Museum of Atheism

Cypress is an expert on everything. He watches videos so he knows more than everyone.

Cypress was brainwashed as a child. His family is Eastern Orthodox Christians. His heritage means a lot to him. He's a lot like Guno. So deep in the trees, he can't see the forest.
Cypress was brainwashed as a child. His family is Eastern Orthodox Christians. His heritage means a lot to him. He's a lot like Guno. So deep in the trees, he can't see the forest.

Cypress has never claimed to know or not know ,but is a searcher for truth.
Cypress has never claimed to know or not know ,but is a searcher for truth.

Cypress continues his quest to put 'Christianity' at the core of all moral and ethical positions.
Like, somebody punches you in the face ... 'turn the other cheek'.
Somebody steals your money ... 'forgive your trespassers'.
The State demands you give them money ... 'give Caesar what is Caesars'.

Thank God, Cypress wasn't around for the American Revolution.
I agree. No one needs to be taught cheating, lying, stealing is wrong. Most of us have figured out the Golden Rule.

Utter horseshit.

History's greatest minds have struggled with the question of how to cultivate ethics, morality, and virtue in attempting to give meaning to life.

These include Plato, Sidartha Guatauma, Augustine, Confucius, Zhu Xi, Aristotle, Zarathustra.

The anonymous message board poster Jack did not outperform these gentlemen, by magically being gifted a coherent and comprehensive moral code all on his own.

World religions were humanity's institutions for refining, clarifying, and systemizing an organized, coherent, consistent ethical vision.

A moral awareness and coherent ethical vision did not blossom independently within you, and it was not imbued in you from interactions with science, technology, or atheism.

I take no backseats to the criticism of religion, and I have the posts to prove it.
But I also have an abiding respect for historical truth and intellectual integrity. Any reputable scholar of history is going to tell you that the cultural and ethical influence of Christianity on western civilization has been vast. Particularly the moral tenets of the New Testament.

It has been so pervasive for so many thousands of years, you have been obliquely influenced by it, if only by osmosis, that you barely even realize you have been influenced by it.

Now if you were born in East Asia, your internal moral awareness would almost certainly be directly or indirectly influenced by Buddhism, Jainism, or Neo-confucianism; aka other religious traditions.

But you weren't born there. You were born in the west, and whatever internal moral awareness you have - regardless of whether you act on it - has been obliquely influenced by the pervasive influence of New Testament ethical tenets which have been percolating for two thousand years in western civilization.
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Wouldn't a 'museum of atheism' simply be a small building that's totally empty?

The Soviet atheist museums were little more than state-sponsored propoganda.

Caricatures at best.

A museum of atheism could be an interesting project, if you approached it with intellectual integrity.

The Charvaka school of thought from India, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Nietzsche would all be worth consideration for that type of Museum.
Utter horseshit.

History's greatest minds have struggled with the question of how to cultivate ethics, morality, and virtue in attempting to give meaning to life.

These include Plato, Sidartha Guatauma, Augustine, Confucius, Zhu Xi, Aristotle, Zarathustra.

The anonymous message board poster Jack did not outperform these gentlemen, by magically being gifted a coherent and comprehensive moral code all on his own.

World religions were humanity's institutions for refining, clarifying, and systemizing an organized, coherent, consistent ethical vision.

A moral awareness and coherent ethical vision did not blossom independently within you, and it was not imbued in you from interactions with science, technology, or atheism.

I take no backseats to the criticism of religion, and I have the posts to prove it.
But I also have an abiding respect for historical truth and intellectual integrity. Any reputable scholar of history is going to tell you that the cultural and ethical influence of Christianity on western civilization has been vast. Particularly the moral tenets of the New Testament.

It has been so pervasive for so many thousands of years, you have been obliquely influenced by it, if only by osmosis, that you barely even realize you have been influenced by it.

Now if you were born in East Asia, your internal moral awareness would almost certainly be directly or indirectly influenced by Buddhism, Jainism, or Neo-confucianism; aka other religious traditions.

But you weren't born there. You were born in the west, and whatever internal moral awareness you have - regardless of whether you act on it - has been obliquely influenced by the pervasive influence of New Testament ethical tenets which have been percolating for two thousand years in western civilization.

Cy: "The anonymous message board poster Jack did not outperform these gentlemen, by magically being gifted a coherent and comprehensive moral code all on his own."
Jack: Jack thought about 'Life'. And made a personal decision that Epicurus had the correct position. And that Jesus had the WRONG position.

Cy: "World religions were humanity's institutions for refining, clarifying, and systemizing an organized, coherent, consistent ethical vision."
Jack; 'Religions' involved the occult. Each had a Magic Storyline that would be used to 'authenticate' whatever 'philosophy' they were pushing. Morality/Ethics should stand on it's own merits without the use of 'Gods' as a reinforcement tool.

Cy: "A moral awareness and coherent ethical vision did not blossom independently within you, and it was not imbued in you from interactions with science, technology, or atheism. "
Jack; Yes. Actually it did.

Cy: "Particularly the moral tenets of the New Testament."
Jack: Yes. The War Lords (Kings of Europe) found this Slave Religion would subdue the masses into submissive creatures, ripe for exploitation. For a thousand years this Belief System was successfully used to lull the populace into obedience.

I have no problem with YOU thinking the BIG PAYOFF is going to be in the next Life.