No one has a right to healthcare

If people have the right to healthcare just because they're alive, do healthcare providers have the right refuse to provide care if they aren't paid for that service and do taxpayers have the right to refuse to pay for other people's healthcare?

just letting people die for lack of money is EVIL
Here's what I don't understand.

This whole idiotic business about health care being a right (and anyone who is retarded enough to say that ate paint chips as a child and never really grew an adult brain) comes from the HIGH COST of health care.

1. Why isn't the Congress hauling these fucking price gougers before a committee and grilling them. Gasoline goes up ten cents a gallon and these dickheads have the subpoenas out to drag oil company execs before them.

Because the "price gougers" contribute millions of dollars to Congress every year.

That kind of money buys the insurance companies and the greedy bums who run them, influence.

2. Why aren't hospital administrators charged with price gouging when they charge $100 fucking dollars for two fucking Advils. EXPLAIN THAT TO ME, you fucking ignorant liberals. Why aren't THEY denying a person's "right" to health care by charging $1000 a day for a room. ANSWER THAT, bitch.


3. Why does a heart attack cost a fucking MILLION DOLLARS? If a person has a right to health care, WHY CHARGE HIM A MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS FOR A HEART ATTACK? Answer that, you liberal morons.


4. Why are the ignorant slobs in Government blaming EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE FUCKING PERPETRATOR for health care being so expensive? The cost of a medical degree is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. WHY THE FUCK don't the liberal Democrats in Congress haul a few college deans before a committee and grill THEIR price gouging asses?


5. And if the KENYAN SHOESHINE BOY came up with his national health care plan because he blames only the insurance industry, WHY IS OBAMACARE NOTHING MORE THAN A HUGE FUCKING TRANSFER OF WEALTH FROM THE POOR TO THE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Have any of you liberals even bothered to read that law? It's the biggest gift to insurance companies since the discovery of diabetes.

You liberals are fucking brain dead. Answer the questions or just shut the fuck up.

We got the ACA because of Congressional Republicans obstinate refusal to work with Obama.

They care more about the millions of dollars they receive from the insurance companies than they do the health of their constituents.
If people have the right to healthcare just because they're alive, do healthcare providers have the right refuse to provide care if they aren't paid for that service and do taxpayers have the right to refuse to pay for other people's healthcare?

Those like Rana that argue healthcare is part of the right to life seem to forget that one person fulfilling their rights, and don't take that as I agree with her, doesn't mean they can violate another person's right in doing so. As for the happiness part, people like Rana seem to miss the portion of that part saying "pursuit of". Same thing applies in their pursuit of happiness when it comes to violating another person's rights.
just letting people die for lack of money is EVIL

Then stop letting that happen by providing all those you think deserve it and can't afford it with healthcare using YOUR money. Don't blame someone else if it happens if you think a person has a right to it. Prove your compassion and that can only be done by using YOUR money not demanding someone else do it.
then your claim is government should do nothing to help the population even when that is the demand of the people?

where is that in the constitution you evil scum?

The Constitution isn't there for you to assuage your conscience. Do you believe in the concept of individual property rights?
The Constitution isn't there for you to assuage your conscience. Do you believe in the concept of individual property rights?

you are not a constitutional scholar

you area sociopathic racist

where in the constitution does it prohibit what you claim idiot?
you are not a constitutional scholar

you area sociopathic racist

where in the constitution does it prohibit what you claim idiot?

Do you believe in the concept of individual private property rights? Yes or No?

Did the Founders write the Constitution with the intent of limiting government power or expanding it?
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The declaration ofindependence? That is a political document with no legal standing whatever. It is simply a list of grievances presented for going towar.
Do you believe in the concept of individual private property rights? Yes or No?

Did the Founders write the Constitution with the intent of limiting government power or expanding it?

Beyond doubt it was written as a way to expand government powers having found that the less stringent Articles of Confedertion did not work.