New school shooting

I feel like that aspect of gun rights is archaic, though. It's not applicable anymore. It applied when our gov't was smaller, and the military was a bunch of guys with muskets & bayonets.

No militia today, armed with just guns, could hope to match the government in terms of force. We control our gov't through votes.

We've already seen our guys held off by insurrectionists in Iraq and Afghanistan who line the streets with home made bombs we call IEDs and who consistently shoot and kill them. It would depend entirely on how much the people who were fighting the government wanted to "give".
still irrelevant. it really weakens any argument you make.

and I personally believe you got your law degree from a box of crackerjacks. one is as right as the other.

yes, it SHOULD make you angry, that you idiots touted 'police are there to protect us, so we don't need guns', but look what happens and look how you ignore your failure.

Ya, we should have armed these kids, that would have solved it.
it may not be ryan lanza , it may be his brother called adam lanza

Fucking media assholes. Imagine learning that your brother shot and killed your mom (and maybe your dad), her entire kindergarten class and a few of her colleagues because some assholes attacked you on your Facebook page thinking it was you because the media misreported it.
Liking guns because they make you feel safe I can understand. I disagree, but I understand. Liking guns because you think you need an arsenal of high-powered weaponry for armed insurrection in some delusional battle against tyranny is the shit that makes me fucking bananas.
what is it about keeping freedom in the hands of the people don't you like???
It hurts to view the subject without all the diversionary little pro-gun taglines the gun nuts like to attach to these kind of things, doesn't it?

The bottom line is another gun nut used another gun to snuff out 18 bright little lights and those lights will NEVER shine again.
You are making assumptions and casting aspersions for which you have no evidence. I understand that this is an emotional issue. It is unfathomable that someone could do something like this in a liberal state like Connecticut that overwhelmingly voted for Obuttface.

I find it offensive that douchebags like you try to use this tragedy and these victims to further your ideological goals. You are doing nothing more than dancing on their yet undug graves
I feel like that aspect of gun rights is archaic, though. It's not applicable anymore. It applied when our gov't was smaller, and the military was a bunch of guys with muskets & bayonets.

No militia today, armed with just guns, could hope to match the government in terms of force. We control our gov't through votes.
no, we don't. the government happens to still respect our votes, but it's the anti gun statists that have rendered the 'militia' as archaic. If they had any respect for the founders and the constitution, the military would have no choice but to be our servants because we would still be able to outgun them.
That point was lost LONG ago. Do you think the Government has not felt save in the last 100 years. They have tanks and armored vehicles, nuclear weapons, RPG's and much more. If that was the point, its lost and can be done away with the second this instant.
then why do you allow it to happen????
What doesn't make sense is that this was an obvious "gun free" zone. How could something like this happen in a gun free zone. In fact there are laws on the books that say you can't bring guns into schools. Liberals wrote them.
You are making assumptions and casting aspersions for which you have no evidence. I understand that this is an emotional issue. It is unfathomable that someone could do something like this in a liberal state like Connecticut that overwhelmingly voted for Obuttface.

I find it offensive that douchebags like you try to use this tragedy and these victims to further your ideological goals. You are doing nothing more than dancing on their yet undug graves

While I find it offensive that you care more about an inanimate object than you do the lives of 20 children.
Fucking media assholes. Imagine learning that your brother shot and killed your mom (and maybe your dad), her entire kindergarten class and a few of her colleagues because some assholes attacked you on your Facebook page thinking it was you because the media misreported it.

yup once again genius grind is ahead of the media and everyone on jpp
Fucking media assholes. Imagine learning that your brother shot and killed your mom (and maybe your dad), her entire kindergarten class and a few of her colleagues because some assholes attacked you on your Facebook page thinking it was you because the media misreported it.
now that sounds familiar it's been done before against a 'rightwinger'