totally ignores the FACT that America has already gone through a period where you had a vast majority of people either carrying and/or owning guns with little to no was called the Wild West and the early 1900's. Been there, done that....didn't work out too well.....laws were made to correct problems. Deal with it.

you do realize that there are more gun murders now than there were in the so called 'wild west' and that there are more laws designed to prevent people from doing so. not really working out now, is it. I say we go back to the wild west then, it was alot safer and freer. You're just ignorant.

*Sigh* You do realize that urbanization has EXPONENTIALLY increased the population since the Wild West, don't you? Nothing is perfect, but to further relax gun laws across the country is NOT a smart move, given the current status of crime. Also, you also realize that I gave that example ALONG with the early 1900's in order to demonstrate transition, and that STILL you had people pushing for and changing laws to regulate guns, don't you? If not, then maybe you should learn to read carefully and comprehensively, and couple that with using the cognitive reasoning skills that God gave you before your fingers hit the keys. Couldn't hurt.;)
My question, genius, (for the third time) is: why do you want to take the right of self defense away from innocent people? It can't be answered by yes or no.

Some advice: learn how to use the quote button. :pke:

I already answered you. Evidently, you're incapable of comprehending the answer. I suggest you find someone to explain it to you, as I'm tired of doing homework for willfully ignorant neocons. Here it is again:

Oh I did indeed present a valid reason why your source is so full of it to even present such an absurd just don't like it because you cannot logically refute what I've in typical neocon/NRA dupe fashion, you want to alter the conversation to a question that you feel will justify your stance. Once again for the cheap seats.....ANY law abiding citizen who is a home owner/state resident can obtain a gun, providing they meet the requirements deemed by their State. If you want a CCWP, you meet that states requirements (if that State has the option). Now if you don't like what's going on in your state, write your congressman to change the they did in Washington, DC. Until then, spare us all this regurgitation of NRA BS.
basically both Liberal and Conservative states tread on our freedoms

Liberal States:

Terrified of guns. Want to do everything they can to remove them from the general population.

Hate smokers, hate businesses that want to allow smoking in their bars etc. Moving toward making smoking in your residence illegal. Some lefty towns even make driving and smoking illegal.

Basically, not real fans of business. taxes at much higher rates, etc.

Conservative states:

Want to regulate procreation (abortion and contraception)

At first made same sex sex illegal, then when that was struck down went to make same sex marriage illegal, limit homosexual adoption, basically overall fear and dislike of queers.

Conservative states don't just hate marijuana, which is bad mmmmkay, but go to lots of these conservative bible belt states and you get dry counties so that full grown adults can't even buy booze.

Conservative states also work hard at censorship, they want to keep books out of libraries, ban certain songs (Oh me so horny)

Both conservatives and liberals are big on curtailing freedoms. A truly free state would allow people to smoke in bars and your homes, keep guns for protection and hunting, consult with a doctor about procreational issues, smoke a little bud and chase it with some Irish Whiskey, marry any consenting adult you feel like, read books and listen to music and basically carry on your life in quiet enjoyment. Till that happens, a pox on both your houses.
in America if you are a law abiding citizen who is a state resident/home owner you can get a gun as long as you meet that particular states requirements.....this also goes for CCWP. That doesn't exist in a "fascist" state. Period.
where does the constitution state that rights require people to meet certain standards before they can exercise certain rights?
Like I said America if you are a law abiding citizen who is a state resident/home owner you can get a gun as long as you meet that particular states requirements.....this also goes for CCWP. That doesn't exist in a "fascist" state. Period.
Would you be as flip about something like this if states had particular requirements before you could exercise your first amendment rights?
where does the constitution state that rights require people to meet certain standards before they can exercise certain rights?

Where does it state that it doesn't? Do your research,....the Constitution and its' subsequent Bill of Right, Amendments...try to spell out what powers States have regardless of Federal law. And the 2nd Amendment refers to arms in order to maintain a militia. Period.

