NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Additionally queer marriage would be illegal.

But you know the answer. Leftists just want their way. They have no abiding principles other than getting their way. When they don't they lash out. They are not to be compromised with. They are not to be reasoned with. They are to be defeated and treated like the enemy they are. Even if you don't see them as an enemy they see you as one. The sooner you realize that the better

On the marriage thing, at least you can get legally married now, so what are you bitching about, bitch?
You must not be familiar with California. Probably your Appalachian education.

If you think Redding, Berkeley, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, LA, San Diego, Fresno all have the same demographics, go back and do a little homework on diversity and demographics

This is simply a repeat of your previous allegation, and I've already asked you to cite one example:

...you mock the diversity of a state like California...

So for the second time, cite away, little feller.
so we are to be punished for living In california

You surly should be: Sweetheart.

Out of fiscal control, nearly bankrupt dim wit Democrat governed cess pool of a State.

CA public finances resemble Greece, (worse in some financial ratios).

If Californians were as lazy as the Greeks the place would have cratered long ago.

As it is they are on the brink.

Any economic problem, or uptick in debt costs, (due to massive risks due to employee benefit packages fer public union employees), could blow this state up n' cause default.
The day California is solely responsibile for picking the President is the day I stop paying taxes and help start a revolt for the rest of the working class to do the same. At that time I dare them to send someone to collect a check.
The Electoral College should be abolished.

States with more cows than people shouldn't have power over the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Of course a Marxist like you would want mob rule.

It's in the Constitution, good luck to try to change it.

The hard Left TARD infested NYT is upside down as are you.
Those of us who live in rural states would like not to be ruled by those who have no clue about our life as well. What is the answer? I ask this as a serious question. Is there no place for compromise?

No compromise with the Constitution, amend it per the procedure.

Rule of law not by tyrants, (under the name of 'compromise').
I did vote for Bernie...and he won Oklahoma. I only voted for Trump when it came down to him and Hillary.

A 'Conservative Democrat' voted for a Marxist? Hmmmmmm.....

Something isn't righ. ah correct.

Either yer a 'Conservative Democrat' or yer a Marxist.

Yer a Marxist, or not tooooo bright if ya voted fer the Socialist.
The Founders were wise enough to know that they were creating a living document .. one that would and should be changed.

Like Jefferson, I believe the Constitution has a shelf life and should be changed many times.

Standard bat shit crazy Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist dim wit Democrat crap.

There are procedures to amend the Constitution.

Marxists never want a rule of law.
On the marriage thing, at least you can get legally married now, so what are you bitching about, bitch?

You had to either go out of your way to miss the point or you are Deshtard stupid. Which is it cocksucker

Remember Donald Trump will be your President. Say it with me. Cleanse your soul
That's stupid.

Voting represents the will of the people in every other instance except the Electoral College.

No, stupidity is your knee-jerk reaction to understanding the difference between the office of president (a national figurehead of the whole republic) and those of state and local elections. Fortunately our founders were not so stupid.