NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Maybe all the states should adopt the Maine/Nebraska system?


That would have meant that Hillary would have received 34 and Trump would have received 17 of the California EC votes, with the rest divided up somehow between Johnson, Stein, and "others".

This would be an interesting situation, if applied to the entire US; but it would have to be looked at, by someone who wants to do it.

Maybe if I get bored.
It was created to give less populous states a voice retard. You still don't know what a Republic is you flicking moron.

1. No it wasn't, that is just the current talking point.
2. I know exactly what it means idiot.
Who the fuck are you to demand answers? Fuck off little bitch.
Discounting David Duke, what politicians talk about 'the whiting of America'? If they did they'd quickly be kicked out of politics.

They don't talk about it today because there is no whiting of America. They can't even make that shit up today. There is in fact, a browning of America .. FACT .. but you seem bothered that I would talk about it.

Why do I talk about it .. because I hate pink people and I don't have the same fear of Hispanics that you do. Anything that lessens the political power of the pinkies, I'm all for it.

I'm black .. why would you think I would feel any differently?
I wish these Leftist scumbags would remember that THANK GOD we are not now, nor ever will be, a direct democracy, but a Constitutional Republic, and the EC is the great equalizer preventing the urban shitholes from determining the Presidential Election AND national policy.
They don't talk about it today because there is no whiting of America. They can't even make that shit up today. There is in fact, a browning of America .. FACT .. but you seem bothered that I would talk about it.

Why do I talk about it .. because I hate pink people and I don't have the same fear of Hispanics that you do. Anything that lessens the political power of the pinkies, I'm all for it.

I'm black .. why would you think I would feel any differently?
An anti white racist? Whoda thunk.
So only urban shitholes like the one you live in should get to decide the POTUS and determine policy? Communist much Blackasshole?

Yet another stupid ass clown crawls from the cracks .. :0) and it's a stupid motherfucker from Erie, Pennsylvania. :rofl2:

Erie's population sinks to lowest in nearly a century

Do you even have a job you ignorant motherfucker? Most people with brains have already gotten the fuck out of the area .. if they have marketable skills that is .. but there you sit. :0) Let me guess .. no education.

I live in Atlanta dickhead Susan. If you want to compare the economy, population GROWTH, and business interests of Atlanta to :0) Erie, Pennsylvania .. be my guest you ignorant slab of shit. :0)
Yet another stupid ass clown crawls from the cracks .. :0) and it's a stupid motherfucker from Erie, Pennsylvania. :rofl2:

Erie's population sinks to lowest in nearly a century

Do you even have a job you ignorant motherfucker? Most people with brains have already gotten the fuck out of the area .. if they have marketable skills that is .. but there you sit. :0) Let me guess .. no education.

I live in Atlanta dickhead Susan. If you want to compare the economy, population GROWTH, and business interests of Atlanta to :0) Erie, Pennsylvania .. be my guest you ignorant slab of shit. :0)

NY State is rapidly losing population because of it's socialist, business hostile policies and high taxes. Georgia is rapidly gaining population because of its capitalist, pro-business policies and low taxes.

Certainly not because of policies that you champion!
Yet another stupid ass clown crawls from the cracks .. :0) and it's a stupid motherfucker from Erie, Pennsylvania. :rofl2:

Erie's population sinks to lowest in nearly a century

Do you even have a job you ignorant motherfucker? Most people with brains have already gotten the fuck out of the area .. if they have marketable skills that is .. but there you sit. :0) Let me guess .. no education.

I live in Atlanta dickhead Susan. If you want to compare the economy, population GROWTH, and business interests of Atlanta to :0) Erie, Pennsylvania .. be my guest you ignorant slab of shit. :0)
The only thing you are good at, sick piece of ghetto trash, is divide and conquer. Well, Bolshevik scumbag, your ideology has been stomped on but good! Oh, Atlanta? What a fucking joke!
Since working people (Earners) are what keeps the country going, I think ONLY those paying taxes on earnings should be allowed to vote as it is their money that keeps the country going. People on welfare-no and no to undocumented or unemployed immigrants.
Show where I am wrong.
Oh that's right, you can't.
The board notes that you are a pussy.
The electoral college is also part of compromises made at the convention to satisfy the small states. Under the system of the Electoral College each state had the same number of electoral votes as they have representative in Congress, thus no state could have less then 3. The result of this system is that in this election the state of Wyoming cast about 210,000 votes, and thus each elector represented 70,000 votes, while in California approximately 9,700,000 votes were cast for 54 votes, thus representing 179,000 votes per electorate. Obviously this creates an unfair advantage to voters in the small states whose votes actually count more then those people living in medium and large states.
The only thing you are good at, sick piece of ghetto trash, is divide and conquer. Well, Bolshevik scumbag, your ideology has been stomped on but good! Oh, Atlanta? What a fucking joke!

In other words, you are indeed the ignorant assclown you appear to be. :0)

No intelligence to debate .. no comeback about how glorious Erie is, eh?

Just crawled out of bed looking to get your racist rocks off, huh?

How about I show you to the door where I keep all you racist scum locked up.

The IGNORE room .. where you won't ever come out. :0)