Obama supporters battling flood of Racist Whites.... WP Story

Ok well, I’m a sarcastic person who has no problem detecting sarcasm in the words of others. Your posts do not come across as sarcastic, but rather as agreement, and then crawfishing, as usc would say.
I think that is more partisan than otherwise since the right seems to be able to pick it up while the left become suddenly quote spockish...

It is amazing.

But that's all good. I'll continue to be me. Even if people sometimes "misunderstand" me. Thankfully it is a message board and I can spend some time telling people what I actually meant. Kind of like a conversation.
CK......"This is what I was afraid of....People like Damocles, Superfreak, Warr3n would never vote for Obama....

And the problem is that these people make up 70% of the electorate...."

Lorax.... "Obama will win D Bag. He'll get millions of people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. Shit is a lock unless it's rigged."

Darla.... "I disagree. He is not allowed to make it an issue, or even to acknowledge it because white people become infuriated at any mention of systemic, institutionalized racism. You must always say “it’s just a few rotten apples. Sure there is some racism, but not enough to effect the outcome”. If you don’t say that, white people go nuts. For examples on this board see, Damocles, SF, leaning right, and shit, just bout any other non-liberal."

Yet another comical thread from the left wingnuts....

So because I like McCain better, it is because I am a racist according to CK, not because Obama is a liberal and McCain more of a conservative.

According to Lorax, the only way McCain can win is if the election is rigged.

According to Darla, it is the crazy conservatives who get worked up when racism is mentioned.

Such a nice little circle jerk the left has....

If you vote against Obama you are racist. (sounds exactly like a certain persons opinion if you didn't like Hillary a few months ago.... equating those who dared question Mrs. Inevitable to sexist pigs.... funny how that same individual now cannot stand to look at Clinton)

If Obama loses... it must be because of a rigged election because there is no way people could acutally like the other persons overall platform because by golly we don't like it.
I was refering to the comment that I supposedly said the dem party has no racists.

I think the people who would tell a person they know is a democrat that they would never vote for a "nigger" would very likely not be a democrat.

This would go against about 90% of what the party stands for. A democrat who is racist would very likely have a tendancy to hide it from the public forum.

The democratic party has been for racial equaility for years now. They support AA and have large numbers of black people in the party.

Someone who is so publically racist and unrepentant of that fact would not be very likely to support the democratic platform and vote dem.

Racial equality and AA are polar opposites.
I get you Darla but the fact remains he can get elected. He is wise enough to know that not mentioning it makes people realize it is possible to have it happen.

The racists want you and I to think that more Americans think liek them than do. Making it a big deal would give them free air time.

Now this, I agree with.... but I would add that there are certain individuals on the left that seem to want to make it out to be a bigger deal than it is as well... the "Obama can only lose because of all the racists" crowd.
CK......"This is what I was afraid of....People like Damocles, Superfreak, Warr3n would never vote for Obama....

And the problem is that these people make up 70% of the electorate...."

Lorax.... "Obama will win D Bag. He'll get millions of people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. Shit is a lock unless it's rigged."

Darla.... "I disagree. He is not allowed to make it an issue, or even to acknowledge it because white people become infuriated at any mention of systemic, institutionalized racism. You must always say “it’s just a few rotten apples. Sure there is some racism, but not enough to effect the outcome”. If you don’t say that, white people go nuts. For examples on this board see, Damocles, SF, leaning right, and shit, just bout any other non-liberal."

Yet another comical thread from the left wingnuts....

So because I like McCain better, it is because I am a racist according to CK, not because Obama is a liberal and McCain more of a conservative.

According to Lorax, the only way McCain can win is if the election is rigged.

According to Darla, it is the crazy conservatives who get worked up when racism is mentioned.

Such a nice little circle jerk the left has....

If you vote against Obama you are racist. (sounds exactly like a certain persons opinion if you didn't like Hillary a few months ago.... equating those who dared question Mrs. Inevitable to sexist pigs.... funny how that same individual now cannot stand to look at Clinton)

If Obama loses... it must be because of a rigged election because there is no way people could acutally like the other persons overall platform because by golly we don't like it.

PLEASE don't tell me you're taking Desh's comment to mean that all McCain supporters are racist.

In the words of James Brown .. PLease, please, please, please .... :cool:
CK......"This is what I was afraid of....People like Damocles, Superfreak, Warr3n would never vote for Obama....

And the problem is that these people make up 70% of the electorate...."

Lorax.... "Obama will win D Bag. He'll get millions of people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. Shit is a lock unless it's rigged."

