New member, liberal

I grew up in Chatham, lived in Wellfleet, Eastham, Harwich, Dennis and Barnstable, and settled in Yarmouth, since, at the time, homes were cheapest there.

Is 28 still always congested? I took the family on vacation there in the late 90's, and I couldn't believe the traffic.

President Kennedy had a real love for the sea. It is something I also feel. It is why all our family vacations were centered around large bodies of water. It's more than just liking the water, it is deeper, and it's something I have felt since I was young...a strong attraction. I never understood it until I heard JFK talk about his love for the sea.

"I really don't know why it is that all of us are so committed to the sea, except I think it's because in addition to the fact that the sea changes, and the light changes, and ships change, it's because we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, our sweat, and in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came."
--Pres. John F. Kennedy, Australian Ambassador's Dinner for the America's Cup Crews, September 14, 1962, Newport, R.I.
Plenty of trolls post on other message boards.

Welcome and if you're the real deal, it will soon be apparent enough.

Aren't you right wingers putting the cart before the horse? IF he is a 'troll' it WILL become apparent. Why are you folks so afraid of liberals?
I grew up in Chatham, lived in Wellfleet, Eastham, Harwich, Dennis and Barnstable, and settled in Yarmouth, since, at the time, homes were cheapest there.

Yahmahth? How pissa. I bet homes ah real cheap now since Bahney Frank butt fuhcked Freddie Mac.
Yeah, freaking faggot. I guess Bush II's "ownership society" had nothing to do with that.
I'm always amused when a liberal uses "gay" as an insult. Isn't it supposed to be normal moral natural and healthy? Shit, man, you live in near ground zero with the shit stabbers in P-Town, and in the queer marriage capital of the world, the Gay State (formerly the Bay State). Aren't you used to it by now? :)

There's nothing wrong with encouraging folks to buy homes, but Bwarny Fwank encouraged people to buy homes that they couldn't afford.
I'm always amused when a liberal uses "gay" as an insult. Isn't it supposed to be normal moral natural and healthy? Shit, man, you live in near ground zero with the shit stabbers in P-Town, and in the queer marriage capital of the world, the Gay State (formerly the Bay State). Aren't you used to it by now? :)

There's nothing wrong with encouraging folks to buy homes, but Bwarny Fwank encouraged people to buy homes that they couldn't afford.

It always amuses me when a con thinks he knows what I am thinking (or even saying). Are you seriously going to try to pin the collapse of the entire global economy on one faggot? I suppose Iceland's banks all collapsed because to many hairdressers bought condos in Miami, right? AIG was obviously taken by surprise as well, and Goldman Sachs, they couldn't see a problem? Pull your head out long enough to take a breath, wipe the shit off your eyes, and wonder what happened to the derivatives market.
I beleive USL is questioning your veracity. Welcome to JPP.....have you met Dixie yet? If not, you're in for a real experience! LOL

That would be his authenticity. His veracity is yet to be determined and of course subjective depending on which side of the aisle he flops. He's looking pretty left of left at this point.

I always question someone that is immediately combative and pissed. This dude raises red flags and sets the detector modes a' flashing.

How many times have we seen these trolls come on and swear a blue streak they were legit only to discover later no one really bothered to check and they weren't?
That would be his authenticity. His veracity is yet to be determined and of course subjective depending on which side of the aisle he flops. He's looking pretty left of left at this point.

I always question someone that is immediately combative and pissed. This dude raises red flags and sets the detector modes a' flashing.

How many times have we seen these trolls come on and swear a blue streak they were legit only to discover later no one really bothered to check and they weren't?

O.K., first of all, I am from Cape Cod, not Maine. Despite the invitation to
use perjoratives in the registration section of this site, my first few posts were the Queens english. I told you right away I was liberal, so if cons want to play tag in my introductory thread, I figured it was O.K. to play along. Meanwhile, I did read the rules and the stickies on trolls. I can asure you, that though I may actualy be a troll, I am not one who has ever visited this forum before yesterday. I am here to advocate my veiws on politics. If having the oposite opinion of you makes me a troll, then stop talking to me, because it would mean you are feeding this troll, and therefore are a fool.

As to your detective skills, if I wasn't combative and pissed about politics, why would I even be here? Why are you here?
If you hang here you'll need thick skin. Many 'debates' here turn into name calling when the cons can't defend their positions in the face of facts. Or Dixie will write a book and ramble on and on when 2 paragraphs would be sufficient - and then he'll call you names. It's tedious at times. Defending their failed policies which led to our present state of affairs is becoming harder and harder for them.
If you hang here you'll need thick skin. Many 'debates' here turn into name calling when the cons can't defend their positions in the face of facts. Or Dixie will write a book and ramble on and on when 2 paragraphs would be sufficient - and then he'll call you names. It's tedious at times. Defending their failed policies which led to our present state of affairs is becoming harder and harder for them.

