NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

Interesting. If I was posting something like this about you, it would be a "vicious personal attack" and "all that I do" and an obvious sign I "lost the argument."

You really need some help, bravs.

Its exactly on the topic of your post.....labels.

I wouldn't have posted this if the subject were something else...I'd be posting on that subject....
STY, it is not irrelevant. Obviously, it's how we elect the President. But it is not at all irrelevant in terms of my "tyranny of the minority" statement.

Fewer people voted for Trump. Almost 3 million fewer. And get the GOP controls the executive branch, the House, the Senate and SCOTUS.

Sorry - that is a tyranny of the minority.

if the gop controls the house and the senate, and soon to be scotus, how can the minority have voted all those gop members in??????? no, that makes them the majority, not the minority
Since ratification of the 12th.
Numbers don't lie. Trump got 3 million less votes.

again, irrelevant. the idiots are you liberals who believed with all your hearts that americas heartland wouldn't ever consider voting for the kneejerky buffoon donald trump, so you barely considered campaigning in the states that he eventually won. that was stupid of you. the numbers that matter are the electoral votes.
if the gop controls the house and the senate, and soon to be scotus, how can the minority have voted all those gop members in??????? no, that makes them the majority, not the minority

I'll give you the Senate. The House is based on gerrymandering BS now, which all Americans should oppose.

Regardless, more people voted Dem this election. And our gov't is Republican.
I'll give you the Senate. The House is based on gerrymandering BS now, which all Americans should oppose.

Regardless, more people voted Dem this election. And our gov't is Republican.

do you have any factual information that shows more democrats voted in house elections than republicans? or are you basing your comment solely upon the results of the presidential race?
I'll give you the Senate. The House is based on gerrymandering BS now, which all Americans should oppose.

Regardless, more people voted Dem this election. And our gov't is Republican.

I knew you and I would agree on something, sooner or later.....

Gerrymandering is BS, some districts shapes defy describing as actual recognizable shapes.....

and both party's will bitch and moan every time they are redrawn.
I'll give you the Senate. The House is based on gerrymandering BS now, which all Americans should oppose.

Regardless, more people voted Dem this election. And our gov't is Republican.

Elbridge Gerry who invented 'gerrymandering' was a dim wit Democrat Massachusetts governor. Take it up with him... burp...
When he met Darla the Fucking Viking said that he was a PE, and she thought it meant Professional Engineer. Later she found out it stood for Premature Ejaculator.

Well, to be fair; when he met her she said she was bi.

It wasn't till later that she meant polar. :palm:
I knew you and I would agree on something, sooner or later.....

Gerrymandering is BS, some districts shapes defy describing as actual recognizable shapes.....

and both party's will bitch and moan every time they are redrawn.

One thing that both sides seem to forget; is that just because a line for voting (by where you live) has been determined, it doesn't mean that people are stuck there.
People move and sometimes large amounts of them.
He claimed he is still in the saddle.

^^^ Edit: he didn't actually say that. ^^^

After lookin' at his reply, he answered my question with a question, so I guess it is unclear.

It's more like he was wearing the saddle, seeing as how he's admitted that he likes being "ridden".
<not that there's anything wrong with that>
Racism isn't confined to whites in America. Plenty of racism around the world, look at the way blacks are treated in Cuba or Brazil. Further afield India is an appallingly racist country as is Jordan, Iran and much of Africa.


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I know. I travel around world. I agree with BAC's premise. A very small segment of a population, usually extremists, make all the trouble. Tooa many people in this world group everyone together. Think about if everyone got on the same page about extremists. It would be like a super tanker running over a dinghy. You would not even feel the bump, just see some flotsam chopped up by the props.
One thing that both sides seem to forget; is that just because a line for voting (by where you live) has been determined, it doesn't mean that people are stuck there.
People move and sometimes large amounts of them.

Absolutely, just what is happening in Calif.....SF is stagnant and the people are moving in droves to eastern CA....

That will mean changes very soon.