Obama disagrees with high court on child rape case

Well let's be honest with ourselves. Obama doesn't actually support the death penalty. No intelligent person supports the death penalty. He's being a politician, and being that 70% of Americans support the death penalty, he's taking the position most likely to get him elected in November. The only people stupid enough to believe him on this are those who believe in the death penalty, so it's sort of a win-win situation.
The Supreme Court has brought some sanity to an insane debate. If Obama supports the death penalty for child rape then I seriously wonder where his mind is.

If the penalty for raping a child or murdering a child is the same then why wouldn't the rapist murder the child victim?

Help me here, I must be really missing something.
The Supreme Court has brought some sanity to an insane debate. If Obama supports the death penalty for child rape then I seriously wonder where his mind is.

If the penalty for raping a child or murdering a child is the same then why wouldn't the rapist murder the child victim?

Help me here, I must be really missing something.

LOL. This reminds me of reading a thread of comments on a story from an online newspaper reporting on the case. Their location was printed along with their comments, and it was like 10 different American coming in and saying "ZOMG KILL EM ALL LOL THE SUPREME COURT IS INSANE AND DESERVES TO DIE EVIL SCUM!" and then one Aussie who supported the SC.

Americans are kind of crazy.
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The Supreme Court has brought some sanity to an insane debate. If Obama supports the death penalty for child rape then I seriously wonder where his mind is.

If the penalty for raping a child or murdering a child is the same then why wouldn't the rapist murder the child victim?

Help me here, I must be really missing something.

I think that's the best argument against it. It's definitely something that people should be thinking about.
Nah. I am personally against the death penality, 1) for how it's applied, and 2) no one has a right to take a life, in my opinion

But...I don't really give a rat's ass if they fry the guy who rapes and murders a three year old, or decapitates a 6 year old, or tricks a 7 year old into his house with a puppy story and rapes and strangles her, or, buries a 9 year old alive.

Fuck it. If they reserved the death penality for only cases like this, I don't know that I'd even be against it. I think I wouldn't really feel comfortable with it, but I'd rarely think about it because I just wouldn't give a shit.

Then you're actually FOR The death penalty.
The Supreme Court has brought some sanity to an insane debate. If Obama supports the death penalty for child rape then I seriously wonder where his mind is.

If the penalty for raping a child or murdering a child is the same then why wouldn't the rapist murder the child victim?

Help me here, I must be really missing something.

Personally i think it's quite clear where Obama's mind is. It is focussed on his fear of being portrayed as "soft on crime", a phobia all too prevalent in today's soundbite media.

Sadly, logic doesn't play any role in electoral campaigns anymore as it's too difficult to fit complex arguments into 10 second news clips. It's more important to counter a competitor's media friendly message with your own.
Personally i think it's quite clear where Obama's mind is. It is focussed on his fear of being portrayed as "soft on crime", a phobia all too prevalent in today's soundbite media.

Sadly, logic doesn't play any role in electoral campaigns anymore as it's too difficult to fit complex arguments into 10 second news clips. It's more important to counter a competitor's media friendly message with your own.

Too right.

But sometimes a would-be leader has to explain things to the populace.

Wait, sorry, I forgot, it would be filtered through the totally "liberal" media in the US and Fox would have to run a story that portrayed Obama as being soft on child rapists.
Then you're actually FOR The death penalty.

Not in the cases that this decision was based on. I'm willing to make an exception for the murder of a child though. I've said that before. But life with no parole is acceptable. I guess it comes down to, for me, if you lure a 4 year old into your home, rape them, and murder them, I really don't give a fuck what happens to you, beyond my strong interest in ascertaining that you are never on the street again.
Not in the cases that this decision was based on. I'm willing to make an exception for the murder of a child though. I've said that before. But life with no parole is acceptable. I guess it comes down to, for me, if you lure a 4 year old into your home, rape them, and murder them, I really don't give a fuck what happens to you, beyond my strong interest in ascertaining that you are never on the street again.

But you support the death penalty. You're not against it.
Damn .. the Supreme Court finally gets something right and Obama is against it.

As reprehensible as rape is, you cannot execute people for rape. This is a slippery slope that opens the door for redefining all sorts of non-fatal, but reprehensible crimes to be open to death penalty convictions.

What's next, cut off their limbs for theft?

Instead of expanding the death penalty we should be limiting it given that we've executed innocent people. The death penalty should require, as previously stated, an ironclad no doubt, no eyewitness testimony, DNA proven prosecution.

I don't get this .. Obama is from Illinois where the republican governor had the intelligence and courage to suspend all death penalty cases because even he saw the flaw in the system.

It's getting harder to define what Obama believes and/or why he believes it.
I think it needs to be abolished completely. I wholeheartedly disagree with Obama on this one. You'll still have the inherent problems that plague our just-us system and all this would do is open up the door to kill more wrongly convicted individuals.

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." - Sir William Blackstone
Damn .. the Supreme Court finally gets something right and Obama is against it.

As reprehensible as rape is, you cannot execute people for rape. This is a slippery slope that opens the door for redefining all sorts of non-fatal, but reprehensible crimes to be open to death penalty convictions.

What's next, cut off their limbs for theft?

Instead of expanding the death penalty we should be limiting it given that we've executed innocent people. The death penalty should require, as previously stated, an ironclad no doubt, no eyewitness testimony, DNA proven prosecution.

I don't get this .. Obama is from Illinois where the republican governor had the intelligence and courage to suspend all death penalty cases because even he saw the flaw in the system.

It's getting harder to define what Obama believes and/or why he believes it.

Yeah. He's definitely speaking emotionally and not rationally in this instance. Maybe Nader was right. Time will tell.
""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." - Sir William Blackstone"

I'm not down w/ that quote. If 10 guilty people escape - especially for crimes like the ones that this thread relates to - quite a few more than just one innocent will suffer.

There should be no such thing as a repeat offender for crimes like this. If it's going to be life in prison, they have to make it life in prison; no possibility of parole whatsoever.
""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." - Sir William Blackstone"

I'm not down w/ that quote. If 10 guilty people escape - especially for crimes like the ones that this thread relates to - quite a few more than just one innocent will suffer.

There should be no such thing as a repeat offender for crimes like this. If it's going to be life in prison, they have to make it life in prison; no possibility of parole whatsoever.

I'm fine with life in prison without parole. But our justice system is fundamentally flawed. Expanding its powers to kill citizens will only exasperate the problem.
Yeah. He's definitely speaking emotionally and not rationally in this instance. Maybe Nader was right. Time will tell.

What is he .. liberal, centrist, conservative?

He's all over the map and since the end of the primary, he's definately gone all-out conservative.

If he signs onto the FISA legislation, as it appears he's going to, I'm going to have serious problems with Mr. Obama.
""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." - Sir William Blackstone"

I'm not down w/ that quote. If 10 guilty people escape - especially for crimes like the ones that this thread relates to - quite a few more than just one innocent will suffer.

There should be no such thing as a repeat offender for crimes like this. If it's going to be life in prison, they have to make it life in prison; no possibility of parole whatsoever.

If Blackstone were alive today he'd say, "shit happens". And so does it make it better that because shit happens someone who is totally innocent should be made to suffer?