New Addition to the Moderation Team...

You thinking so is a bad sign.

This does an ammo to goats argument.

Which argument? That Eagle Eye killed babies in Vietnam? That your "mistress" is a psycho phony pretending to a career she never had? That you are a heavy user of illicit substances? That you're both trolls?

He needs new material for his sermons and JPP is a target-rich environment. :laugh:

What an awesome insight! Do you think that we could vie for special mention in his sermons? "Do not be as the Lesion, spreading discord and butthurt. Instead, be as the wings of the Owl Woman, who sows light across the land with every post." "Suffer not the trolls and the haters, but be as the good women of JPP, standing strong against the evil."

This is a surprisingly good pick Damo. I expected to be horrified when I opened this thread.
I know what happened with Billy and Grind, but just curious, what about Soc? did he say he was leaving the board, or did he just disappear? He was funny sometimes.
2 out of three

That's true, but it would have also been true if he chose a liberal. I think mod choices have to be less about ideology and more about whether someone is fair and shows good judgement. Not too many people here you could choose, really.