N.O.W. says Ted Kennedy guilty of "the ultimate betrayal"!!!

I'd also remind you that Ben Smith is the guy that reported that Edwards was dropping out of the race.

He said it would be reasonable to assume Edwards would drop out with his poor showing in the primaries to date. And he pointed out that he didn't know for a fact that Edwards would drop out.

But let me guess: To you, this is another "lie" somehow, right?

He said it would be reasonable to assume Edwards would drop out with his poor showing in the primaries to date. And he pointed out that he didn't know for a fact that Edwards would drop out.

But let me guess: To you, this is another "lie" somehow, right?


Fuck off, douchebag:

March 22, 2007
Read More: John Edwards

CORRECTION: Edwards Campaign Goes On

John Edwards is suspending his campaign for President, and may drop out completely, because his wife has suffered a recurrence of the cancer that sickened her in 2004, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, an Edwards friend told The Politico.

"At a minimum he's going to suspend" the campaign, the source said. "Nobody knows precisely how serious her recurrence is. It’ll be another couple of days before there’s complete clarity."

"For him right now he has one priority which is her health and the security of the two young children," said the friend.

As for the campaign, "You don't shut this machine off completely, but everything will go on hold."

UPDATE: Edwards staffers are pushing back very hard.

"Anything you are getting from someone claiming to know right now is not true - anyone claiming to know something right now is making it up. There is no information from this campaign until John and Elizabeth speak at noon," says spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield.

UPDATE: My source was wrong. "The campaign goes on," Edwards says.

The aptly-named Dungheap explained:
Fuck off, douchebag

...as he agreed with my point that Smith had said from the beginning that he didn't know for a fact Edwards was dropping out, and that Edwards had told the truth (that his source had said Edwards was suspending his campaign). And as soon as he found the source was wrong, he pointed that out, too. Looks like Smith told the truth throughout, as hard and fast as he could.

Which brings up an interesting point:

It's been half a day, in this age of instant reporting and lightning media, since reports came out saying that Marcia Pappas, president of NOW-NY, had issued that press release. It has since gained nationwide coverage.

Where is Pappas' denial of the story? At least one author has said flatly that he confirmed it with her.


Anybody? Anybody?

The aptly-named Dungheap explained:

...as he agreed with my point that Smith had said from the beginning that he didn't know for a fact Edwards was dropping out, and that Edwards had told the truth (that his source had said Edwards was suspending his campaign). And as soon as he found the source was wrong, he pointed that out, too. Looks like Smith told the truth throughout, as hard and fast as he could.

Which brings up an interesting point:

It's been half a day, in this age of instant reporting and lightning media, since reports came out saying that Marcia Pappas, president of NOW-NY, had issued that press release. It has since gained nationwide coverage.

Where is Pappas' denial of the story? At least one author has said flatly that he confirmed it with her.


Anybody? Anybody?


Its not a NOW NY press release is it?

The apparently-misnamed beefy frantically tried to ignore the points that Ben Smith had stated flatly he had confirmed the story with Ms. Pappas, and tried to change the subject with:

Its not a NOW NY press release is it?
...as, hoping against hope that his wishful thinking would come true, he fiddled with his colors, letters, and placement while desperately screaming out:

Unfortunately, the facts listed earlier, didn't go away as beefy played ineffectually with himself... leaving him still wrong.

(Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of "As the Leftists Spin"!)

Damocles, I pretty much expect a few members of this board to carefully not read the parts of my posts that refute what they wish were true.

I don't extend that to you.

Should I start?
The apparently-misnamed beefy frantically tried to ignore the points that Ben Smith had stated flatly he had confirmed the story with Ms. Pappas, and tried to change the subject with:

...as, hoping against hope that his wishful thinking would come true, he fiddled with his colors, letters, and placement while desperately screaming out:

Unfortunately, the facts listed earlier, didn't go away as beefy played ineffectually with himself... leaving him still wrong.

(Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of "As the Leftists Spin"!)


I've still yet to see anything that ties it to NOW.

If it is tied to them, then they're fuckwads and I'll happily give you credit.

But until such time, you're looking like a little prick.

