NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Over influence of big states and urban areas is exactly what they're after. Their pissing and moaning about the EC has nothing to do with fairness or democracy: it's about advancing the progressive agenda.

The Deplorables are in their way.
probably. but if one is going to argue for the merits of the EC it has to be on more then temporal political grounds.
Politics shifts/demographics shift. There has to be an underlying institutional reason for the EC,and I beleive that si the same
as it ever was -a republic formation of government
That is fine. But if the goal is to overturn the EC you're going to need the support of small states and saying I'm a Democrat and supported Hillary and therefore the EC should be changed probably isn't going to win people over.

Electoral College isn't going to be changed, and I'm a Democrat, it does serve a purpose, although those people in larger blue states are Americans and their vote should matter equally as the guy in Idaho

However, if the trend continues, and say three elections down the road a candidate gets six or seven more votes and still loses in the EC, it would be time to reevaluate the EC's relevance
That is fine. But if the goal is to overturn the EC you're going to need the support of small states and saying I'm a Democrat and supported Hillary and therefore the EC should be changed probably isn't going to win people over.

Pretty sure that democrats can figure this out.

Pretty sure that you know 'I supported Hillary' isn't going to be the argument .. although her getting 3 million more votes will indeed be part of it.
votes do a direct vote for their representatives,but the POWER of the representatives in Congress is determined by the population( house) and the states identity ( Senate.
Same thing for the voters electing the College. It's not bicameral,but the power of the individual electors is expressed by the same factors.

In EVERY instance voting determines the winner .. except with the EC.

Cows don't vote and land is not more important than the will of the people.

You can see it however you choose.
Pretty sure that democrats can figure this out.

Pretty sure that you know 'I supported Hillary' isn't going to be the argument .. although her getting 3 million more votes will indeed be part of it.

I can't speak for the smaller states but I'd put money that Hillary got 3 million more votes isn't going to get them to support changing the EC.
I can't speak for the smaller states but I'd put money that Hillary got 3 million more votes isn't going to get them to support changing the EC.

THis is evolution brother. As the nation continues to evolve, so will its laws.

The EC is a dinosaur that needs to go away.
so we are to be punished for living In california

You are being punished by the stupidity of YOUR STATE. If you don't like it....move. Your voice is heard...just like the voice of N.H is heard. What, are you people in California better than the folks in N.H.? If you want more of a voice, its simple, BUS IN MORE illegals...the more you bus in the greater the electoral college number. Perhaps one day you can bus in enough to have 270 votes by yourself.

Or you could amend the Constitution and stay within the confines of the RULE OF LAW. Go for it....amend away.

Right now....All 50 states are represented equally depending upon the number of people in each voting district. Your vote still counts...it just does not count more than the same vote in a much smaller state. Clearly what you can't wrap your head around is the fact that all voting districts are represented equally depending upon the number of people in each voting district...all the votes are counted, but your votes goes no further than your state...then your vote is delegated to the EC depending upon who had the greatest number of votes.

No one wants the people of California to dictate policy to the people of Nebraska on just how Corn must be raised....when the only product California knows how to grow and harvest right now is POT.

Another example: Look at the state of the state in California....all but bankrupt expecting the tax dollars from other states to bail them out should their markers ever be called. And you want the same policies enacted nation wide? Really? Again....you are living in a STUPID STATE but attempting to lash out at other states because they don't agree with your failed policies.

Again I will say it...our founding fathers were Genius Loci (a spirit guarding a place)...and that spirit is still kicking ass today.
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In EVERY instance voting determines the winner .. except with the EC.

Cows don't vote and land is not more important than the will of the people.

You can see it however you choose.
I do not disagree about choosing a winner, but this is not a pure democracy.
It was never designed as a pure democracy. the winners of elections still operate under republican ( small r) rules.
You are being punished by the stupidity of YOUR STATE. If you don't like it....move. Your voice is heard...just like the voice of N.H is heard. What, are you people in California better than the folks in N.H.? If you more of voice, its simple BUS IN SOME MORE illegals...the more you bus in the greater the electoral college number. Perhaps one day you can bus in enough to have 270 votes by yourself.

