No doubt Biden got shelled last night

The focus has been on trump because he keeps himself in the news 24/7 with his big mouth, his crimes, his meddling and his incomprehensible screeds. After the last election I was relieved to think that we wouldn't have to pay attention to trump anymore because he'd shut his mouth and go away. How naive that was. The country didn't have to go through this but the trumpsuckers kept it going. You don't have to be an extreme partisan Dem to see how abnormal this is.

I remember after 2016 when Hillary was going on book tours, lectures, foreign visits etc., repubs constantly complained that she should just go away. Yet they suck it up and ask for more when it comes to trump taking over the narrative.
I respectfully disagree. You (when I say you I mean Democrats/liberals not your personally) kept talking about him because you can't quit him in a certain way. Even though Biden is President MSNBC and CNN talk Trump all day long because it draws ratings. There have been articles written showing that when MSNBC talks about more about Trump their ratings go up.

Even using this board as an example many days you would have thought we were still in the Trump presidency with the amount of threads started about him.

Of course what is more fun to talk about, Biden's industrial policy or Trump? Tariffs on China or Trump? Inflation or Trump? You get the idea.

I'm not suggesting he would or should never be talked about. But some folks can only talk him. It's like what's the point of winning the Presidency and having power and then talking about Trump all the time?

A big part of it is you thought he was going to be the easiest to beat again. So as much as you claim to dislike him you actually wanted him to get the nomination. Well now you got your wish and if polls are to be believed he could win.

Look at the Democrats response even on here to Biden's performance last night. There are some saying it was fine and they have his back 100%. Others are saying it wasn't good and you need a new candidate. In such a tribal world few like to disagree with fellow members of their tribe so it's much easier for you all to unite and discuss your anti-Trumpness than debating Biden. (Trust me, as a Republican who doesn't support Trump I know the feeling well - much easier to speak to fellow Republicans from an anti-Biden perspective than why I don't like and support Trump.)
So, CNN helped Trump?

Biden killed any chance he had because he was seen to be a turnip.

What planet do you live on, Gecko?

It’s anecdotal but my younger son was in college with one of the producers at CNN and he said that Biden was given the questions ahead of the debate.

And he still lost big time.
Biden is old. SO ARE YOU YOU OLD FART!

All you are doing is blaming Biden of being WHAT YOU ARE! :woot:
it would be comical to see them attempt to claim this after hand selecting a guy from California to represent the country
it would be the day democracy dies
A Governor of the wealthiest and most populous state would signal an end to democracy.?Yeah, America should be run by someone from Montana or Wyoming. They have the same problems the president faces.
The Left is saying that today. They are castigating CNN for not jumping in Candy Crowley-style and debating Trump for Biden.

I think CNN's moderators knew damn well if they did, it would only turn what was a disaster for Biden into a disaster for Biden AND CNN. But the far Left isn't having any of that. They are demanding that CNN should have fallen on a sword and started debating Trump to defend Biden.

Trump was criticized for not fighting CNN's terms...CNN moderators, dead mikes etc...I thought he was wrong to accept the unfair rules but Trump was right...Trump is always right.

And he WON, huuugely (sic).
but it is also obvious to conclude that the country is f*cked, we are now facing a decision over electing a narcissist totally lacking a moral compass and a selfish old man too stubborn to fade away
The 25th Amendment is always available.

Better a demented old man than a narcissistic traitor.
Not everyone that partied with Epstein was a molester ..just like everyone that partied wit John Wayne Gacy was a killer...u are a fucking IDIOT

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An excellent example of MAGAt half-truths and failure to take responsibility for Trump's long friendship with two known pedophiles, one of which he wished well as she went to prison.

Taking a picture with someone before they were known to be criminals or pedos isn't a problem. Having a long friendship with two known pedophiles is clearly a problem for moral Americans.
I respectfully disagree. You (when I say you I mean Democrats/liberals not your personally) kept talking about him because you can't quit him in a certain way. Even though Biden is President MSNBC and CNN talk Trump all day long because it draws ratings. There have been articles written showing that when MSNBC talks about more about Trump their ratings go up.

