Obama is wrong on Afghanistan

supertool, the ones responsible for 911 vaporized.
Now, we have gone over and killed all the Hodji's that even knew them.
Now we are working on killing all the Hodji's from the rival High Schools.
Watch generation Kill, they call them Hodji's.
Try to keep up you false outrage chickenhawk.

A Haji, is a term used to describe pilgrims you dolt. You are using it in a seemingly racist manner.

Yes, moron, I think we are all aware that the 9/11 hijackers all died. But you were making the idiotic suggestion that Saudi should be held more accountable than Afghanistan due to the fact that the hijackers were BORN there. Despite the fact (that I already pointed out) that Bin Laden and his radical nutjobs were banned from the Kingdom in the mid 1990's and that it was AFGHANISTAN that gave them safe harbor. NOT Saudi. You fucking twit.
When you have sufficient resorces to protect the people of afganistan from the Taliban incursions you can make sure the people can get proper food and resources to rebuild their country.

This force will no longer be under the authority of the Neocons who seek only to use the country to continue their plans of oil field domination.

yeah... they are in Afghanistan for all the oil being produced there.

Seriously, sometimes you really crack me up. This was one such instance.
A Haji, is a term used to describe pilgrims you dolt. You are using it in a seemingly racist manner.

Yes, moron, I think we are all aware that the 9/11 hijackers all died. But you were making the idiotic suggestion that Saudi should be held more accountable than Afghanistan due to the fact that the hijackers were BORN there. Despite the fact (that I already pointed out) that Bin Laden and his radical nutjobs were banned from the Kingdom in the mid 1990's and that it was AFGHANISTAN that gave them safe harbor. NOT Saudi. You fucking twit.

Supercoward, or did you go for the fight?
How many Afghanies do you want killed, you ghestapo pencil pushing desk warrior.
Supercoward, or did you go for the fight?
How many Afghanies do you want killed, you ghestapo pencil pushing desk warrior.

You really make no sense toppy. It is not about "killing Afghanies" you twit. It is about keeping control of the country out of the hands of the regime that allowed safe harbor to Al Queda. The fight is with the Taliban and Al Queda. It is not with the Afghan people.

IF you have a problem with the war in Afghanistan, take it up with the UN, NATO and Afghan government. ALL of whom are on our side in this fight.
Supercoward, or did you go for the fight?
How many Afghanies do you want killed, you ghestapo pencil pushing desk warrior.

Side note dumbass... how many fires have you put out lately? how many police patrols have you gone on? How many kids have you taught recently? (and no, masturbating in front of kids doesn't count as teaching them)
I'm saying 80% of the American people want us to GTF out and don't make a distinction of which tent sleeping 3rd world group of camel jockies we're spending billions to kill.
Only the hard core ghestapo repukes and sellout dems like lieberman and Obama want to keep up the fight. Dork
I'm saying 80% of the American people want us to GTF out and don't make a distinction of which tent sleeping 3rd world group of camel jockies we're spending billions to kill.
Only the hard core ghestapo repukes and sellout dems like lieberman and Obama want to keep up the fight. Dork

Wow... great to see your racist tendencies all out in the open.

80% of this country wants us out of Afghanistan? Please provide a link to the poll you are referencing.
A Haji, is a term used to describe pilgrims you dolt. You are using it in a seemingly racist manner.

Yes, moron, I think we are all aware that the 9/11 hijackers all died. But you were making the idiotic suggestion that Saudi should be held more accountable than Afghanistan due to the fact that the hijackers were BORN there. Despite the fact (that I already pointed out) that Bin Laden and his radical nutjobs were banned from the Kingdom in the mid 1990's and that it was AFGHANISTAN that gave them safe harbor. NOT Saudi. You fucking twit.

