New member, liberal

Sounds like a modern day democrat. The modern republicans certainly are not fiscaly conservative, and clearly only support the Fed as a means of maintaining oligarchy. As to the tax bullshit, what was applicable when the highest tax rate was 90% is hardly applicable at 15%.

Who was it that created the Fed? A conservative? Actually, it was Woodrow Wilson, a welfare-state liberal. And to my knowledge, the only Congress members who have actively pursued greater transparency in the Federal Reserve system are Republicans. Ron Paul has introduced legislation to this end on several occasions.

Obama campaigned on transparency, but broke his campaign promise, and Democrats BLOCKED Senator DeMint's attempt to push it through the Senate.

Democrats, fiscally conservative? Is that why we have a $1.4 trillion deficit?
Who was it that created the Fed? A conservative? Actually, it was Woodrow Wilson, a welfare-state liberal. And to my knowledge, the only Congress members who have actively pursued greater transparency in the Federal Reserve system are Republicans. Ron Paul has introduced legislation to this end on several occasions.

Obama campaigned on transparency, but broke his campaign promise, and Democrats BLOCKED Senator DeMint's attempt to push it through the Senate.

Democrats, fiscally conservative? Is that why we have a $1.4 trillion deficit?

Hardly. It was created by Morgan and Warburg. Wilson just signed it, like Pontius Pilot. The politicians who aided them were as bought as they are today.

Paul is a libertarian not a republican, even if he is registered as one. Don't try to give republicans credit for his work.

If you think Obama is more than a figure head and expect any politician to keep all his promises, you are in for a lot of disapointment.

The reason we have a large deficit is the same as the last time a democrat followed a bush into office.
As a fellow self-employed tradesman, I have to ask Dune:

Are you looking foward to paying for your employee's health insurance or are planning on paying the penalty to the government instead ?-- that's assuming you have employees. I don't have any. Not enough work to keep my ass busy in liberal wonderland PDX.

Two-- count em! TWO muther fricken liberals screwed me this year totaling over 3K. What a bunch of scumbags in this town.

OOPS.. I'm rambling
As a fellow self-employed tradesman, I have to ask Dune:

Are you looking foward to paying for your employee's health insurance or are planning on paying the penalty to the government instead ?-- that's assuming you have employees. I don't have any. Not enough work to keep my ass busy in liberal wonderland PDX.

Two-- count em! TWO muther fricken liberals screwed me this year totaling over 3K. What a bunch of scumbags in this town.

OOPS.. I'm rambling

We are under RomneyCare here in Mass. It has been in effect for a while. Myself and my helper are both covered by our wives. Aside from that, I think only pretty large companies have to offer insurance.

I got burned pretty severely in the last couple years. Tons of unpaid for work, and those that have paid have paid very slowly.
What is that supposed to mean?
If you've read our troll primer, you might have a better understanding. We're constantly plagued by someone the mods refer to as LEGION, who makes many troll accounts on this board. Some people are therefore distrustful of new users. Despite my efforts to reduce trolling in general, I am not so distrusting, and many others will welcome you regardless of political affiliation.
Thanks, I guess I am a Ted Kennedy lib, since I was born after JFK died.

If you are a Ted Kennedy lib, then you are also a JFK, RFK lib. Jack was Ted's hero and he dedicated his public life to fulfill the visions of his two older brothers.

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy
Who was it that created the Fed? A conservative? Actually, it was Woodrow Wilson, a welfare-state liberal. And to my knowledge, the only Congress members who have actively pursued greater transparency in the Federal Reserve system are Republicans. Ron Paul has introduced legislation to this end on several occasions.

Obama campaigned on transparency, but broke his campaign promise, and Democrats BLOCKED Senator DeMint's attempt to push it through the Senate.

Democrats, fiscally conservative? Is that why we have a $1.4 trillion deficit?

If you are going to forward your belief that to save a drowning person you throw them a rock, you need to justify it. You need to explain what led to the Aldrich–Vreeland Act, the National Monetary Commission and the Federal Reserve Act. Then tell us what YOU would have done to remedy a major crisis like the Panic of 1907.

Then, please tell us how YOUR plans and remedies would have vaulted the US dollar to international currency vs the pound, franc and mark without the Federal Reserve Act.

The REAL irony; were these issues and events occurring today, you would be siding with the Aldrich plan. It would have been just another version of the health care debate, where you would have sided with the private sector over a public plan.

The banking and currency reform plan advocated by President Wilson in 1913 was sponsored by the chairmen of the House and Senate Banking and Currency committees, Representative Carter Glass, a Democrat of Virginia and Senator Robert Latham Owen, a Democrat of Oklahoma. According to the House committee report accompanying the Currency bill (H.R. 7837) or the Glass-Owen bill, as it was often called during the time, the legislation was drafted from ideas taken from various proposals, including Aldrich bill. However, unlike the Aldrich plan which gave controlling interest to private bankers with only a small public presence, the new plan gave controlling interest to a public entity, the Federal Reserve Board, with a measure of autonomy to Reserve Banks which, for a period of time, were allowed to set their districts' own discount rates. Also, instead of the proposed currency being an obligation of the private banks, the new Federal Reserve note was to be an obligation of the U.S. Treasury. In addition, unlike the Aldrich plan, membership by nationally chartered banks was mandatory, not optional. The changes were significant enough that the opposition to the proposed reserve system reversed itself, and came largely from the more business-friendly Republicans instead of from the more populist leaning Democrats.
Don't you mean enemy of the republicans?

He was the first to call out BushII in public, making him a hero to me.
No, he was an enemy of the Republic, as is everyone would openly votes against the Constitution.
No, he was an enemy of the Republic, as is everyone would openly votes against the Constitution.

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

Ted Kennedy, and the Kennedy family have done more good for this republic and their people that any family in this republic's history.

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482
Hi, thanks for the welcome. I googled I.Q. of BushII in response to a comment on another forum. The most interesting (degarding to Bush) hit was on this forum. Pure serendipity as it were.


was it posted by me?
What does he think; that I am not an ignorant manual laborer or that I wasn't born in Hyannis, Mass?

I think you have to stand in line behind the tons of other "new liberal posters" who have come here only to discover in fairly short order you are either a legion troll or someone that is reinventing themselves under a new screenname.