Obama is wrong on Afghanistan

how bad are you getting your ass kicked over loving to kill Hodji's when you have to twist it to an abortion debate.

WTF is an emo boy???

An emo is what the kids use today for “overemotional nerd”. It doesn’t describe an adult. Sf is just reaching. But, he has to.
That's some of the weakest BS I've heard; truly pathetic. First, fetuses aren't "breathing." Second, no one here ever called the troops "evil" (emo boy). Last, it's an absurd comparison, and par for the course for rightie obfuscation when confronted with issues they (you) simply cannot deal with.

What gets me is all of the lecturing & posturing about "sanctity of life" from this admin & its enabling hacks (like you), which seems to disappear as soon as we unleash something like "shock & awe."

First... the CHILD (fetus is simply a STAGE of development... but I know.. this is how you begin the dehumanization) is breathing. If the child stopped breathing it would be dead. The fact that the child is not breathing as we do does not change the fact that it is 100% human and alive. No matter how much you attempt to dehumanize it.

What gets me is all of the lecturing and posturing of little emotards like yourself that seem to think the targeting of military opponents is the same as deliberately killing an innocent child.

But I know, it is easier for you to pretend that our military just randomly goes around dropping bombs without a care in the world for who is on the ground. Because we all know what evil heartless bastards our troops are... right emo boy?
Shit the last thing I worrie about is some NAZI afraid to fight calling me names.
Especially one who gets is head shoved up his ass by a moveon.lefty and has to resort to Abortions are bad. What a puss.

LMAO... this is quite funny toppy.... Again... as for Afghanistan and the topic at hand... should you really be getting all pissy about the topic veering off course when you refuse to answer anything ON the topic of Afghanistan?

Despite your idiotic attempts to equate those who support the US, UN and NATO led war in Afghanistan as "Haji killers" or "Nazis"... the fact remains that the Afghan people are better off than they would be if they were back under the heals of the Taliban. Which along with Al Queda is who we are fighting there.

A point that I am sure you will once again ignore as you are to ignorant to actually defend your stupid assertation that 80% of the US wants out of Afghanistan.
An emo is what the kids use today for “overemotional nerd”. It doesn’t describe an adult. Sf is just reaching. But, he has to.

True... as are you when you call me a war monger. It simply makes you feel better to act as though war is what I want. No matter what my position was at the start of the war. No matter what I have stated in regards to what I think of how Bush has handled the war. You and your kind still enjoy your ignorant little labels... because it makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.
bullshit nazi boy, the afghani's want us out and so do non repuk nazi Americans (meaning regular Americans)
"But I know, it is easier for you to pretend that our military just randomly goes around dropping bombs without a care in the world for who is on the ground. Because we all know what evil heartless bastards our troops are... right emo boy?"

You are such a fucking loser, Superfreak. You're the king of losers; one of the worst, really.

You always have to frame the leftist argument this way, as in your previous post where somehow, some of us called the troops "evil", or are otherwise laying blame on the troops & having an opinion of them that is extremely negative.

I know quite a few of those nasty troops; I have quite a few friends in the military. Beyond that, I have nothing but praise & incredibly high regard for those who are willing to sign up to defend this country & who put themselves in harm's way, and huge empathy for them when a flunkie retard who you elected treats them as cannon fodder.

So, take your hopeless distortions about the leftie position on the war as it relates to our troops, shove it up Bush's arse and then try to suck it out when your lips are firmly planted in their favorite spot; you can do the same with your bogus, idiotic & completely inappropriate comparisons to abortion, while you're at it. That should help kill some time while you try to think of another reason you're not responsible for one of the worst foreign policy blunders in American history.
bullshit nazi boy, the afghani's want us out and so do non repuk nazi Americans (meaning regular Americans)

Again toppy... show just one shred of evidence to back your claim that 80% want us out. Also, since you have now proclaimed that the Afghan people want us out... please provide evidence of that as well. (Let me guess.... you are quoting a poll done by the Taliban in conjunction with Al Queda???)

But thats right... you resort back to your insecure little chanting toppy... we all know you aren't capable of an actual discussion.

"You are such a fucking loser, Superfreak. You're the king of losers; one of the worst, really."

Oh no... emo boy is going to overload now...

"You always have to frame the leftist argument this way, as in your previous post where somehow, some of us called the troops "evil", or are otherwise laying blame on the troops & having an opinion of them that is extremely negative."

