No doubt Biden got shelled last night

If anything is going to happen it will be Biden dropping out. IF that happens I suppose it can be debated, depending on how it happens, if he was forced out. But primaries with a sitting President are generally a sham. People didn't have a real choice to vote against him. But if polling and enough pressure from the base cause him to drop out then...
yes, and if he drops out, they will pick his replacement in a smoky back room, just as I stated.

will the replacement also try to argue he is the solution to the threat of democracy
I don't watch the 24/7 news channels but character isn't really a word I would associate with them. They exist to provide entertainment to their viewers to gain the highest ratings possible (their product is political red meat). While I think they are bad for the country on the whole it is their right to exist.

The Democrats goal is to maintain the White House. They're going to do what they think they must (as would the Republicans). I don't see that as character I just see that as what the parties do. (clearly you have other Democrats here and elsewhere still supporting Biden and I don't think they would say the party is showing character by talking about removing him)
If you don't watch them you don't know enough to express intelligent opinions about them.
yes, and if he drops out, they will pick his replacement in a smoky back room, just as I stated.

will the replacement also try to argue he is the solution to the threat of democracy
Yes, that will always be their argument when running against Trump. (Newsom uses it in speeches all the time)
Yes, that will always be their argument when running against Trump. (Newsom uses it in speeches all the time)
it would be comical to see them attempt to claim this after hand selecting a guy from California to represent the country
it would be the day democracy dies
Not to derail things but if I may ask a question, your opinion, based on your last sentence. We've had people argue voting should be mandatory. What are your thoughts on that based on your last sentence?

The reality is not everyone follows politics. And not everyone here grew up in America and studied American history (they can be American citizens today and eligible to vote but that doesn't mean they are knowledgeable about our history.)

I don't know if a mandatory voting bill would ever pass but it has been brought up. What are your thoughts?
I think a very bad idea, both destructive of the principle of liberty the country is founded on and guaranteed to make elections even less informed than they are now.
If you don't watch them you don't know enough to express intelligent opinions about them.
"Thanks" to social media they are hard to avoid. So I see plenty of clips from Fox News, CNN and MSNBC (and see them written about in various publications ) so I'm not making that comment from a position of complete ignorance.

Another observation. Hard core Fox News and MSNBC viewers are really defensive of their channels.
He ain’t a convicted felon,
Biden? Biden committed treason four times so far!
never fooled around with porn stars
Who did that?
or tried to grab a married women’s “pussy,”
Biden DID do that!
committed adultery,
Who did that?
stiffed workers,
Biden DID do that!
defrauded gullible students,
Biden DID do that too!
directly lied to Americans in a time of crisis,
Biden not only lied in time of crisis, he CREATED the crisis!
was convicted of fraud, etc., etc., etc
What fraud?
but it is also obvious to conclude that the country is f*cked, we are now facing a decision over electing a narcissist totally lacking a moral compass and a selfish old man too stubborn to fade away
Never turn you back on the one who brought you to the dance!

The Republitards are trying to persecute Biden and YOU and our Democratic ways- for their own pleasures and self-interest.

Take a minute, realize what is behind their evil ways- AND SUPPORT YOUR PARTY AND OUR LEADER.

Biden was setup to fail last night, right from the preposterous first question they asked BIDEN in the debate.

All CNN accomplished last night was starting a FIST FIGHT BETWEEN TRUMP AND BIDEN, and watched the debate play itself out as if they were operating a DOG FIGHT for their own self interest of selling advertising!

Just look at the transcript of their questions.

Why was not the first question aimed at TRUMP- "DO you believe the 2020 election was fair- AND WHY?"

It would have been an entirely different debate, if CNN truly wanted the truth and reality to have any significance last night!

CNN didn't because they wanted a DOGFIGHT that would make Biden look old and defenseless- AND TURN YOU AGAINST HIM AS THEY COMPETE WITH FOX NEWS FOR AIRSPACE AND SELLING ADVERTISING!
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Yeah so what if you were? Gay people can be ignorant assholes not because they're gay but because they're ignorant assholes.
And they can be educated and cool, not because they are gay but because they are educated and cool!
but it is also obvious to conclude that the country is f*cked, we are now facing a decision over electing a narcissist totally lacking a moral compass and a selfish old man too stubborn to fade away
I didn't see the debate, I heard Biden tanked.

