NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Do you realize that without LA County and New York City, Trump would have won the popular vote by nearly 500,000? Do you really think it would be OK for these two areas, basically non-diverse with respect to political preference, should rule over the rest of the country?

How are they "ruling over the rest of the country?"

Everyone has a vote. If the GOP wants to win an election like that, they have to work harder in those areas.

As it is now, the south & a few midwest states are ruling over the rest of the country.
How are they "ruling over the rest of the country?"

Everyone has a vote. If the GOP wants to win an election like that, they have to work harder in those areas.

As it is now, the south & a few midwest states are ruling over the rest of the country.

Ruling because their political non-diversity and relatively huge, dense populations.

I'm amused at your trying to turn this around and say that the south & a few midwest states enjoy this same advantage. As if Alabama is beholden to Ohio.
How are they "ruling over the rest of the country?"

Everyone has a vote. If the GOP wants to win an election like that, they have to work harder in those areas.

As it is now, the south & a few midwest states are ruling over the rest of the country.

How about the democrats work harder in the south and Midwest? There are a lot of democratic ideas I (and other Oklahoma democrats) like but we'd like some to espouse those ideas without being so dogmatic about other, less desireable (at least to us) parts of the dem platform.
77,000 votes in three states decided the election rather than the overwhelming popular vote.

Times have changed since 1787. The Founders fucked up a number of things. We've fixed those over the years. Time to fix this one.

No. Just because more libtads in NY and Cali voted for Clinton doesn't mean she should be POTUS.

Her fatass made zero trips to Wisconson, and had a terrible strategy. Stop whining about the EC and move on already.
Yuppers....just as Trump would say.....New York Yimes, love'em...great paper...must read. (Then some shade thrown his way) Hat'em, no good, trash paper. LMAO!!!!!!!

The Dumpster is a New York dim wit Democrat up until two years ago. Hopefully they go bankrupt within a few years.
The minority voted for Trump.
Brain on vacation?

the popular vote is IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!! the electoral college has been the method of electing president/vice president since ratification. both candidates knew this. it can hardly be said, then, that the minority voted for trump after obtaining over 300 electoral votes.
the popular vote is IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!! the electoral college has been the method of electing president/vice president since ratification. both candidates knew this. it can hardly be said, then, that the minority voted for trump after obtaining over 300 electoral votes.

STY, it is not irrelevant. Obviously, it's how we elect the President. But it is not at all irrelevant in terms of my "tyranny of the minority" statement.

Fewer people voted for Trump. Almost 3 million fewer. And get the GOP controls the executive branch, the House, the Senate and SCOTUS.

Sorry - that is a tyranny of the minority.
the popular vote is IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!! the electoral college has been the method of electing president/vice president since ratification. both candidates knew this. it can hardly be said, then, that the minority voted for trump after obtaining over 300 electoral votes.

The gay Viking has a serious case of TARD. It effects his already seriously compromised brain function.
the popular vote is IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!! the electoral college has been the method of electing president/vice president since ratification. both candidates knew this. it can hardly be said, then, that the minority voted for trump after obtaining over 300 electoral votes.

STY, it is not irrelevant. Obviously, it's how we elect the President. But it is not at all irrelevant in terms of my "tyranny of the minority" statement.

Fewer people voted for Trump. Almost 3 million fewer. And yet the GOP controls the executive branch, the House, the Senate and SCOTUS.

Sorry - that is a tyranny of the minority.