NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

The founders feared direct democracy among other reasons they created the EC. The system isn't going to be changed because some people are upset over losing.

I agree. But I still understand how the anti-Trump pro-Hillary group feels right now though I still know that EC is constitutional law and that ain't changing any time soon.
The 2nd amendment hysteria is so overblown. Any Supreme Court is going to uphold the 2nd. It's the law of the land. The only way it wouldn't be is if there ever was an amendment to repeal it - which there never will be.

Nor will 44 states allow the top 6 to run the entire country.....

the top 6 or 7 hold about 50% of the population of the whole country......THINK.

Those 43 or 44 states might as well not even exist.....
Allow me to point out the double standard since you're apparently oblivious to it.

Suppose a white politician said 'the whiting of America is just part of evolution'. The implied premise being non-whites should just deal with it.

You'd call him a pinkie.

LOTS of white politicians have always said the same thing .. FALSELY. I see no double standard in me saying it when there is glaring evidence of its truth. Are you suggesting that there isn't?

I couldn't care less what pinkies think or have to say. They can all drop dead as far as I'm concerned .. and yes, pinkies have always said that about black people as well.

I don't give a rats ass about what they call me.
Nor will 44 states allow the top 6 to run the entire country.....

the top 6 or 7 hold about 50% of the population of the whole country......THINK.

Those 43 or 44 states might as well not even exist.....

Everybody gets one vote.

The founders warned against the tyranny of the dirt.
one thing that is not pointed out enough is that there were no GOP senators on the ballot in California. There was an establishment Dem and a Progressive Dem. Aside from not having the incentive for the repubs to turn out for the presidency there is no reason to turn out for the senate as well. While both wings of the dems had a reason to turn out.
Trump's win can be viewed as 'mob rule' ... helped by an archaic system that discounts the will of the American people.

Mob rule would be rule by the majority, not by the minority....THINK.

You might think of it as total rule by the whites as it stands today.....and maybe Latinos in the future.
Mob rule would be rule by the majority, not by the minority....THINK.

You might think of it as total rule by the whites as it stands today.....and maybe Latinos in the future.

Mob rule was made possible by the EC.

... and given hundreds of years of rule by pinkies .. rule by Hispanics, Asians, or Martians will be a welcome change.
Ok. I'm not making the decision. I'm just speaking to reality. You need 3/4ths of the states (I believe) to ratify changing it. And telling small states that Hillary got 3 million more votes so change it probably isn't going to sell.

Well, that's just wrong and needs to be changed.

Constitutional changes should be made, by what the majority of the people want to change.

What a bunch of ignorant idiots.
The EC was created by white male literate land owners, the only legal voters at the time, a time when slavery and forcible wife raping was legal and blacks were not considered whole people.
The entire point of it was to maintain aristocratic control of the government.
It is both an anachronism and an aberation as well as an insult to modern Americans.
Of course you racist dingleberry twats like it.
May the ruination be on your empty heads.
It was created to give less populous states a voice retard. You still don't know what a Republic is you flicking moron.
You're confused dude.

I have no problem with white people .. as years on a board like this can attest to.

I hate pink motherfuckers .. otherwise known as racist whites .. and yes, HELL YES, I wish everyone of them dead.

Racists exist to give white people a bad name .. so I distinguish them by calling them pinkies.

If you don't believe in evolution, that's your problem, but quite obviously this nation is evolving. Don't believe that .. I don't give a damn about what you don't believe.

Where did I say we shouldn't have a constitution?
Blacks are now whole people and can vote and can't be owned.
Women now have the right to control their own bodies, even against their husbands and can vote.
Tenants can vote, poll taxes have been ruled illegal.

All of these things were deemed wrong and changed. Why should the EC be inviolate, other than that it serves the will of the Aristocrats against the wishes of the population?
Lol, dummy.
LOTS of white politicians have always said the same thing .. FALSELY. I see no double standard in me saying it when there is glaring evidence of its truth. Are you suggesting that there isn't?

I couldn't care less what pinkies think or have to say. They can all drop dead as far as I'm concerned .. and yes, pinkies have always said that about black people as well.

I don't give a rats ass about what they call me.

Discounting David Duke, what politicians talk about 'the whiting of America'? If they did they'd quickly be kicked out of politics.
where is today's "aristocracy" enabled/facilitated by the EC??
as BAC calls them "cow states" -define how cow states are an aristocracy?
Presidents and other top members of government are aristocrats you idiot.
Trump is directly decended from the same King as Washington was.
Are you truly this fucking ignorant?