Museum of Atheism

You apparently do not understand humanism or the Renaissance.

I like this guy:
"Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based on the teachings of Epicurus, founded around 307 B.C. It teaches that the greatest good is to seek modest pleasures in order to attain a state of tranquillity, freedom from fear ("ataraxia") and absence from bodily pain ("aponia"). This combination of states is held to constitute happiness in its highest form, and so Epicureanism can be considered a form of Hedonism, although it differs in its conception of happiness as the absence of pain, and in its advocacy of a simple life."
You are putting words.

It takes a very simple mind to distill historical events down to an utterly simplistic either-or proposition.

It is entirely reasonable to hold Joseph Stalin in contempt, without wanting to go backwards to autocratic tsarist Russia.

If you ask me, what Russians really wanted was a moderate form of democratic socialism, because that is what they voted for in the constituent assembly, before the Bolsheviks disbanded it and disregarded election results.

If you ask me, that's what your commie ass wants too.

What you don't realize is the same thing happens every time it's tried.

It leads to brutal dictatorship.
I like this guy:
"Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based on the teachings of Epicurus, founded around 307 B.C. It teaches that the greatest good is to seek modest pleasures in order to attain a state of tranquillity, freedom from fear ("ataraxia") and absence from bodily pain ("aponia"). This combination of states is held to constitute happiness in its highest form, and so Epicureanism can be considered a form of Hedonism, although it differs in its conception of happiness as the absence of pain, and in its advocacy of a simple life."

Not bad, but I give my vote to stoicism by a hair.
If you ask me, that's what your commie ass wants too.

What you don't realize is the same thing happens every time it's tried.

It leads to brutal dictatorship.

100 percent wrong.

Just repeating the talking points you heard from rightwing media personalities doesn't cut the mustard.

France and Spain have both elected socialist governments.

For that matter, since you Deplorables consider Barack Obama and Joe Biden communists, then by that standard most of western Europe is socialist particularly Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland.
"If you have a moral code, at it's heart it came from the western religious tradition. Specifically, the New Testament, Judaism, and possibly in an indirect way Islam."

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

At your core, you actually believe this.

You never even heard of Epicurus until you were middle aged

So whatever moral code you were imbued with and grew up with, you did not invent it yourself; you did not get it from the Roman Republic of 200 BC; you did not get it from Daoism, Buddhism, or Hinduism; and you did not get it from atheism, science, or technology.
You never even heard of Epicurus until you were middle aged

So whatever moral code you were imbued with and grew up with, you did not invent it yourself; you did not get it from the Roman Republic of 200 BC; you did not get it from Daoism, Buddhism, or Hinduism; and you did not get it from atheism, science, or technology.

Interesting how 10,000 years of human history, you can whittle down the moral code of Humans to the New Testament.
I support Human Pleasure.

Epicureanism is at it's core, about pain avoidance. I think that breeds weakness in the long run.

Stoicism at least was about facing life head on, keeping a stiff upper lip in the face of adversity, and gaining lessons and strength from the experience.

The fact is neither you nor I heard of Epicurus or Stoicism until we were well into our mature adulthood.

Whatever anyone thinks of Jesus and Christianity, even the most militant of atheists admits the moral philosophy espoused in the New Testament, at least broadly is very admirable.

That is why you, me, almost everyone on this board were imbued with New Testament moral tenets as we grew up and matured. Even if only indirectly and obliquely.

Simply because we grew up in a Western ethical and cultural mileu which has been stewing and percolating for two millennia in a Judeo-Christian tradition.
Epicureanism is at it's core, about pain avoidance. I think that breeds weakness in the long run.

Stoicism at least was about facing life head on, keeping a stiff upper lip in the face of adversity, and gaining lessons and strength from the experience.

The fact is neither you nor I heard of Epicurus or Stoicism until we were well into our mature adulthood.

Whatever anyone thinks of Jesus and Christianity, even the most militant of atheists admits the moral philosophy espoused in the New Testament, at least broadly is very admirable.

That is why you, me, almost everyone on this board were imbued with New Testament moral tenets as we grew up and matured. Even if only indirectly and obliquely.

Simply because we grew up in a Western ethical and cultural mileu which has been stewing and percolating for two millennia in a Judeo-Christian tradition.

It saddens me you were born without a brain.
Most of us know it is wrong to kill another human being. You, seem to attribute this to 'being taught'.

"The Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian legal text composed c. 1755–1750 BC. It is the longest, best-organised, and best-preserved legal text from the ancient Near East. It is written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon."

