NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Originally Posted by anatta
where is today's "aristocracy" enabled/facilitated by the EC??
as BAC calls them "cow states" -define how cow states are an aristocracy?
Presidents and other top members of government are aristocrats you idiot.
Trump is directly decended from the same King as Washington was.
Are you truly this fucking ignorant?
soooo much ignorance packed into 1 post.
First your premise that "presidents and member of government are aristocrats" ignores we have no titled gentry
We have no House of Lords - no inherited titles.

Presidents and Congress are ordinary Americans ( in theory anyhow)- they are not above the law.
But even ignoring that: you fail again to show the EC promotes any so called aristocracy instead of direct democracy vote
"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."

The founders warned against the tyranny of the majority, hence, the Electoral College, and a
representative democracy.

History lesson #2....you're dismissed.

Well, for starters, you ignored my reply on history lesson #1, which was quite embarrassing for you. Did you get a chance to read the rest of the Politifact entry that you posted? LOL

And 2nd, how about where 62,979,879 people take away the rights of the other 65,844,954?

Poor bravs.
You're confused dude.

I have no problem with white people .. as years on a board like this can attest to.

I hate pink motherfuckers .. otherwise known as racist whites .. and yes, HELL YES, I wish everyone of them dead.

Racists exist to give white people a bad name .. so I distinguish them by calling them pinkies.

If you don't believe in evolution, that's your problem, but quite obviously this nation is evolving. Don't believe that .. I don't give a damn about what you don't believe.

Sounds rational to me. I tend to agree.
We're talking about the national election, not individual states.
i get that.but just like Congress is a national body made up of individual representatives, the EC is a national body made up of individual electors (representatives of the people for voting)..so no mater how how the individual reps/electors vote -it's still the will of the people unless they are "faithless " electors
Since working people (Earners) are what keeps the country going, I think ONLY those paying taxes on earnings should be allowed to vote as it is their money that keeps the country going. People on welfare-no and no to undocumented or unemployed immigrants.

soooo much ignorance packed into 1 post.
First your premise that "presidents and member of government are aristocrats" ignores we have no titled gentry
We have no House of Lords - no inherited titles.

Presidents and Congress are ordinary Americans ( in theory anyhow)- they are not above the law.
But even ignoring that: you fail again to show the EC promotes any so called aristocracy instead of direct democracy vote

Damn you are thick. They are members of the royal family. All of them.
They are not common Americans.
I can't believe you are this fucking stupid but it explains how you can be such a traitor to humanity.
i get that.but just like Congress is a national body made up of individual representatives, the EC is a national body made up of individual electors (representatives of the people for voting)..so no mater how how the individual reps/electors vote -it's still the will of the people unless they are "faithless " electors

Or if they bow to death threats from deranged lefties lol.
Damn you are thick. They are members of the royal family. All of them.
They are not common Americans.
I can't believe you are this fucking stupid but it explains how you can be such a traitor to humanity.
so what??
geneology doesn't determine an aristocracy in the US..further your claim the EC somehow promotes an aristocracy is utter hogwash
What a bunch of ignorant idiots.
The EC was created by white male literate land owners, the only legal voters at the time, a time when slavery and forcible wife raping was legal and blacks were not considered whole people.
The entire point of it was to maintain aristocratic control of the government.
It is both an anachronism and an aberation as well as an insult to modern Americans.
Of course you racist dingleberry twats like it.
May the ruination be on your empty heads.

Maybe if you cocksuckers held this position in 2008 and 2012 and even when you thought Crooked Hillary was cruising to an electoral college wipeout of Trump I would take your sentiments as serious. Since you never did at least publicly on this forum, I can only conclude that you are a sore loser with a sore pussy and believe that your side is entitled to power in perpetuity.

Well you aren't. So go fuck your self
Ok. Why do we have the Constitution at all then?

Shouldn't Prop 8 and Prop 187 legally stand in California because they were voted on the majority of the people?

Additionally queer marriage would be illegal.

But you know the answer. Leftists just want their way. They have no abiding principles other than getting their way. When they don't they lash out. They are not to be compromised with. They are not to be reasoned with. They are to be defeated and treated like the enemy they are. Even if you don't see them as an enemy they see you as one. The sooner you realize that the better
Cite one example.

You must not be familiar with California. Probably your Appalachian education.

If you think Redding, Berkeley, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, LA, San Diego, Fresno all have the same demographics, go back and do a little homework on diversity and demographics
Well, for starters, you ignored my reply on history lesson #1, which was quite embarrassing for you. Did you get a chance to read the rest of the Politifact entry that you posted? LOL

And 2nd, how about where 62,979,879 people take away the rights of the other 65,844,954?

Poor bravs.
What rights were taken away?
"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."

The founders warned against the tyranny of the majority, hence, the Electoral College, and a
representative democracy.

History lesson #2....you're dismissed.