I frame the argument that way when idiots like toppy act like support for the war in Afghanistan is because I like "killing hodgies"

or when Darla says something like....
"If I were killed in a terrorist attack, I would die twice to know that anyone would use my death to get revenge on poor little children, and poor, oppressed women, who are more my brethren than the military complex can ever be. "

Because her comment implies that our actions are directed at taking revenge on children and oppressed women... which is REALLY fucking funny considering how oppressed the Afghan women were under the Taliban. So get off your god damn high horse. It was in this very thread that two from your side of the aisle made comments like that.

"I know quite a few of those nasty troops; I have quite a few friends in the military. Beyond that, I have nothing but praise & incredibly high regard for those who are willing to sign up to defend this country & who put themselves in harm's way, and huge empathy for them when a flunkie retard who you elected treats them as cannon fodder."

I know many in the military as well and do not treat them like cannon fodder. No matter how many times you and your ilk make that suggestion it will never be true. The fact that you are incapable of distinguishing your warped view of my position and what my position actually is is your problem not mine. It is the same stupid problem you had with the global warming argument. You associate everyone who disagrees even the slightest with your position as having some extremist views.


Oh, and you can join toppy in the line of retards.... If you are incapable of actually understanding your opponents positon, then you should shut the fuck up about it.
I rarely agree with Oncelor, but he's right on you superfreak. Your a hopeless Nazi war loving desk jokey candyass wouldn't fight his way out of a paperbag.
Oh, and you can join toppy in the line of retards.... If you are incapable of actually understanding your opponents positon, then you should shut the fuck up about it.

Okay. I'll sit tight for all of those quotes you're going to grab for me to back up your assertions that "we" all hate the troops, and think they're evil, and put the lion's share of responsibility on them for civilian casualties. Since you seem to understand our position so well.
I rarely agree with Oncelor, but he's right on you superfreak. Your a hopeless Nazi war loving desk jokey candyass wouldn't fight his way out of a paperbag.

Again toppy... show just one shred of evidence to back your claim that 80% want us out. Also, since you have now proclaimed that the Afghan people want us out... please provide evidence of that as well. (Let me guess.... you are quoting a poll done by the Taliban in conjunction with Al Queda???)

But thats right... you resort back to your insecure little chanting toppy... we all know you aren't capable of an actual discussion.
supertool I consider them the same, only polls I see run are on Iraq that's why I did the informal poll of non Nazi's. Came out like I thought, spit shine your boots you desk comrad.
I rarely agree with Oncelor, but he's right on you superfreak. Your a hopeless Nazi war loving desk jokey candyass wouldn't fight his way out of a paperbag.

Jesus christ, how did this thread get hijacked towards abortion by the village idiot, emo boy Supertool??

For fucks sake.....
I know most americans want out of Iraq.
I can't be the only one who considers them the virtually the same war.
supertool I consider them the same, only polls I see run are on Iraq that's why I did the informal poll of non Nazi's. Came out like I thought, spit shine your boots you desk comrad.

LMAO... you asked a few people on this message board and you think that equates to 80% of Americans. You really are fucking retarded.

The two are not even close to being the same. Not by a long shot. Or have you seen the UN and NATO in Iraq lately? Desh just posted a poll showing the Afghan people in December still wanted us there. Which is a stark contrast to the sentiment by the Iraqi people.
Jesus christ, how did this thread get hijacked towards abortion by the village idiot, emo boy Supertool??

For fucks sake.....

Oh look, our little leg humping stalker is back. Damn, and here I thought you had finally done the world a favor and won a Darwin award.
I know most americans want out of Iraq.
I can't be the only one who considers them the virtually the same war.

No, I am sure you aren't the only idiot out there that thinks as you do. But to make the claim you did is nothing more than ridiculous. The two wars are vastly different.
The only reason I mentioned human rights in Afghanistan is I figured it could be a way to get some of the don't hit me lefties on the board to at least see some silver lining in this. I have said for the last couple of years, that had we stuck JUST to Afghanistan I would have NEVER complained about military action. It is the goat screw clusterfuck in Iraq that I have issues with.
Pretty surreal; Superfreak switches gears well into a thread on war with some sort of admonition that you can't really discuss it because you "kill babies here in America," and then lashes out at everyone else for being emo and not able to discuss the issue at hand.

What a loon.