New here - hello.

oh believe me I have seen professional idiots on the right for over a decade

Don't over promise me

I have cures for all that stupid diarrhea mist in your brain

So I take it from what I've read of yours that you are a leftist/Statist.

First of all to be a liberal in the USA means you're a Dim. The Dim party has gone all the way left and is now embracing this dumbfuckery called "Democratic Socialism" or DS for short. They refuse to acknowledge that Socialism killed more than 100 million people in the 20th Century. And if you need me to point out to you where this happened I'll start with the Bolshevik Revelation where Russia became the USSR.

From the early days they murdered their way to power and in 1932 Stalin began one of the most horrific periods of human history. Anyone who thinks that Stalin was any better than Hitler can think again. What I'm referring to is the Holodomor, The famine-genocide of Ukraine, 1932-1933. Under his collectivization program Stalin sent his goons into the Ukraine and confiscated the harvest. The crack down was so intense that they scooped up the soil and transported it out of the Ukraine so the people there couldn't grow anything. More than 10 million people died of starvation in an area as rich in farm land as Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. The word Holodomor means Genocide by Starvation.

People became so desperate that they resorted to cannibalism and even broke "Into" the Gulags to steal food. This is one of your lovely legacy's of Socialism.

For that matter Hitler was a Socialist also. Nazi is a nick name, the party was called National Socialist. How many people died in WWII because of Hitler's National Socialism?

Let's not forget Chairman Mao he killed even more Chinese than Stalin killed Ukrainians and Russians.

So now you idiots embrace the likes of Bernie Sanders, and AOC and the Goon Squad. Congrats asshole you failed to learn anything from History.
Trump is going to win in 2020 as the people in the center of the country reject the coastal elites who want to tell them how to live.
Originally Posted by Buck Tucker View Post

I have 3 degrees one is an MBA and MS in management, plus a Masters in Economics. I can discuss topics rationally but when someone gets too stupid I tend to rip their guts out.

Bragging online about stuff like that is some of the most laughable stuff you can present. It's made worse by the fact of your lowbrow and untidy trolling. You might as well tell people you have the strength of 8 men and your shit smells fresh-baked cookies.

Buttfuck Bible College doesn’t count for your degrees, Einstooge.

Fucking moron. :rofl2:

My undergrad degree and one of my Masters are from Indiana University. The Business School was rated #6 in the country the year I graduated and I was in the top 5%. My MBA and MS are from Notre Damn.
Bragging online about stuff like that is some of the most laughable stuff you can present. It's made worse by the fact of your lowbrow and untidy trolling. You might as well tell people you have the strength of 8 men and your shit smells fresh-baked cookies.

Someone called me a retard. You don't get advanced degrees if you're retarded.
So let me ask because I'm a foul mouthed old bastard, can I get banned for saying certain words? Like Cocksucker, Dumb Cunt, mother fucker, faggot, negro, black alabama porch ape. Or telling someone to eat shit and die, or go take a bath with a toaster?

I'm a counter puncher. I don't tend to react well to stupid pig fucker types and I turn into an Insult Comic at the drop of hat.

I have 3 degrees one is an MBA and MS in management, plus a Masters in Economics. I can discuss topics rationally but when someone gets too stupid I tend to rip their guts out.
The only rules enforced here with ferocity is 12b and doxxing.