That's beautiful, did it ever occur to you that a whole lot more people live in California than NH, and that they are as much an American as the guy from NH, so why should their vote count less?
THis is evolution brother. As the nation continues to evolve, so will its laws.

The EC is a dinosaur that needs to go away.

Ok. I'm not making the decision. I'm just speaking to reality. You need 3/4ths of the states (I believe) to ratify changing it. And telling small states that Hillary got 3 million more votes so change it probably isn't going to sell.
votes do a direct vote for their representatives,but the POWER of the representatives in Congress is determined by the population( house) and the states identity ( Senate.
Same thing for the voters electing the College. It's not bicameral,but the power of the individual electors is expressed by the same factors.

The number changes with population NOT power.
Christmas Eve present-opening? I don't know about that one.

IKR... But we work to make Christmas day all about the food. :)

I get it, but I really have never seen the kid of infringement or even suggested infringement that would limit the kind of gun ownership you're describing (except from far-lefties, who never really have control of anything, anyway). But I'm not as attuned to that stuff as you are.

Are there any examples of SC decisions that were close, that would have had major ramifications for lawful gun ownership?

The case of DC vs. Heller in 2008. While the case was specifically about law concerning gun locks and assembly in DC the decision that the 2nd applied to individual ownership was addressed. Basically the decision came down 5-4 that the 2nd guaranteed the individual (outside of Law Enforcement and the military) the right to own a gun. 5-4 ... and now Scalia is dead. If that was ever revisited with a Hillary appointed SC justice in place it would probably go the other way. Take away the individual's right under the 2nd and you've essentially eliminated the 2nd. Take a look at the dissenting opinion in the case. To a gun owner, much less a gun enthusiast, language like this is scary.

I do not disagree about choosing a winner, but this is not a pure democracy.
It was never designed as a pure democracy. the winners of elections still operate under republican ( small r) rules.

This is one reason why Trump's 'win' is good for this nation.

ALL barriers should be removed from this ever happening again. Hate of the opposition is in the drivers seat .. a blueprint that YOUR SIDE of the fence employed.

Don't act all surprised now that the hate is coming your way.
Ok. I'm not making the decision. I'm just speaking to reality. You need 3/4ths of the states (I believe) to ratify changing it. And telling small states that Hillary got 3 million more votes so change it probably isn't going to sell.

Getting rid of the Trump shit-stain will be a driving force.

America must ensure that this never happens again .. and just because it won't be easy is hardly a reason not to pursue it.
This is one reason why Trump's 'win' is good for this nation.

ALL barriers should be removed from this ever happening again. Hate of the opposition is in the drivers seat .. a blueprint that YOUR SIDE of the fence employed.

Don't act all surprised now that the hate is coming your way.
please...you are advocating blind partisanship as a driver of policy.
I completely reject that, as much as I reject hate as a prime motivator.
I can't go for that good brother -i hope you are completely and fully aware of what you espouse
Getting rid of the Trump shit-stain will be a driving force.

America must ensure that this never happens again .. and just because it won't be easy is hardly a reason not to pursue it.

I'm not a political professional but again I don't see small states overturning the EC based on that.
please...you are advocating blind partisanship as a driver of policy.
I completely reject that, as much as I reject hate as a prime motivator.
I can't go for that good brother -i hope you are completely and fully aware of what you espouse

Respectfully, I couldn't care less what you can go for .. you voted for Trump.

.. and if blind partisanship gets rid of right-wing idiocy and filth .. I'm all for it.

Still not a democrat .. but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
This is one reason why Trump's 'win' is good for this nation.

ALL barriers should be removed from this ever happening again. Hate of the opposition is in the drivers seat .. a blueprint that YOUR SIDE of the fence employed.

Don't act all surprised now that the hate is coming your way.

What have you been smoking lol?

If minorities don't hate white people by now it's to their credit, given some of the demagoguery that drives identity politics.

You are painfully unaware of your glass house.