NATO’s Scorched Earth in Ukraine | Consortium News

It is all of the West that is weak (dying actually)....China and their friends are fully aware which is why they are going for the jugular now.

China has nothing to their name, how in the fuck are they calling any shots?

China is an economic powerhouse and has become quite active in various diplomatic initiatives recently. When working with Russia, they are a formidable powerhouse.
What I'd like to know is why you didn't respond to everything -after- the comma above. The complete version of what I posted last time: [snip]

because I didn't disagree with the message of the emperor's clothes......I just disagreed with your target.....

Alright. I'll just say that my bottom line is that it's easy to make all sorts of claims. What's generally much harder is to provide evidence that the claims are true.
That's not what I said. You took the first few words in a much longer sentence and completely distorted what I was trying to say.

stop being a fucking idiot.....

Again with the personal insults. Do you -really- think that helps make your point?

you blamed Ukraine for being aggressive.....

I have. Plenty of evidence for that. I even started a thread with an article of the same name that gets into just how Ukraine had been bombarding the Donbass Republics literally days before Russia decided to intervene. It's here if you'd like to take a look:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

"just like Crimea and Georgia"......none of them were aggressive........

I certainly agree that Crimea wasn't aggressive. After the coup of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Crimea held a referendum on whether they'd like to rejoin Russia. They voted heavily in favour of doing so, and Russia accepted their request. Nothing aggressive about it.

As to Georgia, there's plenty of evidence that they were the ones who attacked South Ossetia, triggering a response from Russia. As you know, I made a thread where we can discuss what really happened between Georgia and South Ossetia. For anyone interested in taking a look at that conversation, it's here:

What really happened between Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia in 2008? |
And he needs the U.S. far more . We are China’s #1 trading partner. Russia is #10.

The Russians would like to get along with and trade with America and Europe....they are not the problem.....but if we continue to threaten the existence of Russia they will make other plans....and they will be our enemy long down the road.

China takes the same view.

Buckle Up.
The Russians would like to get along with and trade with America and Europe.
. Of course they would....
they are not the problem
... Putin and his sycophants are, obviously. ..
but if we continue to threaten the existence of Russia they will make other plans..
They already have. They took the road to threaten the West. ..
and they will be our enemy long down the road.
Yes they will. Putin has chosen that path.
China takes the same view.
They did at one time.
Russia’s a basket case. Especially their military. They’re better off with the West. Russia’s a lost cause.

Buckle Up.
Learning mandarin is not a bad idea.
China is now straight up telling the rest of the world that we are thugs, and that this cant be allowed to continue, our abusing of the world.
. Of course they would....... Putin and his sycophants are, obviously. .. They already have. They took the road to threaten the West. .. Yes they will. Putin has chosen that path.
They did at one time.
Russia’s a basket case. Especially their military. They’re better off with the West. Russia’s a lost cause.

Learning mandarin is not a bad idea.

You either dont know what reality looks like or else you are a liar......either way....
So many of the "well educated " actuality the brain warped at the in complete fantasy......they not only have no idea what is going on they are so ignorant that they have no idea that they have no idea of what reality looks like.

Never start lying to yourself Jordan Peterson warns....this is why.....this is where you end up.....and it is a very painful affliction.
They severely overplayed their hand in regard to Ukraine.
Totally stirred up a hornet’s nest, making their former Slavic brothers a vile enemy for at least a generation, an expanded and reunified NATO, a dysfunctional military with a revolving door of generals not to mention generals KIA, and a mini coup where the instigator doesn’t even appear to be punished.
Now stuck in a war of attrition with no end in sight against an enemy that has far more motivation.

Russia tried for 8 years to resolve the civil war in Ukraine, while the west promised them sweet nothings while building up the Ukrainian military. After plenty of evidence strongly suggesting that the U.S. and NATO had no interest in working on a security agreement that would prohibit more ex soviet countries like Ukraine to join NATO, as well as the Ukrainian military once again trying to retake the Donbass Republics by force, Russia decided that trying to resolve the conflict with diplomacy alone wasn't going to protect the Donbass Republics or Russia's national security interests, leading to their military intervention in Ukraine.

As to motivation, all the evidence I've seen strongly suggests that Russia is highly motivated to minimize the security threat that Ukraine poses to Russia, including its new territories in what they now consider to be part of Russia.
As to motivation, all the evidence I've seen strongly suggests that Russia is highly motivated to minimize the security threat that Ukraine poses to Russia, including its new territories in what they now consider to be part of Russia.

All the evidence I’ve seen suggests Russian military leadership is being purged due to insubordination leading to low morale amongst the enlisted and conscripts.
Aligning with the new masters of the universe the Han now was not the plan, this is not what Russia wanted, we the West forced them into it.....but they will make it work.

Buckle the FUCK UP!
But let's talk about Trump and MAGA some more!

Fucking deserve what is coming....I did my best to prevent this.....I did my is you who failed.