New member, liberal

Sorry it and weep....REPUBLICAN!
.... and you're right, ya can't argue with the numbers....and they prove you're coming to erroneous conclusions and don't know/understand the numbers....

but then that's your problem, not mine..

Political party Republican (1976–1988)
Libertarian (1988 Presidential Election)
Republican (1988–present)

Read the link pal. He is denoted as a libertarian in the FIRST paragraph.
It always amuses me when a con thinks he knows what I am thinking (or even saying). Are you seriously going to try to pin the collapse of the entire global economy on one faggot? I suppose Iceland's banks all collapsed because to many hairdressers bought condos in Miami, right? AIG was obviously taken by surprise as well, and Goldman Sachs, they couldn't see a problem? Pull your head out long enough to take a breath, wipe the shit off your eyes, and wonder what happened to the derivatives market.
The entire global economy didn't collapse, liberal Dune. Are you seriously arguing that your Senator isn't responsible for the US housing market collapse? :)
The entire global economy didn't collapse, liberal Dune. Are you seriously arguing that your Senator isn't responsible for the US housing market collapse? :)

You may have a point...

Read the link pal. He is denoted as a libertarian in the FIRST paragraph.
You don't quite pass the "reading comprehension" test, do you ?
Many Republicans hold some libertarian positions.
Many Democrats hold some Socialists/Communists positions.

The Republicans are still Republicans and the Democrats are still Democrats...

Lets not have a pissing contest over your misunderstanding of what you read....The R and D by their names mean something.....
[ame=""]Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Ron_Paul,_official_Congressional_photo_portrait,_2007.jpg" class="image" title="Ron Paul"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/9/9d/Ron_Paul%2C_official_Congressional_photo_portrait%2C_2007.jpg/220px-Ron_Paul%2C_official_Congressional_photo_portrait%2C_2007.jpg[/ame]

LINE 1....

Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas.
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The entire global economy didn't collapse, liberal Dune. Are you seriously arguing that your Senator isn't responsible for the US housing market collapse? :)

Are you seriously telling me that you think Frank is a senator?

So much for an "informed debate".
You don't quite pass the "reading comprehension" test, do you ?
Many Republicans hold some libertarian positions.
Many Democrats hold some Socialists/Communists positions.

The Republicans are still Republicans and the Democrats are still Democrats...

Lets not have a pissing contest over your misunderstanding of what you read....The R and D by their names mean something.....
Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LINE 1....

Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas.

You mean to tell me you don't know the difference between a sentence and a paragraph? Who can't read? I guess you never heard the acronym, rino either huh?
The entire global economy didn't collapse, liberal Dune. Are you seriously arguing that your Senator isn't responsible for the US housing market collapse? :)

It didn't? Please don't say something that stupid without proof.

Let's see some links please.
The Constitution? :confused:

O.K., I understand that you don't get it. That's why you think you are a conservative in the first place. But really? The constitution? Cheney, Ridge, Sununu, Bush, Rummy and Woo did more damage to the constitution in four years than in the document's entire lifespan. Ever heard of the Patriot Act idiot? How about "letters of National Security"? "If you are not with us you are agin us" Get real. You do realize that Rumsfeld can NEVER travel to Europe, for the rest of his life, since he is under indictment for war crimes, and will be arrested imediately? That Bush admits to endorsing torture in his book? That torture is illegal under national and international law?
You mean to tell me you don't know the difference between a sentence and a paragraph? Who can't read? I guess you never heard the acronym, rino either huh?
hahahaha...Do you mean to tell me that " his libertarian positions on many political issues" means he is not a Republican ?

Its means exactly what it says...."he has libertarian positions of some issues", nothing more, nothing less....
Is that really the extent of your ability to comprehend what you read?

I think we're pretty mush done are wrong no matter how you spin it.....R. Paul is a Republican.....cased closed....

and your inability to admit you made an erroneous statement is want to put another label on him, have a ball...."Republican" is a party, not a label...
hahahaha...Do you mean to tell me that " his libertarian positions on many political issues" means he is not a Republican ?

Its means exactly what it says...."he has libertarian positions of some issues", nothing more, nothing less....
Is that really the extent of your ability to comprehend what you read?

I think we're pretty mush done are wrong no matter how you spin it.....R. Paul is a Republican.....cased closed....

and your inability to admit you made an erroneous statement is want to put another label on him, have a ball...."Republican" is a party, not a label...

Right, he ran as for president as a libertarian, but he is not one. I too would want him on my team, if I were you. Good by, and thanks for leaving. Is it a promise?
It didn't? Please don't say something that stupid without proof.

Let's see some links please.
You're the one who needs to provide a link proving your statement that the global economy has collapsed. I patiently await your response. :)
O.K., I understand that you don't get it. That's why you think you are a conservative in the first place. But really? The constitution? Cheney, Ridge, Sununu, Bush, Rummy and Woo did more damage to the constitution in four years than in the document's entire lifespan. Ever heard of the Patriot Act idiot? How about "letters of National Security"? "If you are not with us you are agin us" Get real. You do realize that Rumsfeld can NEVER travel to Europe, for the rest of his life, since he is under indictment for war crimes, and will be arrested imediately? That Bush admits to endorsing torture in his book? That torture is illegal under national and international law?
Is ObamaCare constitutional? :)
Is ObamaCare constitutional? :)

I have no idea. I an neither a supreme court jurist nor a constitutional lawyer, though I asume you are since you have apparently judged it to not be.
I wish I were so wise.

I have a problem with the proviso that all must purchase, though I do understand why. If it turns out to be unconstitutional, it shall be overturned, that is the beauty of checks and balances.

If your absolutely bogus claim to be attempting to conserve the constitution were even remotely true, you would have an answer to my earlier questions and remarks about the damage done to the document earlier. Instead you try to distract with childish questions about Obamacare, which is already working it's way through the court system and will be settled in due time.
Welcome to the madhouse, Dune.

I see you have met some of the rabid idiots we have in our collection.
Thankyou. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I expected more.

We still have some excellent debates happen. You just need thick skin and the ability to filter out the nonsense.