I also don't tend to panic in the face of adversity. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
Yes Joe Biden is a corrupt narcissist and a selfish old man too stubborn to fade away being pulled along by a wife unwilling to step out of the limelight.
Yet you support a corrupt narcissist grifter who never uttered a single good word about America last night. Not one positive word. You magats should be calling him out for this but instead you remain silent, glassy-eyed and adoring of his bully persona.
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He is an old man with Dementia. What you saw last night was Biden AFTER DAYS OF DEBATE PREP.

Let that sink in.
Yet you think we should forget that he's a convicted felon with more court dates coming up. Biden has character, which is something all of trump's so-called millions can't buy.
This to me just epitomizes why Democrats are in this position now with Biden. I know this board is a very small sample size but are the folks here really that different than other (partisan) Democrats across the country? Throughout much of Biden's Presidency a large majority of the focus has still been on Trump. You guys talk about him FAR more than Biden or anything Biden does. Every single day it's all about Trump, Jan 6th, etc.

I'm sure that's fun when you're in a Democratic echo chamber but it's also why you've missed how others have reacted to Biden's Presidency (and by others I mean the large number of people who aren't partisan Democrats or Republicans and for whom politics doesn't necessarily run their life). The signs have been there all along about Biden's age and people not being thrilled with him and not wanting him to run again.

Instead you've just thrown your eggs all into the 'we'll just talk about Trump and hope enough people dislike him to get Biden re-elected' basket. Maybe Biden will still pull it out but you're going to have to look in the mirror first.
The focus has been on trump because he keeps himself in the news 24/7 with his big mouth, his crimes, his meddling and his incomprehensible screeds. After the last election I was relieved to think that we wouldn't have to pay attention to trump anymore because he'd shut his mouth and go away. How naive that was. The country didn't have to go through this but the trumpsuckers kept it going. You don't have to be an extreme partisan Dem to see how abnormal this is.

I remember after 2016 when Hillary was going on book tours, lectures, foreign visits etc., repubs constantly complained that she should just go away. Yet they suck it up and ask for more when it comes to trump taking over the narrative.
The focus has been on trump because he keeps himself in the news 24/7 with his big mouth, his crimes, his meddling and his incomprehensible screeds. After the last election I was relieved to think that we wouldn't have to pay attention to trump anymore because he'd shut his mouth and go away. How naive that was. The country didn't have to go through this but the trumpsuckers kept it going. You don't have to be an extreme partisan Dem to see how abnormal this is.

I remember after 2016 when Hillary was going on book tours, lectures, foreign visits etc., repubs constantly complained that she should just go away. Yet they suck it up and ask for more when it comes to trump taking over the narrative.
Amazing the forum 'moderate' (cawacko) is always defending Trump.
Never turn you back on the one who brought you to the dance!

The Republitards are trying to persecute Biden and YOU and our Democratic ways- for their own pleasures and self-interest.

Take a minute, realize what is behind their evil ways- AND SUPPORT YOUR PARTY AND OUR LEADER.

Biden was setup to fail last night, right from the preposterous first question they asked BIDEN in the debate.

All CNN accomplished last night was starting a FIST FIGHT BETWEEN TRUMP AND BIDEN, and watched the debate play itself out as if they were operating a DOG FIGHT for their own self interest of selling advertising!

Just look at the transcript of their questions.

Why was not the first question aimed at TRUMP- "DO you believe the 2020 election was fair- AND WHY?"

It would have been an entirely different debate, if CNN truly wanted the truth and reality to have any significance last night!

CNN didn't because they wanted a DOGFIGHT that would make Biden look old and defenseless- AND TURN YOU AGAINST HIM AS THEY COMPETE WITH FOX NEWS FOR AIRSPACE AND SELLING ADVERTISING!
So, CNN helped Trump?

Biden killed any chance he had because he was seen to be a turnip.

What planet do you live on, Gecko?

It’s anecdotal but my younger son was in college with one of the producers at CNN and he said that Biden was given the questions ahead of the debate.

And he still lost big time.
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So, CNN helped Trump?
The Left is saying that today. They are castigating CNN for not jumping in Candy Crowley-style and debating Trump for Biden.

I think CNN's moderators knew damn well if they did, it would only turn what was a disaster for Biden into a disaster for Biden AND CNN. But the far Left isn't having any of that. They are demanding that CNN should have fallen on a sword and started debating Trump to defend Biden.