Museum of Atheism

Einstein was a pantheist, which is also how I interpret Sakharov.

It seems like a reasonable posture to mri

In some ways what everyone believes is true

It’s true human thought for sure

Thinking it makes it true in some ways

You think it therefore you called it into being in a way

For me

Seeking the true structure is my god

It’s a beautiful god
Agreed on your second point.

Agreed partially on the first; It's important for parents to bond with their children so innate "altruism" kicks in.

It's usually an illogical response to risk one's life for another. A mother's bond with her progeny will cause them to fight rather than logically flee from danger.

People don't normally risk their lives for others. Most will take calculated risks for others. We can point out the guy who runs into a burning house to save a child not his own, but the reality is that there are 50-100 others just watching it burn. They are the average, he would be the above average in that scenario.

Marines don't throw themselves on grenades because they are ordered to do so; they react in such a manner to protect people with whom they have bonded.

While most of us do have some altruism and can logically discuss it, it doesn't kick in equally for all circumstances.
There is some rudimentary biological sense of altruism, probably honed by the process of evolution.

But an awareness of a sophisticated moral clarity did not jump out of nowhere into the human consciousness.

That is why history records almost with reverence the great moral thinkers of the past.
What you expected has not happened

I love this line

There is an ancient video game called Shadowgate

When you attempted to solve a puzzle that would unlock something new and got it wrong

The line would appear on the screen

What you expected hasn’t happened

Way too cool
I think he meant "knowable" in the context of the capabilities of human cognition, not in the sense of Maxwell's demon
Just as most can't comprehend the size of the planet that doesn't stop us from navigating around it or off of it.

I'm still fuzzy on the who Black Hole - Information Theory - Maxwell's Demon thing...and, to be frank, have in interest in the math end of it. OTOH, philosophically, I agree that our Universe is a closed system; nothing gets in or out...which makes the origin of the Primordial Atom a mystery.

If something does get in, such as miracles*, then that's a problem.

So far, except for the theoretical issues with Black Holes, there have been no violations of natural law proven. Lots of magic tricks and misinterpretations plus a few nutjobs, but no miracles. At least not on our level of perception. What, if anything, we perceive or become upon mortal death remains a mystery too.

*miracle - event or act that defies all natural law. The Miracle on the Hudson wasn't a miracle.
There is some rudimentary biological sense of altruism, probably honed by the process of evolution.

But an awareness of a sophisticated moral clarity did not jump out of nowhere into the human consciousness.

That is why history records almost with reverence the great moral thinkers of the past.

Aristotle's ethics are still taught. He is not "revered," just a philosopher.
There is some rudimentary biological sense of altruism, probably honed by the process of evolution.

But an awareness of a sophisticated moral clarity did not jump out of nowhere into the human consciousness.

That is why history records almost with reverence the great moral thinkers of the past.

Preserve the pack

For the common good

Brain wiring

To me it’s beautiful
Just as most can't comprehend the size of the planet that doesn't stop us from navigating around it or off of it.

I'm still fuzzy on the who Black Hole - Information Theory - Maxwell's Demon thing...and, to be frank, have in interest in the math end of it. OTOH, philosophically, I agree that our Universe is a closed system; nothing gets in or out...which makes the origin of the Primordial Atom a mystery.

If something does get in, such as miracles*, then that's a problem.

So far, except for the theoretical issues with Black Holes, there have been no violations of natural law proven. Lots of magic tricks and misinterpretations plus a few nutjobs, but no miracles. At least not on our level of perception. What, if anything, we perceive or become upon mortal death remains a mystery too.

*miracle - event or act that defies all natural law. The Miracle on the Hudson wasn't a miracle.

I like the way your brain works

Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as "The First Teacher", and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply "The Philosopher", while the poet Dante called him “the master of those who know". His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, and were studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan.
Preserve the pack

For the common good

Brain wiring

To me it’s beautiful

It is easy to see how the survival instinct, protection of offspring, not killing other members of your pack, are instincts honed by thousands of years of evolution.

Justice, mercy, humility, virtue, charity, universal love, the golden rule are products of deep human reflection which have been going on since the traditions of the Axial Age.