NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

How ignorant do you have to be to not understand, not only the fairness, but the soundness of the electoral process in a "national election", as opposed to state and local election in a representative republic?

Obviously the answer is pretty damned ignorant.
And why are these two propositions the ones brought up? They passed in our most liberal Of states, California. Just think how the rest of the country would vote on those and similar issues if given the opportunity. Mob rule isn't often the best rule.

I also get how those who feel disenfranchised by the EC would like to dismantle it. I have been on both sides of mob rule.

Trump's win can be viewed as 'mob rule' ... helped by an archaic system that discounts the will of the American people.
Trump's win can be viewed as 'mob rule' ... helped by an archaic system that discounts the will of the American people.

The will of the people in a representative republic of 50 states, with equal voices based on their need for representation, was heard and affirmed with Trumps win.
Trump's win can be viewed as 'mob rule' ... helped by an archaic system that discounts the will of the American people.

I suppose. I keep reminding myself that if I was heavily invested in an election and it came out his way that I would feel exactly as you all feel.
The illegals in LA county don't get to choose our President.

Get used to it. It isn't going anywhere.....

Hispanics in California already outnumber whites .. AND, LA County has the largest population of Hispanics anywhere in the country .. and they're young compared to the aging white population.

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

I'll get used to that .. while you get used toi being a minority.
Maybe all the states should adopt the Maine/Nebraska system?


nothing is stopping them from apportioning their votes based upon the popular vote if they chose to......and there's another perfectly good solution for the left that doesn't require changing the constitution......they merely need to convince 50% of the population to move to California.....then by law it would be apportioned 50% of the electoral votes.......
President-Elect Trump Reaffirms His Long-Standing Opposition to Electoral College, and Favors A Nationwide Vote for President

"I would rather see it, where you went with simple votes. You know, you get 100 million votes, and somebody else gets 90 million votes, and you win. There’s a reason for doing this. Because it brings all the states into play."

I guess that ends the argument as your right-wing master and god has declared his support for it.
Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,
despite only having 1/8th of the US population California provides 1/5th of the votes you need to be president.

Thats powerful enough :)
I suppose. I keep reminding myself that if I was heavily invested in an election and it came out his way that I would feel exactly as you all feel.

The founders feared direct democracy among other reasons they created the EC. The system isn't going to be changed because some people are upset over losing.
Hispanics in California already outnumber whites .. AND, LA County has the largest population of Hispanics anywhere in the country .. and they're young compared to the aging white population.

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

I'll get used to that .. while you get used toi being a minority.
LA country doesn't decide the President regardless of the special 'identity groups' you cite.

Doesn't matter. The whole country must be represented.

Accept it. It isn't going anywhere.
You're confused dude.

I have no problem with white people .. as years on a board like this can attest to.

I hate pink motherfuckers .. otherwise known as racist whites .. and yes, HELL YES, I wish everyone of them dead.

Racists exist to give white people a bad name .. so I distinguish them by calling them pinkies.

If you don't believe in evolution, that's your problem, but quite obviously this nation is evolving. Don't believe that .. I don't give a damn about what you don't believe.

Allow me to point out the double standard since you're apparently oblivious to it.

Suppose a white politician said 'the whiting of America is just part of evolution'. The implied premise being non-whites should just deal with it.

You'd call him a pinkie.
The founders once again showed political genius. They did not want concentration of governmental power in any 1 branch of government
or electoral power concentrated in large populous states.

"These United States" is what we called ourselves pre-civil war. It was because we incorporated under a federation of sovereign states.
Towards that ends, the EC uses the same means as electing a POTUS