My fear about McCain...

Why do conservatives "joke" of war?

What the fuck is that?

Once we were in a Cold War, now we are in the Age of Wahabbism. People joke about war while they are in it. Or did you miss all the pundits who spoke during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War on film reel and so forth...
Which would have made absolutely no difference to them. Remember, they both kept us out of war. They weren't even willing to fight the Barbary Pirates.

Correct .. however, in these times, it only makes good sense to seek a president sound of mind, full of intelligence.

That is not John McCain .. as earlier demonstrated.

C'mon .. President?

Borderline lunatic.
I'm opposed to every republican running .. but he's the front-runner, thus my comment about him.

Are you suggesting I shouldn't say anthing about him .. even though he'll be easy to beat?

All of them wil be easy to beat, including Romney.

I'm just suggesting that you spend a lot of time obsessing over McCain and the Republicans for one so confident.
I'm just suggesting that you spend a lot of time obsessing over McCain and the Republicans for one so confident.

That's the same thing they said I did about Ron Paul .. and guess what? I no more cared about their angst about my beating up on Paul as I do yours.

This is a message board and one gets to post his thoughts here. Me being human, and you not, there are of course going to differences in perspective.

I'm having fun sticking the cyber-boot up Mccain's ass .. and those who support him.

Don't hate my joy. :)
That's the same thing they said I did about Ron Paul .. and guess what? I no more cared about their angst about my beating up on Paul as I do yours.
I'm not getting angsty, I am pointing out your insecurity. You try to assume this air of confidence when both you and I know that the election is not as in the bag as you would like others to believe.

The fact that you seem to think that me calling you out on your bullshit is "angst" is laughable.

This is a message board and one gets to post his thoughts here.
No shit. Your thoughts just seem to be very McCain-centered lately, for one so confident of victory.

Me being human, and you not, there are of course going to differences in perspective.
Ah, the good ol' fashioned "prejudice and hate-filled statements don't count when I use them" attack.

I'm having fun sticking the cyber-boot up Mccain's ass .. and those who support him.

Don't hate my joy. :)
Yes, I'm sure John McCain is losing a lot of sleep tonight because some easily-fooled socialist in Atlanta is bitching about him on the internet, all while maintaining that his bitching is not motivated by a fear of McCain's success but out of boredom.
Which would have made absolutely no difference to them. Remember, they both kept us out of war. They weren't even willing to fight the Barbary Pirates.

Right, that is the difference. Neither of them were warmongers who made light of attacking foregin states.
Right, that is the difference. Neither of them were warmongers who made light of attacking foregin states.

People joke about war. Hell, just for fun, Adams would go around in a uniform wearing a sword while the Congress debated the merits of war with France. Today, a lot of people will jokingly (and some seriously) talk about solving the MidEast crises by nuking it back into the Stone Age.
I'm not getting angsty, I am pointing out your insecurity. You try to assume this air of confidence when both you and I know that the election is not as in the bag as you would like others to believe.

The fact that you seem to think that me calling you out on your bullshit is "angst" is laughable.

No shit. Your thoughts just seem to be very McCain-centered lately, for one so confident of victory.

Ah, the good ol' fashioned "prejudice and hate-filled statements don't count when I use them" attack.

Yes, I'm sure John McCain is losing a lot of sleep tonight because some easily-fooled socialist in Atlanta is bitching about him on the internet, all while maintaining that his bitching is not motivated by a fear of McCain's success but out of boredom.

Man, you're stupid.

If it isn't angst .. why the fuck would you care what I post? It's not like we're friends or that I give a fuck what you think.

If it isn't angst, why post to me at all? I think you're an idiot and you know that.

Yep, yep .. I talk about McCain's lunacy and I'll continue to do so .. is there ANYTHING at all whatsoever that you can do about that?
People joke about war. Hell, just for fun, Adams would go around in a uniform wearing a sword while the Congress debated the merits of war with France. Today, a lot of people will jokingly (and some seriously) talk about solving the MidEast crises by nuking it back into the Stone Age.

The POTUS isn't "people", and to have someone seeking the preidency who jokles about war .. when they're already percieved as a warmonger isn't intelligent.

That's fairly obvious.
Man, you're stupid.

If it isn't angst .. why the fuck would you care what I post? It's not like we're friends or that I give a fuck what you think.

If it isn't angst, why post to me at all? I think you're an idiot and you know that.

Yep, yep .. I talk about McCain's lunacy and I'll continue to do so .. is there ANYTHING at all whatsoever that you can do about that?

Now that you mention it, there's the ignore feature, except not everything you post is something cretinous like "McCain is crazy." Btw, you and Ann Coulter are on the same page there...
The POTUS isn't "people", and to have someone seeking the preidency who jokles about war .. when they're already percieved as a warmonger isn't intelligent.

That's fairly obvious.

Re-read with comprehension. Adams was POTUS, and during a very critical and dangerous time for national security, as we were threatened by France, Britain and Tripoli, and pushed around by Spain. We were in an undeclared naval war (Quasi War) with France from 1797-99...
Man, you're stupid.
Ouch. How will I live with myself? I mean, I must really be stupid if you say so. After all, you think that a communist state is the way to go, and that makes you pretty fucking dumb, so if a Marxist thinks I'm stupid then I must be literally brain-dead.

If it isn't angst .. why the fuck would you care what I post? It's not like we're friends or that I give a fuck what you think.
I could always redirect you to your own quote about how this is a message board and we are allowed to write about how we feel. Or would you prefer to have every thread start with your opinion and then all of our responses to your insanity just operate as verbal fellatio?

If it isn't angst, why post to me at all? I think you're an idiot and you know that.
Again, because this board is for discussion, not a showcase for your ideas. If you want to walk around with a 15-foot pile of bullshit all day, don't be surprised when someone in the room comments on the smell.

Yep, yep .. I talk about McCain's lunacy and I'll continue to do so .. is there ANYTHING at all whatsoever that you can do about that?

Um, yeah. The same thing you can do to me, crazy-man-who-thinks-he-is-the-only-person-on-Earth-with-a-valid-opinion....I can continue to argue with you. You know, the point of this website.
Re-read with comprehension. Adams was POTUS, and during a very critical and dangerous time for national security, as we were threatened by France, Britain and Tripoli, and pushed around by Spain. We were in an undeclared naval war (Quasi War) with France from 1797-99...

If you're argument is that having a man as the president with a volitile tempeer and a love of war at this time is a good idea or even no big deal .. that clearly makes no sense in spite of whatever Washington or Adams may or may not have done.
If you're argument is that having a man as the president with a volitile tempeer and a love of war at this time is a good idea or even no big deal .. that clearly makes no sense in spite of whatever Washington or Adams may or may not have done.

His argument is that there is a historical precedent of great presidents that have had horrible tempers, and now you are having to revise your stupid-as-shit argument in order to not look like a fool.
Now that you mention it, there's the ignore feature, except not everything you post is something cretinous like "McCain is crazy." Btw, you and Ann Coulter are on the same page there...

My post wasn't to you, but if you choose to ignore me, please feel free to do so.

Coulter and I do share something in common .. a dick.

His argument is that there is a historical precedent of great presidents that have had horrible tempers, and now you are having to revise your stupid-as-shit argument in order to not look like a fool.

You may have noticed that I didn't post this to you.

You be idiot.