O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

By the cultural expectations of the 196Os and 1970s, I think OJ was universally accepted into the Emerald City by white people because he was percieved as good natured, well mannered, non-controversial, and most importantly non-threatening.

While Cassius Clay and Lew Alcindor were popular athletes, in some sense they gave off a vague black nationalist vibe by changing their 'slave names' to Muslim names (Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul Jabber), converting to Islam, and in Ali's case, refusing to submit to the military draft and refusing to serve in Vietnam.
While I agree on OJ, I have no doubt he suffered the little slights common of the era about white superiority. Many of those same slights are seen coming from JPP MAGAts daily.

Even Abe Lincoln felt African-Americans were inferior even though he also felt they deserved the same rights under the Constitution as all other Americans.

Agreed OJ tried to fit in more than Mohammed Ali or Malcolm X. Speaking of which….

While I agree on OJ, I have no doubt he suffered the little slights common of the era about white superiority. Many of those same slights are seen coming from JPP MAGAts daily.

Even Abe Lincoln felt African-Americans were inferior even though he also felt they deserved the same rights under the Constitution as all other Americans.

Agreed OJ tried to fit in more than Mohammed Ali or Malcolm X. Speaking of which….

I agree OJ must have seen racism in his day. But he was basically universally percieved by mass media and the general public as conforming to white cultural expectations in the 60s and 70s in a way that Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X did not.

Nice pic!
I agree OJ must have seen racism in his day. But he was percieved by mass media and the general public as conforming to white cultural expectations in the 60s and 70s in a way that Muhammad Ali did not.

Agreed, but that didn’t make him equal in the eyes of most Euro-Americans of the day. As someone already pointed out, he’d most likely be seen as “one of the good ones”, but not an equal.
OJ Simpson Juror: Not-Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ for Rodney King

Trial watchers, sociologists and even FX’s show “People v OJ Simpson” have argued that the jurors in O.J. Simpson’s murder case acquitted him as payback for the Rodney King beating. And in ESPN’s new event series, “O.J.: Made in America,” one juror finally comes out and says it.

Juror Carrie Bess tells “OJ: Made in America” that she was among “90 percent” of jurors seeking payback


I didnt know the felon King was sliced up and slaughtered with a butcher knife.... nothing but Low IQ racist POS on that jury
OJ Simpson Juror: Not-Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ for Rodney King

Trial watchers, sociologists and even FX’s show “People v OJ Simpson” have argued that the jurors in O.J. Simpson’s murder case acquitted him as payback for the Rodney King beating. And in ESPN’s new event series, “O.J.: Made in America,” one juror finally comes out and says it.

Juror Carrie Bess tells “OJ: Made in America” that she was among “90 percent” of jurors seeking payback


I didnt know the felon King was sliced up and slaughtered with a butcher knife.... nothing but Low IQ racist POS on that jury

While I’m certain all racist MAGAts see it that way, the truer picture is that reasonable doubt was created by the corruption of the LAPD in both the King beating and the planting of evidence by racist cops.

You agree with the principle of Reasonable Doubt, don’t you, vols?
Only because you dislike it. LOL

No, son. I stated that lynchings happened and it was a more brutal, racist time than now. The fact you are defending Bigdog on this is less than surprising.

And I agreed…then I asked how many lynchings are too many and you backpedaled.

Agreed the lynchings likely took place in the South, but anyone denying racism didn’t permeate areas of SF is a fool. OJ was born in 1947. He was 17 when the 1964 CRA was signed. Tell me he never saw a explicit racism in SF.

That said, facing bigotry is no excuse for murdering innocent people. Murdering racist fuckwits is another matter….but still illegal.

No, son.

You attempted to suggest that OJ grew up with the constant possibility of being lynched simply for being black, hanging over him.

That's bullshit.

But then again, it was you saying it, so no surprise.

Bullshit is what has come to be expected out of you.

Daily life for the vast majority of blacks in this country was not characterized by the kind of overt, hate spewing racism Hollywood has made millions misrepresenting, and causing gullible rubes like you to take it as historical fact.

I doubt OJ even knew what racism was and probably unknowingly engaged in it himself.

Him and his homies probably hated whitey themselves.
Agreed, but that didn’t make him equal in the eyes of most Euro-Americans of the day. As someone already pointed out, he’d most likely be seen as “one of the good ones”, but not an equal.

I agree with that. Even if he were given the keys to the Emerald City and made an honorary citizen, most white fathers in Alabama would still not want him dating their daughters.
While I’m certain all racist MAGAts see it that way, the truer picture is that reasonable doubt was created by the corruption of the LAPD in both the King beating and the planting of evidence by racist cops.

You agree with the principle of Reasonable Doubt, don’t you, vols?

This juror didnt say she had reasonable doubt...said it was payback
No, son.

You attempted to suggest that OJ grew up with the constant possibility of being lynched simply for being black, hanging over him.

That's bullshit.

But then again, it was you saying it, so no surprise.

Bullshit is what has come to be expected out of you.