And I'm not a lefty.

PAUL - 08!​
I've still yet to see anything that ties it to NOW.​

Unsurprising, considering the size and depth of blinders you're apparently wearing.

If it is tied to them, then they're fuckwads
It is, and they are. Or Pappas, at least.

But until such time, you're looking like a little prick.
By the way I told people to "fuck off", called them "douchebags", "liars", "fucking sleazebags", called their posts "crap", etc.?

Pretty "prick"-ish behavior, I have to agree. But as far as the source of said "prick"-ishness, you seem to be mistaking me for someone else.

Perhaps if you tried to actually refute anything I said, you'd have better luck?​
Post 61, the first two sentences; and post 63, the first paragraph, in this case.

I say again, fuck off douchebag:

Statement of NOW President Kim Gandy

January 28, 2008

The National Organization for Women has enormous respect and admiration for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- Mass.). For decades Sen. Kennedy has been a friend of NOW, and a leader and fighter for women's civil and reproductive rights, and his record shows that.

Though the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee has proudly endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton for president, we respect Sen. Kennedy's endorsement. We continue to encourage women everywhere to express their opinions and exercise their right to vote.

To all of you who were thinking "It's about time they told Kennedy off for leaving Mary Jo to drown in his car while he headed home for a warm bed", hold your horses. That's not what the N.O.W. gang was talking about. No, they're ooutraged that he endorsed a Presidential candidate who wasn't female.

Yes, I'm serious. THAT'S what has upset the N.O.W. gang. Not the years of philandering and skirt-chasing, public humiliation of his wife, or even the callous killing of a woman in his car while he was driving drunk. Those things are apparently OK with the N.O.W. gang - no big deal, really.

But when he has the gall to endorse Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton... just look at the N.O.W. gang's reaction!


Press release from the National Organization for Women, New York chapter:

“Women have just experienced the ultimate betrayal. Senator Kennedy’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton’s opponent in the Democratic presidential primary campaign has really hit women hard. Women have forgiven Kennedy, stuck up for him, stood by him, hushed the fact that he was late in his support of Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act to name a few. Women have buried their anger that his support for the compromises in No Child Left Behind and the Medicare bogus drug benefit brought us the passage of these flawed bills. We have thanked him for his ardent support of many civil rights bills, BUT women are always waiting in the wings.

“And now the greatest betrayal! We are repaid with his abandonment! He’s picked the new guy over us. He’s joined the list of progressive white men who can’t or won’t handle the prospect of a woman president who is Hillary Clinton (they will of course say they support a woman president, just not “this” one). ‘They’ are Howard Dean and Jim Dean (Yup! That’s Howard’s brother) who run DFA (that’s the group and list from the Dean campaign that we women helped start and grow). They are Alternet, Progressive Democrats of America, democrats.com, Kucinich lovers and all the other groups that take women’s money, say they’ll do feminist and women’s rights issues one of these days, and conveniently forget to mention women and children when they talk about poverty or human needs or America’s future or whatever.

read the rest and comments..


We'd like to ask Mary Jo Kopechne if this is really Ted's worst act of "abandonment". But Mary Jo isn't available.

You can't make this stuff up, folks. :shock:
Nobody has permission to access this "confidential" file.
Nobody has permission to access this "confidential" file.

Yeah, they started putting that up around an hour ago, I think. The link worked erratically before that. I have a hunch they started getting accessed like crazy when word leaked out about what Pappas had said, and finally slammed the door. By now, lots of other sites have reproduced the words.

I can email you a couple screen shots of the Albany Times-Union blog page that had the original notice if you'd like - I still have a screen up of that original posting of theirs.

JPGs all right with you?
Yeah, they started putting that up around an hour ago, I think. The link worked erratically before that. I have a hunch they started getting accessed like crazy when word leaked out about what Pappas had said, and finally slammed the door. By now, lots of other sites have reproduced the words.

I can email you a couple screen shots of the Albany Times-Union blog page that had the original notice if you'd like - I still have a screen up of that original posting of theirs.

JPGs all right with you?
It would be better to post the images. But you can contact me using the contact us link...