Try as you might, you gun nuts are NOT going to have everyone running around strapped 24/7....check your American history...been there, done that....didn't work out in the long run. If you're so paranoid about gov't coming to get you, then don't try to utilize it to get your way....just leave the country. No one is stopping you.
basically both Liberal and Conservative states tread on our freedoms

Liberal States:

Terrified of guns. Want to do everything they can to remove them from the general population.

Hate smokers, hate businesses that want to allow smoking in their bars etc. Moving toward making smoking in your residence illegal. Some lefty towns even make driving and smoking illegal.

Basically, not real fans of business. taxes at much higher rates, etc.

Conservative states:

Want to regulate procreation (abortion and contraception)

At first made same sex sex illegal, then when that was struck down went to make same sex marriage illegal, limit homosexual adoption, basically overall fear and dislike of queers.

Conservative states don't just hate marijuana, which is bad mmmmkay, but go to lots of these conservative bible belt states and you get dry counties so that full grown adults can't even buy booze.

Conservative states also work hard at censorship, they want to keep books out of libraries, ban certain songs (Oh me so horny)

Both conservatives and liberals are big on curtailing freedoms. A truly free state would allow people to smoke in bars and your homes, keep guns for protection and hunting, consult with a doctor about procreational issues, smoke a little bud and chase it with some Irish Whiskey, marry any consenting adult you feel like, read books and listen to music and basically carry on your life in quiet enjoyment. Till that happens, a pox on both your houses.


Libertarians are pretentious fucks.
Where does it state that it doesn't? Do your research,....the Constitution and its' subsequent Bill of Right, Amendments...try to spell out what powers States have regardless of Federal law. And the 2nd Amendment refers to arms in order to maintain a militia. Period.

Try as you might, you gun nuts are NOT going to have everyone running around strapped 24/7....check your American history...been there, done that....didn't work out in the long run. If you're so paranoid about gov't coming to get you, then don't try to utilize it to get your way....just leave the country. No one is stopping you.

ok, I can see that you're totally ignorant of what the constitution actually is and what it isn't. The constitution is a LIMIT on government power, in that it prescribes certain enumerated powers to the federal government. That is all it does. The 9th and 10th Amendments spell out very clearly that anything NOT given to the federal government, is left to the states or the people directly. That would then leave anything NOT enumerated in the constitution to be determined by the individual states and their OWN constitutions.

The 2nd Amendment is NOT about 'maintaining' a militia, it is about individuals retaining all arms and implements of the soldier to ensure the security of freedom.

As to 'history', clearly you are one of those revisionist types who prefers hollywoods version of early america as compared to how it actually was. I can't help you with that until you're actually ready to learn the truth.

regardless, I will not be 'leaving the country', as many other 'gun nuts' will be staying as well, because this is OUR country and it will not be revamped in to modern england, much to your dismay.
Most liberal states = least free states

According to the Mercatus Center; Wendy Lee Gramm chairman, wife of former Senator Phil Gramm. You know; "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession." Gramm. Wendy was on Enron's board of directors before its collapse. Enron had been a financial backer of the Mercatus Center.

Most liberal states = least free states

According to the Mercatus Center, founded as the Center for Market Processes by Rich Fink, executive vice president of Koch of the worst polluters on OUR planet...

Camus said: "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners."

Looks like "Smarter than you" is referring to anyone under 4 year old...
ok, I can see that you're totally ignorant of what the constitution actually is and what it isn't. The constitution is a LIMIT on government power, in that it prescribes certain enumerated powers to the federal government. That is all it does. The 9th and 10th Amendments spell out very clearly that anything NOT given to the federal government, is left to the states or the people directly. That would then leave anything NOT enumerated in the constitution to be determined by the individual states and their OWN constitutions.

The 2nd Amendment is NOT about 'maintaining' a militia, it is about individuals retaining all arms and implements of the soldier to ensure the security of freedom.