Daily life for the vast majority of blacks in this country was not characterized by the kind of overt, hate spewing racism Hollywood has made millions misrepresenting, and causing gullible rubes like you to take it as historical fact.

I doubt OJ even knew what racism was and probably unknowingly engaged in it himself.

Him and his homies probably hated whitey themselves.
Disagreed, but since you’re constantly Mad, I can see why you want to keep claiming you see things that aren’t there.

Are you an African-American, Mad? Mixed race? Lily White? I’m curious about your experiences of African-Americans in the 1960s. Aside from watching movies, of course.
I agree with that. Even if he were given the keys to the Emerald City and made an honorary citizen, most white fathers in Alabama would still not want him dating their daughters.
Exactly…and, no doubt, there were many Euro-American males of the time who resented him dating and marrying Euro-American women.
Well, don't keep it a secret, Frank. Let the whole board know about the struggles of growing up in San Francisco.

Most of the people with a functioning brain...know what I meant.

Obviously you do not. Not your fault.

The genes!
All kinds of shit was happening, but it was not all commonplace.

Lynchings had become extremely rare by the late 50's.

Between 1958 and 1968, there were six lynchings in the US, and in two of the six, the victims were white.

Like most other things nowadays, the racism of the 60's gets exaggerated a bit. Yes, it was there under the surface, but it's not like black people couldn't walk down the street anywhere in the country without having to worry about violence against them.

I think Hollywood is responsible for a lot of the misconceptions about virulent racism and lynchings during the 50's and 60's because of the way it was portrayed in movies and TV.


I doubt that.
That is a lame excuse.

Rodney King was an asshole who was recklessly driving drunk on his ass endangering the lives of innocent people.

Nicole Brown was a dumb, social climbing gold-digger who married OJ for his fame and money.

In both cases, they put themselves into the situation they ended up in.

But the argument can be made that King deserved the ass kicking he got, legal or otherwise.

It's pretty hard to make the case that Nicole Brown deserved to be butchered like an animal, and as such her butcher should go free.

To try to use one to justify the other is descending into desperation to pat black people on the head and tell them "No matter how shitty your behavior ever gets, some of us benevolent white folks will always be here to coddle you and tell you that nothing you do is ever wrong or your fault."

Not only that, but you'd think they'd be sick of Rodney King types making their neighborhoods unsafe shitholes to live, to the point that teaching them a lesson with an ass-whoopin' would be something they'd get behind.

Lastly, what evidence do you have that "Rodney King cases" were resulting in acquittals time and time again?

Are you claiming that the LA cops were out targeting blacks for ass beatings while letting white reckless drunken drivers off with a pat on the behind?

Not sure I'm buying that.

OJ was a 30-year old serial womanizer and Nicole was a starstruck 18-year old waitress when they first met. And whether or not that makes her a gold-digger, OJ exercised his freedom of choice in marrying her. He should have known better.
Disagreed, but since you’re constantly Mad, I can see why you want to keep claiming you see things that aren’t there.

Are you an African-American, Mad? Mixed race? Lily White? I’m curious about your experiences of African-Americans in the 1960s. Aside from watching movies, of course.

I saw it from the exact same perspective that you did... that of an observer.

Meaning you don't know anymore about it than I do.

You're seeing things that aren't there.

But I do know the black kids I went to school with and the black people my parents worked with, were treated just like everyone else.

I find it both funny and revealing that you commented about getting ideas about the 60's from the movies after I pointed that out to you first.

It's funny because you can't even formulate your own observations without copying me. :laugh:
OJ was a 30-year old serial womanizer and Nicole was a starstruck 18-year old waitress when they first met. And whether or not that makes her a gold-digger, OJ exercised his freedom of choice in marrying her. He should have known better.

He absolutely should have known better.

But she stuck with him amidst the beatings while enjoying the wealth and proximity to fame.

I cannot say whether or not she was starstruck and naive because a lot of beautiful 18 y/o girls are very mature about such things and know exactly what they're doing.

But you're right about OJ.

If he craved young, blonde, white tail that badly, he should've been satisfied with having his choice of the legions of young hookers who ply their trade on the streets of Hollywood.
I saw it from the exact same perspective that you did... that of an observer.

Meaning you don't know anymore about it than I do.

You're seeing things that aren't there.

But I do know the black kids I went to school with and the black people my parents worked with, were treated just like everyone else.

I find it both funny and revealing that you commented about getting ideas about the 60's from the movies after I pointed that out to you first.

It's funny because you can't even formulate your own observations without copying me. :laugh:

ALL the HOT white women with black star athletes...are with them for money. If they worked at Lowes these women would have nothing to do with them!
I saw it from the exact same perspective that you did... that of an observer.

Meaning you don't know anymore about it than I do.

You're seeing things that aren't there.

But I do know the black kids I went to school with and the black people my parents worked with, were treated just like everyone else.

I find it both funny and revealing that you commented about getting ideas about the 60's from the movies after I pointed that out to you first.
Thanks for understanding my point about your conclusions and assumptions.

Yes, I was reaching for common ground since you did, indeed, bring up your knowledge of race relations via movies.