NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

How about I show you to the door where I keep all you racist scum locked up.

The IGNORE room .. where you won't ever come out. :0)

I count about 4 today. At this rate you'll be talking to yourself in another day or two. Of course, since you are not one to respond with intelligence thus haven't had a real conversation here anyway...
The electoral college is also part of compromises made at the convention to satisfy the small states. Under the system of the Electoral College each state had the same number of electoral votes as they have representative in Congress, thus no state could have less then 3. The result of this system is that in this election the state of Wyoming cast about 210,000 votes, and thus each elector represented 70,000 votes, while in California approximately 9,700,000 votes were cast for 54 votes, thus representing 179,000 votes per electorate. Obviously this creates an unfair advantage to voters in the small states whose votes actually count more then those people living in medium and large states.

Arizona and Indiana both have 11 electoral votes. If one barely eeks out a victory in one, yet gets slaughtered in the other, it's all a wash. Hardly the will of the people.
Everybody gets one vote.

The founders warned against the tyranny of the dirt.

"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."

The founders warned against the tyranny of the majority, hence, the Electoral College, and a
representative democracy.

History lesson #2....you're dismissed.
I count about 4 today. At this rate you'll be talking to yourself in another day or two. Of course, since you are not one to respond with intelligence thus haven't had a real conversation here anyway...

He left our old board because he was laughed at so much and probably had a meltdown
I count about 4 today. At this rate you'll be talking to yourself in another day or two. Of course, since you are not one to respond with intelligence thus haven't had a real conversation here anyway...

So basically it would be a repeat of the last time he was here.

Arizona and Indiana both have 11 electoral votes. If one barely eeks out a victory in one, yet gets slaughtered in the other, it's all a wash. Hardly the will of the people.

without California Clinton loses by over 1 million votes, California is fucked up and doesn't need to make the choice for the rest of the country
without California Clinton loses by over 1 million votes, California is fucked up and doesn't need to make the choice for the rest of the country

My example sure went over your head. No surprise. Everything else does, too.

I love the logic of you retards. You see, CA is as much a part of the electorate as Kansas. You try to exclude it to justify whatever stupid fucking point you are trying to make. California is no more fucked up that the backward Bible belt states or inbred Appalachia.
The founders feared direct democracy among other reasons they created the EC. The system isn't going to be changed because some people are upset over losing.
I can't help thinking that the wouldn't be against the EC if it worked out in their favour!! I think if a popular vote system is introduced then the call for voter ID will be unstoppable. There are plans to introduce it over here.


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So basically it would be a repeat of the last time he was here.


I remember BAC from the old days.....his posts were civil, intelligent, and on topic.....

Now I'm afraid he's a victim of Trump Derangement and of his own sig.....

I wouldn't believe a post like this if I didn't see it with my own eyes...

... and given hundreds of years of rule by pinkies .. rule by Hispanics, Asians, or Martians will be a welcome change. (bac)
Mob rule was made possible by the EC.

... and given hundreds of years of rule by pinkies .. rule by Hispanics, Asians, or Martians will be a welcome change.
Can you name one country in South America that is well governed? I certainly can't.

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Arizona and Indiana both have 11 electoral votes. If one barely eeks out a victory in one, yet gets slaughtered in the other, it's all a wash. Hardly the will of the people.
sure it is. if 1 congressperson is elected unanimously ( ex.) and another wins by 1 vote -but they vote against each other in Congress and cancel each other out it's still the will of the people.
The EC takes into account the peoples will, but thru a representative college.
They don't talk about it today because there is no whiting of America. They can't even make that shit up today. There is in fact, a browning of America .. FACT .. but you seem bothered that I would talk about it.

Why do I talk about it .. because I hate pink people and I don't have the same fear of Hispanics that you do. Anything that lessens the political power of the pinkies, I'm all for it.

I'm black .. why would you think I would feel any differently?

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sure it is. if 1 congressperson is elected unanimously ( ex.) and another wins by 1 vote -but they vote against each other in Congress and cancel each other out it's still the will of the people.
The EC takes into account the peoples will, but thru a representative college.

We're talking about the national election, not individual states.
Yes it does: Land of Freedom, where the Scots-Irish settled after the English populated the bottomlands with plantations worked by slaves.

A truly backward part of this country. And you mock the diversity of a state like California. Priceless