As to 'history', clearly you are one of those revisionist types who prefers hollywoods version of early america as compared to how it actually was. I can't help you with that until you're actually ready to learn the truth.

regardless, I will not be 'leaving the country', as many other 'gun nuts' will be staying as well, because this is OUR country and it will not be revamped in to modern england, much to your dismay.

You're wasting your time; because Senor KNOWS he's smarter then everyone else and he shows it, by dissecting every line they write.

You'll have better luck, by :wall:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Where does it state that it doesn't? Do your research,....the Constitution and its' subsequent Bill of Right, Amendments...try to spell out what powers States have regardless of Federal law. And the 2nd Amendment refers to arms in order to maintain a militia. Period.

Try as you might, you gun nuts are NOT going to have everyone running around strapped 24/7....check your American history...been there, done that....didn't work out in the long run. If you're so paranoid about gov't coming to get you, then don't try to utilize it to get your way....just leave the country. No one is stopping you.

ok, I can see that you're totally ignorant of what the constitution actually is and what it isn't. The constitution is a LIMIT on government power, in that it prescribes certain enumerated powers to the federal government. That is all it does. The 9th and 10th Amendments spell out very clearly that anything NOT given to the federal government, is left to the states or the people directly. That would then leave anything NOT enumerated in the constitution to be determined by the individual states and their OWN constitutions. You state the painfully obvious, of which NOTHING I previously stated contradicts....and you STILL have not made the case that the State does not have the right to pass laws regarding gun control/regulation. Not too bright for someone accusing others of ignorance.
The 2nd Amendment is NOT about 'maintaining' a militia, it is about individuals retaining all arms and implements of the soldier to ensure the security of freedom. Which is the "militia". That's why it's mention. So if you're part of the militia, you have the right to keep and bear arms. There are folks all over the country that do exactly this....they belong to local state "militia" groups, which enhances their right to carry/own weapons within state law.

As to 'history', clearly you are one of those revisionist types who prefers hollywoods version of early america as compared to how it actually was. I can't help you with that until you're actually ready to learn the truth. Spare me the condescending bullshit...if you can't logically prove me wrong, then just have the guts to say so, and quit blowing smoke.
regardless, I will not be 'leaving the country', as many other 'gun nuts' will be staying as well, because this is OUR country and it will not be revamped in to modern england, much to your dismay.
Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days.
You're wasting your time; because Senor KNOWS he's smarter then everyone else and he shows it, by dissecting every line they write.

You'll have better luck, by :wall:

yeah, I forgot point for point discussion based on facts & logic is too much for your fevered little mind to handle. I guess all those high school and college folk got it wrong. You better hop to and set them straight! :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Where does it state that it doesn't? Do your research,....the Constitution and its' subsequent Bill of Right, Amendments...try to spell out what powers States have regardless of Federal law. And the 2nd Amendment refers to arms in order to maintain a militia. Period.

Try as you might, you gun nuts are NOT going to have everyone running around strapped 24/7....check your American history...been there, done that....didn't work out in the long run. If you're so paranoid about gov't coming to get you, then don't try to utilize it to get your way....just leave the country. No one is stopping you.

Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days.

Can you please show where anyone said that they wanted "...everyone running around strapped 24/7..."??
Which is the "militia". That's why it's mention. So if you're part of the militia, you have the right to keep and bear arms. There are folks all over the country that do exactly this....they belong to local state "militia" groups, which enhances their right to carry/own weapons within state law.

The 'militia' is every able bodied citizen and NOT some state government funded and maintained organization. It never was and it never will be. read the federalist papers and stop leaning on 19th century judicial activist opinions.
No you're not SM. You're well educated and certainly not white trash. On the other hand your contrary as hell, ornery, stubborn to a fault, reactionary and sometimes just plain mean. In other words, pretty much a typical southern boy! :clink:
Just like Momma raised me! :clink:
Would you be as flip about something like this if states had particular requirements before you could exercise your first amendment rights?

Well since they don't (and haven't since the inception of the Constitution and subsequent Bill of Rights), why would I engage someone in some silly "what if" discussion?