Obama is wrong on Afghanistan

Pretty surreal; Superfreak switches gears well into a thread on war with some sort of admonition that you can't really discuss it because you "kill babies here in America," and then lashes out at everyone else for being emo and not able to discuss the issue at hand.

What a loon.

LMAO... actually emo boy... it was toppy that took the thread off topic by starting his "you love killing Hadjis" crap. Then Darla chimed in on how our military likes to dehumanize people so that they can kill them. THEN I added in the abortion shot. Which YOU decided to blow up into more than it was.

So yes, you are a little emo tard...

Side note: Not once have I stated that anyone couldn't discuss this topic. I have actually tried to get toppy to actually back up his claim... which happens to be the claim that led to the off topic shit.
LMAO... actually emo boy... it was toppy that took the thread off topic by starting his "you love killing Hadjis" crap. Then Darla chimed in on how our military likes to dehumanize people so that they can kill them. THEN I added in the abortion shot. Which YOU decided to blow up into more than it was.

So yes, you are a little emo tard...

Side note: Not once have I stated that anyone couldn't discuss this topic. I have actually tried to get toppy to actually back up his claim... which happens to be the claim that led to the off topic shit.

Well, that is what the military does, it is the only way to get human beings – the human beings being our soldiers – to kill. You realize it’s not natural to kill, don’t you?

Your mistake is, being simpleminded as you are, when you see “the military” you read it as “our troops”. That’s part ignorance and part brainwashing. The real power in the military, including civilian command, have always hid behind the individual soldiers. It’s safe there. Because then when they are criticized, they can yell “You hate the troops!!” and people like you, believe and repeat it. It’s all quite interesting, but irrelevant to the issues.
Well, that is what the military does, it is the only way to get human beings – the human beings being our soldiers – to kill. You realize it’s not natural to kill, don’t you?

Your mistake is, being simpleminded as you are, when you see “the military” you read it as “our troops”. That’s part ignorance and part brainwashing. The real power in the military, including civilian command, have always hid behind the individual soldiers. It’s safe there. Because then when they are criticized, they can yell “You hate the troops!!” and people like you, believe and repeat it. It’s all quite interesting, but irrelevant to the issues.

It certainly isn't natural to kill in cold blood. But if someone is shooting at me, I would not have to dehumanize them to be incentivized to fire back.
It certainly isn't natural to kill in cold blood. But if someone is shooting at me, I would not have to dehumanize them to be incentivized to fire back.

Of course it is not always, or even mostly, that black and white. As in, you see the particular person who is shooting at you, and you shoot that particular person only, back. That is why the dehumanization is needed. Further, even if you were to kill in self-defense, it is naïve to believe you would not be deeply and permanently affected by it, and could just go right back to the war zone.
Of course it is not always, or even mostly, that black and white. As in, you see the particular person who is shooting at you, and you shoot that particular person only, back. That is why the dehumanization is needed. Further, even if you were to kill in self-defense, it is naïve to believe you would not be deeply and permanently affected by it, and could just go right back to the war zone.

Well, I cannot speak from personal experience. Only from what those I know who have served have said. Without question taking a life, even in self defense is going to change you. From what I have been told, some are able to set it aside (not get rid of it) and continue on. Others are not able to do so.

But (again, from what I have been told) that does not mean you have to dehumanize the enemy. Again, some do dehumanize them as a way to cope/justify their actions. But many others do not.

My objection is not "you hate the troops". I know you do not. My objection is when comments are made to make it seem like the troops don't care who lives or dies. That, with few exceptions, is a load of crap. That is the problem I have with idiots like Toppy who suggest we are over there killing "haji" as if it were some sort of sport that is enjoyed by all who support the actions being taken in Afghanistan.
they call it killing hodji's, watch generation kill and you can see what it's all about Rush

I wanted to watch that but my bf couldn’t take it, so I skipped. I will probably have to wait and buy it, and then watch it when he is in DC or something.
the show is awesome
It's based on an imbedded reporters story with this unit of Jawheads.
The oneliners from the grunts are priceless.
"if the hodji's were getting some there would be no war, comp them a weekend in Vegas"
"Hodji's are fighting cause they are hungre, we will put a Mcdonalds on every corner. If we have to blow up the corner first even better."
So you've got a boyfriend who went to Iraq, came back and is screwed up, and you're not trying to talk me out of it?