The soldiers call them hajis SF. I’m surprised that you don’t know that. It is almost as if you thought that human beings had changed so much since the Vietnam war, that they could kill a people before those people had been dehumanized by their commanding officers. Please keep in mind that my bf is an Iraqi vet, and on the board of the IVAW, before you attempt to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

[edit] Public opinion
In October 2001, polls indicated that about 88% of Americans backed the war in Afghanistan versus 12% who disapproved. In the UK, 65% also backed military action. A Gallup poll in August 2007 showed that 70% of Americans believed that the U.S. did not make a mistake in sending military forces to Afghanistan while 25% believed that it did. [92][93] In a poll conducted in August 2007, 51% of Canadians were supporting the decision to send peacekeeping troops to Afghanistan, and 45% of Canadians opposed it. [94] In a December 2007 poll, 67% of Afghans supported NATO's mission in the country.[95]

I know yur not some thumping religious nut and all.....but God Bless your soul! You are the only person on this board that truely has expressed in layman's words, the meaning and reasoning behind Jesus Christ's words on how to treat ones enemy, (by turning ones cheek when struck, by walking the extra mile by choice with him, by releasing the urge of vengence in to the hands of the Lord, by 'loving' thy neighbor as thyself)....all to eventually be ''burning coals'' on the enemy's head.....in other words, by fighting evil with good, will win the evil over to good....or....by fighting evil with evil, begets further evil....

Now granted, there wasn't a parable that i can think of that gave us a ''timetable'' on when this would happen....thus the term....in God's time....i suppose, but none the less...i agree with your synopsis regarding warring and who truely gets hurt by it....the innocent.


Hi Care. Well the older I get the more spiritual I get, not in a pompous sort of way. But I don’t subscribe to organized religion so I don’t know what word to use for it- other than spiritual. I’ve had to pull back from this board because the contempt I feel for war supporters generates feelings that I don’t want to carry. I guess I am changing, I don’t know if it’s for the better or not though!
"I’ve had to pull back from this board because the contempt I feel for war supporters generates feelings that I don’t want to carry. I guess I am changing, I don’t know if it’s for the better or not though!"

I noticed you've been away; thought you were vacationing.

I get the same way. Sometimes, I feel like the negativity is poisoning my mind a little, but sometimes, I feel like it's therapeutic to bash the snot out of some ignorant rightie on here. I'm probably just rationalizing with the latter, though; overall, it's probably not too good for my brain to hang out here so much.
"I’ve had to pull back from this board because the contempt I feel for war supporters generates feelings that I don’t want to carry. I guess I am changing, I don’t know if it’s for the better or not though!"

I noticed you've been away; thought you were vacationing.

I get the same way. Sometimes, I feel like the negativity is poisoning my mind a little, but sometimes, I feel like it's therapeutic to bash the snot out of some ignorant rightie on here. I'm probably just rationalizing with the latter, though; overall, it's probably not too good for my brain to hang out here so much.

Well, I have been overwhelmed at work as well. But I noticed that the break was doing me a lot of good. :)
The soldiers call them hajis SF. I’m surprised that you don’t know that. It is almost as if you thought that human beings had changed so much since the Vietnam war, that they could kill a people before those people had been dehumanized by their commanding officers. Please keep in mind that my bf is an Iraqi vet, and on the board of the IVAW, before you attempt to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

I am sure some do. But that does not change the fact that it is rather racist on the part of Toppy to do so.

And no... I understand that many try to dehumanize those they are about to kill. Much the same way the pro abortion people attempt to dehumanize the unborn child.
LOFL, I use it as a joke and supertools calling me a racist. That's rich, I advocate getting out so afghanie's can live in piece and freaks wants to continue the indiscriminant killing. Ohh my, lets not call them a slang name before we kill them. WTF
I am sure some do. But that does not change the fact that it is rather racist on the part of Toppy to do so.

And no... I understand that many try to dehumanize those they are about to kill. Much the same way the pro abortion people attempt to dehumanize the unborn child.

If that’s what you need to tell yourself in order to feel better about being a war supporter. I can’t imagine what I’d have to tell myself were I in your shoes, so I can’t judge.
I missed you Darla.

Thanks Desh. Don’t worry I don’t take SF seriously. He has a huge and very obvious cyber-crush on me and has to post things like that in order to distract attention from it, so that the other boys don’t make fun of him.
If that’s what you need to tell yourself in order to feel better about being a war supporter. I can’t imagine what I’d have to tell myself were I in your shoes, so I can’t judge.

If thats what you need to tell yourself to justify killing unborn children then I feel sorry for you.