Did you know the phrase 'Eye for an Eye' came from this Legal Code?
It saddens me you were born without a brain.
Most of us know it is wrong to kill another human being. You, seem to attribute this to 'being taught'.

"The Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian legal text composed c. 1755–1750 BC. It is the longest, best-organised, and best-preserved legal text from the ancient Near East. It is written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon."

Did you know the phrase 'Eye for an Eye' came from this Legal Code?
Think man, think!

I'm not talking about petty crime and criminal ordinances.
Rape, stealing, and muder are frowned upon by all societies.

I'm talking about the moral code you grew up with, either due to parents, or by osmosis in the 2,000 year old cultural and ethical mileu of western Civilian civilization.

Whether you practice it or not, deep down inside you admire virtues like humility, charity, forgiveness, modesty, universal love.

That is exactly why you have the grudging admiration for the moral principles of a Franciscan monk, in a way you do not for the moral principles of Donald Trump.

It is because the moral philosophy of the New Testament is hard to argue with on balance, no matter what you think of Christianity.

And where did you get that latent, metaphysical moral awareness?

You did not invent it yourself.
You did not get it from ancient Sparta.
You did not get it from Epicurus.
You did not get it from Buddha.
You did not get it from Newton, Darwin, or Einstein.
You did not get it from any scientific laws or mathematical theorems.
You did not get it from atheism.

You got it from growing up in a Western civilization with an ethical mileu which has spent two thousand years germinating in New Testament tradition.
Think man, think!

I'm not talking about petty crime and criminal ordinances.
Rape, stealing, and muder are frowned upon by all societies.

I'm talking about the moral code you grew up with, either due to parents, or by osmosis in the 2,000 year old cultural and ethical mileu of western Civilian civilization.

Whether you practice it or not, deep down inside you admire virtues like humility, charity, forgiveness, modesty, universal love.

That is exactly why you have the grudging admiration for the moral principles of a Franciscan monk, in a way you do not for the moral principles of Donald Trump.

It is because the moral philosophy of the New Testament is hard to argue with on balance, no matter what you think of Christianity.

And where did you get that latent, metaphysical moral awareness?

You did not invent it yourself.
You did not get it from ancient Sparta.
You did not get it from Epicurus.
You did not get it from Buddha.
You did not get it from Newton, Darwin, or Einstein.
You did not get it from any scientific laws or mathematical theorems.
You did not get it from atheism.

You got it from growing up in a Western civilization with an ethical mileu which has spent two thousand years germinating in New Testament tradition.

hahahahahahahahahahaha ... 'Christianity' ... is a Slave Religion.

Reality Check: When AlQaeda knocked down 2 Buildings in NYC, ... NOBODY TURNED THE OTHER CHEEK ... NOBODY FORGAVE THEIR TRESPASSERS.

Cypress, you live in a Fantasy World.
hahahahahahahahahahaha ... 'Christianity' ... is a Slave Religion.

Reality Check: When AlQaeda knocked down 2 Buildings in NYC, ... NOBODY TURNED THE OTHER CHEEK ... NOBODY FORGAVE THEIR TRESPASSERS.

Cypress, you live in a Fantasy World.

Cypress is an expert on everything. He watches videos so he knows more than everyone.
It is hard to read Genesis or the Bagavad Gita and leap to the conclusion they represent literal historical accounts.

These days, very few world religious people consider them to be historical research papers.

World religions, first and foremost, present a metaphysical moral vision for how to live one's life.

That is something you cannot get from a mass spectrometer.

Or a particle accelerator.

Or an electron microscope.

Even you - a die hard, religion-hating atheist - have been directly influenced by religious doctrine.

Whatever moral code you follow, you did not invent it by yourself.

You did not get it from atheism, because atheism is not a moral philosophy. It is an expression of disbelief in theism, period end of story.

You did not get it from science and technology, because those are not moral philosophies.

Your moral code comes from one or more of the world religious traditions. Because even people who are not religious, acquire if only through osmosis, the cultural and ethical mileu of the traditions their society is historically steeped in.

Few world religious leaders have credibility!
Remember it was the highest ranks religious leaders who turned Jesus over to Pilate for execution.
Marriage is a Biblical institution, Homosexuality goes against Biblical teaching! Was the church the only organization objecting to Mixed marriages, and were republicans the only ones against it the Klan sure was against it and that is a liberal institution ? It was wrong they Church makes mistakes!

Jesus never said one word for or against homosexuality.