Darla.... "I disagree. He is not allowed to make it an issue, or even to acknowledge it because white people become infuriated at any mention of systemic, institutionalized racism. You must always say “it’s just a few rotten apples. Sure there is some racism, but not enough to effect the outcome”. If you don’t say that, white people go nuts. For examples on this board see, Damocles, SF, leaning right, and shit, just bout any other non-liberal."

Yet another comical thread from the left wingnuts....

So because I like McCain better, it is because I am a racist according to CK, not because Obama is a liberal and McCain more of a conservative.

According to Lorax, the only way McCain can win is if the election is rigged.

According to Darla, it is the crazy conservatives who get worked up when racism is mentioned.

Such a nice little circle jerk the left has....

If you vote against Obama you are racist. (sounds exactly like a certain persons opinion if you didn't like Hillary a few months ago.... equating those who dared question Mrs. Inevitable to sexist pigs.... funny how that same individual now cannot stand to look at Clinton)

If Obama loses... it must be because of a rigged election because there is no way people could acutally like the other persons overall platform because by golly we don't like it.

Nailed it the the wall :thup:
PLEASE don't tell me you're taking Desh's comment to mean that all McCain supporters are racist.

In the words of James Brown .. PLease, please, please, please .... :cool:

You know what’s really funny, Onceler never said that. The “left wing nut” the moron SF is quoting?

SF likes to play dumb. Now, he is dumb, but he pretends to be even dumber than he is, by claiming that I ever said that anyone who doesn’t like Hillary is a sexist, and anyone who doesn’t like Obama is a racist. He pretends that anyone on the left said this, so that he may construct a strawman, in this manner, deflecting attention from the sexists and racists who do exist. See, he needs those racists, some on this very board who use the n word and are greeted with silence from SF. He needs them to put McCain in the white house.
Our elections are rigged.

They are rigged in a manner that only allows the rigging to switch a fraction of the votes. They need a close election to pull it off. If the election is loppsided it doesnt do enough to flip the election. So you see the dems need big margines it win. That makes it harder for the dems to win and that makes it not real democracy. Once we take control then we can fix the fraud and return this country to a democracy. It will benifit all voters in the end.
So, explain then. That's why we hold these little conversations.

Why should Onceler have to explain a post Obfuscate made? Your asshole friend can’t tie his shoes without fucking it up, and he attributed Obfuscate’s “left wing rant” to Onceler.
PLEASE don't tell me you're taking Desh's comment to mean that all McCain supporters are racist.

In the words of James Brown .. PLease, please, please, please .... :cool:

1) I did not mention Desh

2) I was referring to CK's original post with regards to all the racist encounters, followed by the Damo/Superfreak etc... would never vote for Obama

3) Darla has also stated that the only way Obama can lose is because of racism (note: not on this thread, but on another)

4) I was making fun of Lorax for making up an excuse for Obama in that the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged.
Why should Onceler have to explain a post Obfuscate made? Your asshole friend can’t tie his shoes without fucking it up, and he attributed Obfuscate’s “left wing rant” to Onceler.
I'd like to hear how he was misinterpreted. If it is even Obfuscate he is talking about.
Racism isn't a "ready made excuse" in this campaign. It is an enormous obstacle for Obama. We all have experienced racism in our lives; I've been stunned by comments I've heard when I'm in a "whites only" group, and how comfortable some people feel saying them when there is no one else around. We're about to see a lopsided result in W. Virginia, and anyone who thinks it's entirely because Hillary's gas holiday plan is connecting with the white middle class is a fool.

Darla's right; the campaign can't bring it up or talk about it, because no one wants to hear how ingrained it is in America, and no one wants to confront their own biases. No one likes to think of themselves or their country as having a race problem.
1) I did not mention Desh

2) I was referring to CK's original post with regards to all the racist encounters, followed by the Damo/Superfreak etc... would never vote for Obama

3) Darla has also stated that the only way Obama can lose is because of racism (note: not on this thread, but on another)

4) I was making fun of Lorax for making up an excuse for Obama in that the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged.

Making fun of somebody... Watchoutnow! Here come the sisters to tell you how 'unfunny' you are!
I wish people wouldn't copy the village idiot's posts. I hate seeing him lie about me.

LMAO.... you stated....

"Lorax.... "Obama will win D Bag. He'll get millions of people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. Shit is a lock unless it's rigged."

I stated....

"According to Lorax, the only way McCain can win is if the election is rigged."

Maybe I am just way off base, but could someone please explain how it is "I lied"?

edit.... I apologize, I did equate Obfuscates post to Oncelor... damn selective reading... my fault.
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