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I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Rule 12B (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. Sox Sanders / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

Are you confident enough, to make your bet a perma-ban one or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass, again?? :D

Things don't work that way and online betting isn't wise or respectable. Why are you so obsessed with Mason socks. Pretty much everyone you put up was not his. You're the one that sounds overconfident and just spitballing. I know they aren't Mason, and I doubt they are Yurt, or Legion. Only you, and Havana are up at those hours and groan post in abundance. Yurt never really did even through or feud. Legion doesn't really groan posts either. It's easy enough to put together the facts. Only a few people are even remotely interested in the Top, Mason drama. Most ignore it like the plague. Apparently you like to stir that type of drama up.
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I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Rule 12B (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. Sox Sanders / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019


Why am I still on your list being a Jade Dragon sock?
Hello, Muse, I'm new here as well. I just joined earlier today. Are you conservative or liberal in your political views? I'm conservative and hoping to become friends with other conservatives on this site.

Groan for me, obedient bitch! I command you yo groan! :rofl2;

Good little bitch!
Things don't work that way and online betting isn't wise or respectable. Why are you so obsessed with Mason socks. Pretty much everyone you put up was not his. You're the one that sounds overconfident and just spitballing. I know they aren't Mason, and I doubt they are Yurt, or Legion. Only you, and Havana are up at those hours and groan post in abundance. Yurt never really did even through or feud. Legion doesn't really groan posts either. It's easy enough to put together the facts. Only a few people are even remotely interested in the Top, Mason drama. Most ignore it like the plague. Apparently you like to stir that type of drama up.

But they can work "that way" and all you have to do is agree to the perma-ban bet, unless you know you would lose.

If you're correct, then the MODs can perma-ban me; but if you're wrong, then they can perma-ban you.


Are you confident enough, to make your bet a perma-ban one or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass, again?? :D
Was that on here? I'm not seeing a message from you.

Did you notice some tards think that we are someone called Mason. I think they are gonna be in for a shock from things I post. They have never seen a mofo like me.

We just arrived here a few days ago and I have no clue who mason is!
I reported his/her post to the management. It's NOT the type of post you like to see when you're a newbie to the site.

Try posting something for once, bitch, rather than just groan. Got an opinion? Let’s hear it.

Report away, cocksucker. In the meantime, groan for us, pussy. Groan for us! :rofl2:
We just arrived here a few days ago and I have no clue who mason is!

Well, you're definitely not Mason. This site allows sock accounts and there are a few obsessed over who is who. Being that we never get newbies here anymore this happens. Having a bunch of newbies show up around the same time is extra suspect. Especially the nonsense the one did in repeating they are new over and again as their first posts.
Well, you're definitely not Mason. This site allows sock accounts and there are a few obsessed over who is who. Being that we never get newbies here anymore this happens. Having a bunch of newbies show up around the same time is extra suspect. Especially the nonsense the one did in repeating they are new over and again as their first posts.

Jade, your writing skills improve constantly!