Obama disagrees with high court on child rape case

I personally think date rape is worse because of the trust factor.

I know, it’s pretty freaking awful. I think that the mentality behind the “but he said it was a date rape case” is; well you know how those are. The girl wanted it, then changed her mind out of guilt afterwards and “cried rape”. It drives me crazy.
I know, it’s pretty freaking awful. I think that the mentality behind the “but he said it was a date rape case” is; well you know how those are. The girl wanted it, then changed her mind out of guilt afterwards and “cried rape”. It drives me crazy.

Seriously that shit is terrifying as a dude.

The court will not hesitate to fuck you over if the girl regrets her decision.

Gotta be careful where you dip your wick.
The consequences of the rape can be much more severe. I gave examples. They shouldn’t be glossed over. .......

That is true, but there are women who experience the same things when they are severely raped. I just watched a documentary on how horribly the militias raped women in the Congo (I think?). Some of them can never go the bathroom the same again, some were ripped from front to back, others were violated with machetes. Those women were equally innocent, they didn't ask for any of it, one is worse simply due to age. How do you rank suffering like that? It marginalizes victims when you start ranking rape.
Nope, not a concern here.

In spite of the courts, OJ will always be considered guilt in the court of public opinion.

R. Kelly has a long track record of raping underage girls .. and the defense he used in this latest case is almost comical. He used the "Little Man" defense. Little Man was a goofy movie that attached the head of an adult to the body of a child.

That was Kelly's defense .. it was his head, but not his body.

Fair enough, BAC, i'm just a naturally cautious cove.

(i agree that he's very lucky to have his freedom, i'm just be a little more wary of stating it as plainly)
Which is what mitigating factors are about.


Not all rapes are equally heinous when you consider such factors.

I'll agree that to the extent of damage inflicted on the victim, some are worse than others.
That is true, but there are women who experience the same things when they are severely raped. I just watched a documentary on how horribly the militias raped women in the Congo (I think?). Some of them can never go the bathroom the same again, some were ripped from front to back, others were violated with machetes. Those women were equally innocent, they didn't ask for any of it, one is worse simply due to age. How do you rank suffering like that? It marginalizes victims when you start ranking rape.

Yeah, that is true, and what goes on there is God awful. I’m not ranking rapes, I’m talking generally speaking, and in this country, generally speaking, when a child under 10 is raped the physical consequences are more severe. Can’t we use some common sense too? Take it on a case by case basis? If a 1 year old is raped and torn apart and suffers for the rest of her life over it, do we have to throw 14 year olds, and every other case into it?
Seriously that shit is terrifying as a dude.

The court will not hesitate to fuck you over if the girl regrets her decision.

Gotta be careful where you dip your wick.

I’m not saying that this has never happened. But actual date rape is far more common. Do I have to post the statistics again? Terrifying for you? How would you feel if you were a woman dating, and trying to feel your way through who you can and cannot trust?
I’m not saying that this has never happened. But actual date rape is far more common. Do I have to post the statistics again? Terrifying for you? How would you feel if you were a woman dating, and trying to feel your way through who you can and cannot trust?

Darla you really need to stop projecting. I'm not even being a jerk about this, but that was a totally unfair and unfounded extension of my argument.

I said absolutely nothing to downplay the seriousness of violence against women. I made a statement about the legal liability we face as men if a woman decides to lie about what happened. It happens. It happened to my childhood friend and he is serving a sentence right now because a 17 year old cheerleader decided to lie to her parents.

I know that being physically raped would be far worse than even those legal consequences, but that was simply not what I was addressing with my post.
.... Can’t we use some common sense too? Take it on a case by case basis?....

But don't you think that will feed into the date rape scenario you mentioned, where perpetrators get rewarded for having small talk with their victims before hand.
Darla you really need to stop projecting. I'm not even being a jerk about this, but that was a totally unfair and unfounded extension of my argument.

I said absolutely nothing to downplay the seriousness of violence against women. I made a statement about the legal liability we face as men if a woman decides to lie about what happened.

Well, this idea that this is happening to men, is what make date rape the hardest type of rape to prosecute. So it’s actually the natural next step of that argument. I don’t know the statistics on false rape filings, but I certainly support the most vigorous prosecution and serious penalties for them. They are far less common than rapes. For every one of them, there are probably a thousand rapists who are making that (false) claim.
You mean based on race?
Yeah, that’s a problem. I’m telling you, you could go crazy with this shit. Sometimes I think that I have.

Yup. It's not easy to write laws that simultaneously ensure that the guilty will be convicted, and that they will receive similar punishments for similar crimes.

I have a modicum of sympathy for legislators just because it is very difficult to forsee how a written law will be interpreted.

Disparities would probably emerge by race and by region, but OTOH I don't think mandatory minimums are necessarily the way to go.

It's a complex issue, and there are no easy answers.
Well, this idea that this is happening to men, is what make date rape the hardest type of rape to prosecute. So it’s actually the natural next step of that argument. I don’t know the statistics on false rape filings, but I certainly support the most vigorous prosecution and serious penalties for them. They are far less common than rapes. For every one of them, there are probably a thousand rapists who are making that (false) claim.

Something similar happened to one of my mothers sons. After investigating they found out that the mother coaxed her daughter to say something inappropiate happened when it didn't. I think it happens a lot mroe often than we think. And the he*\ that men go through when they are accused of something like this is devastating.

Anyone found guilty of lying like this should have every book in the library thrown at them.
Something similar happened to one of my mothers sons. After investigating they found out that the mother coaxed her daughter to say something inappropiate happened when it didn't. I think it happens a lot mroe often than we think. And the he*\ that men go through when they are accused of something like this is devastating.

Anyone found guilty of lying like this should have every book in the library thrown at them.

Personal anecdotes have limited usefulness in assessing the severity of a problem, but like I mentioned this happened to one of my friends too.
Something similar happened to one of my mothers sons. After investigating they found out that the mother coaxed her daughter to say something inappropiate happened when it didn't. I think it happens a lot mroe often than we think. And the he*\ that men go through when they are accused of something like this is devastating.

Anyone found guilty of lying like this should have every book in the library thrown at them.

I’ll try and find out what the stats on false reports are. I agree that if a false rape report is filed, they should be prosecuted and they should do time. It’s the worst thing a woman can do to actual victims of rape. (I know it’s bad for the men too, lol)