NY Times calls for end to Electoral College

the popular vote is IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!! the electoral college has been the method of electing president/vice president since ratification. both candidates knew this. it can hardly be said, then, that the minority voted for trump after obtaining over 300 electoral votes.

Since ratification of the 12th.
Numbers don't lie. Trump got 3 million less votes.
STY, it is not irrelevant. Obviously, it's how we elect the President. But it is not at all irrelevant in terms of my "tyranny of the minority" statement.

Fewer people voted for Trump. Almost 3 million fewer. And get the GOP controls the executive branch, the House, the Senate and SCOTUS.

Sorry - that is a tyranny of the minority.

Yer upside down. Senators and Congresspeople both Federal offices and State offices in the 2016 cycle received more Republican votes then dim wit Democrat votes.

Sorry ya don't like the Constitution that is the basis for this particular Republic and it's fantastic success; (yer so upside down ya think Progressives actually want privatization), yet ya claim yer some sorta Libertarian, (a philosophy that would in fact favor limited gubment and privatization).

I have a bridge fer sale... N' it floats... burp...
Yer upside down. Senators and Congresspeople both Federal offices and State offices in the 2016 cycle received more Republican votes then dim wit Democrat votes.

Sorry ya don't like the Constitution that is the basis for this particular Republic and it's fantastic success; (yer so upside down ya think Progressives actually want privatization), yet ya claim yer some sorta Libertarian, (a philosophy that would in fact favor limited gubment and privatization).

I have a bridge fer sale... N' it floats... burp...

Man, you're pretty hung up on how I classify myself. Sorry that it doesn't fit into a neat little box for ya.
Man, you're pretty hung up on how I classify myself. Sorry that it doesn't fit into a neat little box for ya.

It is not how you classify yersef, (I could care about that), it's yer claim that Progressives don't want a massive intrusive nanny gubment, that is upside down.

If yer a Libertarian, privatization and limits on gubment do in fact make some sense, not if yer a big gubment Progressive, ('cause ya like the fancy werd 'progressive' or some such).
STY, it is not irrelevant. Obviously, it's how we elect the President. But it is not at all irrelevant in terms of my "tyranny of the minority" statement.

Fewer people voted for Trump. Almost 3 million fewer. And get the GOP controls the executive branch, the House, the Senate and SCOTUS.

Sorry - that is a tyranny of the minority.

From 2 states with a couple of heavily populated counties! Stop pretending that the VAST majorities of states and counties wanted Hillary- They did not.
You should be very very scared.
The Donald will disapoint you on every level.
He has already backed away from ALL of his campaign promises, you have been had.

I never put much stock in campaign promises by any pol, butt: in the case of the Dumpster all bets are off, as he seems ta say whatever cums into his mind, and he is no Conservative.

Yer state run media is doin' their level best ta say all sorts of shit about him, I will take the 'wait n' see' approach.

I still am convinced that he is and was a better bet then yer crooked Queen, and I like most of his cabinet picks thus far.
You dems may very well hate the EC and that's fine. But the fact remains(maybe I shouldn't really use the word "fact", because I got this from wikipedia, but it should be easily verified through one of your lefty Ihatefreedom.com sites), the very electoral college you claim to despise has, over the past century, put more democrats in the white house than republicans by a wide margin(the same goes for dem congresses, too). Initially I was puzzled by this, but soon realized that I was looking at the modern democrat party through the prism of my youth, when the basic ideas of peace and egalitarianism were very appealing(because let's face it, you had a lot to atone for). But you guys are off the reservation now, so I don't know what you're getting at really when you're so upset at losing a 3rd go at the white house. Things suck right now, we need change and different ideas, and notice I said DIFFERENT ideas, not new ones, because nothing much is truly new under the sun regarding politics and economics.

Paraphrasing the founders re: the electoral college, they said it was not perfect, but it was close enough. I have tried to envision another system and the one I came up with fills me with horror. Picture this: We do away with the EC. Everyone must register as a dem or a rep at age 18, and that's the way you have to vote(you ARE allowed to switch parties any time, and voting is not a requirement). A constant tally of Ds and Rs is kept by the all-seeing feds, and the federal department of elections determines where you live and work down to the very street address. This is to ensure an equitable distribution of Ds and Rs. This will work for you guys for a few cycles, because there are more of you, and since there are no "independents", the only way you could express your displeasure with your candidate is to not vote. Change your party at your peril! You might have to move! So all you snowflakes living in Cali? Start checking out schools, shopping and housing in Mississippi!

The Constitution of this Republic and the rule of law is really a major problem fer you eh: Mr. Libertarian?

A) I'm not a libertarian. I said I align more with libertarians.
B) No, it isn't a "major" problem with me. As I said on this thread, I'm not entirely anti-EC. And the EC is just a small part of the Constitution. As of today, I respect it and the results of the election.

And other BS you'd like to dole out?
A) I'm not a libertarian. I said I align more with libertarians.
B) No, it isn't a "major" problem with me. As I said on this thread, I'm not entirely anti-EC. And the EC is just a small part of the Constitution. As of today, I respect it and the results of the election.

And other BS you'd like to dole out?

No butt: I have a question. if yer not a Libertarian, what are ya?
Misinformed lunatic fits pretty well.....

Brainwashed progressive comes to mind....

Historical Fact denier is another....

Interesting. If I was posting something like this about you, it would be a "vicious personal attack" and "all that I do" and an obvious sign I "lost the argument."

You really need some help, bravs.
For men that put together this country over 2 centuries ago, the Founding Fathers were genius.....

The idea of a representative democracy was an astounding creation as a form or government.....

and the creation of the EC is a perfect example of that genius....