Even using this board as an example many days you would have thought we were still in the Trump presidency with the amount of threads started about him.

Of course what is more fun to talk about, Biden's industrial policy or Trump? Tariffs on China or Trump? Inflation or Trump? You get the idea.

I'm not suggesting he would or should never be talked about. But some folks can only talk him. It's like what's the point of winning the Presidency and having power and then talking about Trump all the time?

A big part of it is you thought he was going to be the easiest to beat again. So as much as you claim to dislike him you actually wanted him to get the nomination. Well now you got your wish and if polls are to be believed he could win.

Look at the Democrats response even on here to Biden's performance last night. There are some saying it was fine and they have his back 100%. Others are saying it wasn't good and you need a new candidate. In such a tribal world few like to disagree with fellow members of their tribe so it's much easier for you all to unite and discuss your anti-Trumpness than debating Biden. (Trust me, as a Republican who doesn't support Trump I know the feeling well - much easier to speak to fellow Republicans from an anti-Biden perspective than why I don't like and support Trump.)
HOW! PALE FACE. What Trump policies do you not like?
Careful Biden has a 6 handicap.
He said so…it must be true… his true handicap is in Roman numerals…”L.”

Trump was born shortly after Pliny the Elder.

pliny the elder from
Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23/24 – AD 79), called Pliny the Elder was a Roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher, naval and army commander of the early ...


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He said so…it must be true… his true handicap is in Roman numerals…”L.”

Trump was born shortly after Pliny the Elder.

View attachment 27429
Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23/24 – AD 79), called Pliny the Elder was a Roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher, naval and army commander of the early ...
I LOVED Trump's expression when Biden said his handicap was 6. :laugh:
More than a couple, Gecko.

Biden, AKA the Turnip, looked and acted like a zombie. The entire world saw it.
I saw him get confused about what he wanted to say a couple of times.

I had a bad night on stage myself about a year ago. I skipped a whole verse, and left the bridge out of a song we had been performing for years.

Luckilly, my band covered for me, and got us through the song, and the audience didn't even notice.

But, I was going to throw in the towel and quit the band, thinking I was too old after that happened.

My band members said, NO! Told me I couldn't quit, and said that everyone has an occasional Brain Fart.

Thank my lucky stars that hasn't ever happened again!
Pliney played golf with Biden near the coliseum (Colosseum) or the Colosseo. Biden was a much better golfer then with a handicap of XL.
I saw him get confused about what he wanted to say a couple of times.

I had a bad night on stage myself about a year ago. I skipped a whole verse, and left the bridge out of a song we had been performing for years.

Luckilly, my band covered for me, and got us through the song, and the audience didn't even notice.

But, I was going to throw in the towel and quit the band, thinking I was too old after that happened.

My band members said, NO! Told me I couldn't quit, and said that everyone has an occasional Brain Fart.

Thank my lucky stars that hasn't ever happened again!
Well, Gecko, Biden has brain failures almost daily and has for years and he is not in a band. He is the CiC and the holder of the nuclear codes.(Shudder)

He does know Roman numerals though but mistook VI for L.
HOW! PALE FACE. What Trump policies do you not like?
It's same answer I've offered before but I'll have the discussion again. The two biggest reasons I didn't vote for him in 2016 where his trade policies and racial rhetoric. And nothing has changed to me in that regard in the past 8 years.

I came up in the era of Reagan. He will always be the GOAT and what appealed to me most was both his love of country and his optimism but he also belief in free people and free trade. Listen to his rhetoric towards immigrants and Trump's. It's just a very different world view. I also don't share Trump's isolationist views.

Now I understand there are no perfect candidates. There is no one I'm going to come close to agreeing on 100% of things. (I don't agree with myself 100% of the time.) But Trump's attitude/policies towards trade, immigrants, entitlements and spending are not the direction I want to see the Republican Party go. (and this is on top of his 'stop the steal' stuff and telling people in Georgia basically not to vote in the Senate race costing the Republicans the Senate.)

I would have voted Libertarian no matter where I lived the past two Presidential elections but the reality is living in California my vote means nothing. If I had voted for Trump Biden would have won the state by 4,999,999 votes instead of 5 million.