Thanks. As far as long posts go, I don't have sufficiet attention span to read them anyway, so I am not worried.
Sounds like a modern day democrat. The modern republicans certainly are not fiscaly conservative, and clearly only support the Fed as a means of maintaining oligarchy. As to the tax bullshit, what was applicable when the highest tax rate was 90% is hardly applicable at 15%.
Thats quite an informative post and gives us a good 'first impression'....:palm:
Its plain you don't know much about JFK, tax policy or conservatives in you've come to the right place for a sound education.
Welcome aboard.
If you hang here you'll need thick skin. Many 'debates' here turn into name calling when the cons can't defend their positions in the face of facts. Or Dixie will write a book and ramble on and on when 2 paragraphs would be sufficient - and then he'll call you names. It's tedious at times. Defending their failed policies which led to our present state of affairs is becoming harder and harder for them.

And if you pay particular attention to posters like Evince, Christiefan, TaiChiLiberal, Rana, and a few others, you'll be sure to note they never call anyone names at all.....[/sarcasm]
O.K., first of all, I am from Cape Cod, not Maine. Despite the invitation to
use perjoratives in the registration section of this site, my first few posts were the Queens english. I told you right away I was liberal, so if cons want to play tag in my introductory thread, I figured it was O.K. to play along. Meanwhile, I did read the rules and the stickies on trolls. I can asure you, that though I may actualy be a troll, I am not one who has ever visited this forum before yesterday. I am here to advocate my veiws on politics. If having the oposite opinion of you makes me a troll, then stop talking to me, because it would mean you are feeding this troll, and therefore are a fool.

As to your detective skills, if I wasn't combative and pissed about politics, why would I even be here? Why are you here?

That will be no problem at all.
Hardly. It was created by Morgan and Warburg. Wilson just signed it, like Pontius Pilot. The politicians who aided them were as bought as they are today.

Paul is a libertarian not a republican, even if he is registered as one. Don't try to give republicans credit for his work.

If you think Obama is more than a figure head and expect any politician to keep all his promises, you are in for a lot of disapointment.

The reason we have a large deficit is the same as the last time a democrat followed a bush into office.

i've seen dune's work and he is talented


Hes a spinner, and not any better than evince or TCLliberal....

As always, the President is who we hold responsible for bills and laws signed by him, not the actual individuals that put them to paper...

Paul IS a Republican, registered as one and votes as one.....he no more belongs to the Liberation Party than Obama belongs to the Socialist Party...

Obama didn't keep his promises and "we" certainly didn't expect him to...but the "they all do it" excuse just ain't gonna cut it....

and the implication put forth in the last statement is...."cute" and even "clever" at best....enough to make me smile anyway, though its bullsit....

Hes a spinner, and not any better than evince or TCLliberal....

As always, the President is who we hold responsible for bills and laws signed by him, not the actual individuals that put them to paper...

Paul IS a Republican, registered as one and votes as one.....he no more belongs to the Liberation Party than Obama belongs to the Socialist Party...

Obama didn't keep his promises and "we" certainly didn't expect him to...but the "they all do it" excuse just ain't gonna cut it....

and the implication put forth in the last statement is...."cute" and even "clever" at best....enough to make me smile anyway, though its bullsit....

Spinner; Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment. Yurt did not mean my oratory skills though, he was talking about my artwork.

As always; so when Bush Sr. said read my lips, no new taxes, that was O.K.?

Paul is a rino or didn't you know? [ame=""]Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Ron_Paul,_official_Congressional_photo_portrait,_2007.jpg" class="image" title="Ron Paul"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/9/9d/Ron_Paul%2C_official_Congressional_photo_portrait%2C_2007.jpg/220px-Ron_Paul%2C_official_Congressional_photo_portrait%2C_2007.jpg[/ame]
He even ran for president as a libertarian. Glad you are here to teach me.

Sorry, but no politician can keep all their campaign promises when faced with the reality of office. Actualy, there was one, once.

Didn't mean to imply anything in the last statement, thought it would be obvious, like father like son, though I do veiw Bush Sr as an honorable man, completely unlike his stupid evil son. You just can't argue with the numbers though, Bush ran the place into the ground, Clinton picked up the peices. Baby Bush ran the place into the ground, Obama is picking up the peices.
Thats quite an informative post and gives us a good 'first impression'....:palm:
Its plain you don't know much about JFK, tax policy or conservatives in you've come to the right place for a sound education.
Welcome aboard.

I know a little more about conservatives than you think. For example, I know that you personaly don't even know what you are really trying to conserve. If you did, you wouldn't be posting here. Thanks for the welcome.
He even ran for president as a libertarian. Glad you are here to teach me.

You just can't argue with the numbers though, Bush ran the place into the ground, Clinton picked up the peices. Baby Bush ran the place into the ground, Obama is picking up the peices.

Sorry it and weep....REPUBLICAN!
.... and you're right, ya can't argue with the numbers....and they prove you're coming to erroneous conclusions and don't know/understand the numbers....

but then that's your problem, not mine..

Political party Republican (1976–1988)
Libertarian (1988 Presidential Election)
Republican (1988–present)
And if you pay particular attention to posters like Evince, Christiefan, TaiChiLiberal, Rana, and a few others, you'll be sure to note they never call anyone names at all.....[/sarcasm]
