Museum of Atheism

So you admit, sometimes religion is an obstacle to freedom.

The Russian Orthodox church conspired with the tsar and Russian nobility to keep 80 million Russians in a state of abject serfdom for centuries.

So while I think the Soviet atheist museums were distasteful and an affront to civilized pluralism, at another level I can understand some of the hostility to the traditional Orthodox church

Never confuse organized religion with what God is up to!
Quite the opposite.
I can respect that.

Having had christian, Muslim, Jewish, and atheist friends throughout my life, there has never been a problem I have observed of anyone telling anyone else what to believe.

In my opinion, we do not learn any moral lessons from history, without confronting some of it's darkest chapters.

Whether that includes the Spanish inquisition.

Or the anti-religious excesses of Soviet state atheism.

I do not think free thinking and contemplative persons get defensive about any of it (not saying you did)

It's important to learn from both the mistakes and successes of the past in order to learn how best to do things in the present.

George Santayana talked about that in his teachings. He also said “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” The good news is that those wars are becoming less deadly compared to the ones of the past.
Gave many. But I will repeat.

Over my life many strangers have approached me to tell me I must be a Christian and accept Jesus.

As a child I was forced to declared my acceptance of Jesus.

That's the problem I see a lot.
I got lucky,never went near a church growing up,had zero religious experience or training.
When I had an Epiphany at 26.
"If you have a moral code, at it's heart it came from the western religious tradition. Specifically, the New Testament, Judaism, and possibly in an indirect way Islam."

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

At your core, you actually believe this.

I think most of us were born knowing right from wrong.