Obama supporters battling flood of Racist Whites.... WP Story

Are you going to say it was because of the misogyny of his supporters? That seems unfair and unlike Darla.

I do know that while I was reading about it, she couldn't vote for Clinton because of her war vote, Obama... It was this.

Whether it was his supporters or it was him, it makes little difference to me.

Show me the posts to which you refer please.
Guy might get a few laughs around here before the wrong (right) person saw it and ripped it off him. I can't imagine anyone I know wearing something like that.
Where do people find that stuff and how do they survive wearing it?

I cant imagine. That image is really shocking -- this is 2008, right?

A couple of points. First, didn't the KKK originate in Indiana? I remember hearing or reading something like that and was astounded. It just didn't seem like the type of place that would engender such a group -- so much for first impressions. Anyway, if that's so then the society that apparently fed and permitted its formation and growth clearly hasn't progressed at all.

I have to applaud Obama for not giving these people undue recognition. If anything, that conceivably could fuel a situation that would focus attention away from his campaign and the positive messages that he's trying to put forth, and give some people concern that it could interfere with his potential presidency.

He has the opportunity, if elected (and I expect this to happen) to demonstrate his competence, to show these people that a highly intelligent, articulate, sincere individual is capable of being a good president and that race has no role whatsoever. Those who have held the most negative views undoubtedly will continue to do so, unfortunately, but many who simply might have reservations will, I believe, have the opportunity to change their views.
my GF sent me a link to the pic and says that the shirts are selling like hotcakes in WV.

Why aren't we allowed to say that West Virginia clearly has a problem with racism?

What other explanation can there be for a 40+ lead in the polls at this stage of the campaign? "Oh, Hillary's gas tax plan is just connecting better there than in NC or IN."
I don't think MOST people that are going to vote for McCain are racists. I can see lots of moderate Dems that might support Hillary voting for McCain if Obama is the nominee. I myself am torn. I am fairly conservative when it comes to issues of business and taxes and the economy. I think that both Obama and Hillary have healthcare proposals that are cost prohibitive and may actually do more harm than good in the long run. At the same time I am a lefty socially. I am terrified at what one more Alito or Roberts will do to 40 years of civil liberties and criminal procedure rights. The right doesn't believe in the exclusionary rule and they believe that once pregnant a woman MUST be kept pregnant. They have just recently pulled back on first amendment rights of juveniles. I don't want a conservative court and right now that is the primary issue that keeps me voting Dem. If the republicans didn't feel so beholden to the Religious Right and embrace men like Robertson, Hagee and Parsley and went back to being the party of Eisenhower and Goldwater I might vote for them. 8 years ago McCain looked like a maverick. He actually was on camera saying that if his daughter was pregnant and wanted to abort the child it would be HER CHOICE. When he said that I thought "I could vote for this guy" and then he came out with his "agents of intollerance" comment and I REALLY thought I could vote for him. But NOW he has embraced the agents of intollerance and pandered to the relgious right. I won't vote for him. But I can see lots of moderate and blue dog dems that would vote for him and it would be based solely on issues of fiscal concern and not the fact that Obama is a brown man.

I only recently posted an article from the NY Times showing that nonpartisan institutions having compared the economic plans of all three candidates, showed that it was John McCain, BY FAR, by BILLIONS, who was going to sink the United States with his economic plans.

Seriously, just how long are you people going to go on believing a myth, just because it makes you feel good?

And, as an aside, I expect SF, who should apply for a position as a zucchini, to claim that “if Obama loses the election it will be because of racism” means “everyone who votes for McCain is a racist”.
But I think you’re a little smarter than a zucchini, aren’t you?
Show me the posts to which you refer please.
It will have to be later, when I have time to run searches on this crappy search system they have for this board.

I'm reasonably sure you remember saying "I might just have to sit this one out" and other things similar. And if you don't it is selective memory.
It will have to be later, when I have time to run searches on this crappy search system they have for this board.

I'm reasonably sure you remember saying "I might just have to sit this one out" and other things similar. And if you don't it is selective memory.

I remember once blowing up at Chap, who was posting extremely sexist things, and telling him to keep it up, I’d end up voting for Hillary.

What I’d like to see is you back up your claims that I said I wouldn’t vote for Obama because he was running a sexist campaign. And I’d really like for you to stop lying about me, on account of your being completely unable to face up to the fact that racism, and/or sexism can affect the outcomes of a national election.
I cant imagine. That image is really shocking -- this is 2008, right?

A couple of points. First, didn't the KKK originate in Indiana? I remember hearing or reading something like that and was astounded. It just didn't seem like the type of place that would engender such a group -- so much for first impressions. Anyway, if that's so then the society that apparently fed and permitted its formation and growth clearly hasn't progressed at all.

I have to applaud Obama for not giving these people undue recognition. If anything, that conceivably could fuel a situation that would focus attention away from his campaign and the positive messages that he's trying to put forth, and give some people concern that it could interfere with his potential presidency.

He has the opportunity, if elected (and I expect this to happen) to demonstrate his competence, to show these people that a highly intelligent, articulate, sincere individual is capable of being a good president and that race has no role whatsoever. Those who have held the most negative views undoubtedly will continue to do so, unfortunately, but many who simply might have reservations will, I believe, have the opportunity to change their views.
I was in Evansville Indiana in the mid 80's when I actually saw a group of men, about 100 or so, dressed in Nazi Uniforms with American flags on them along with swastika armbands and other nazi imagery. They were passing out pamphlets discussing the end of civilization because of "interracial breeding". In Indiana's defense I watch a WWII veteran smack the pamphlets out of one of the crackers hands and lecture him on how many of his buddies had been killed by men that wore similar uniforms.
I only recently posted an article from the NY Times showing that nonpartisan institutions having compared the economic plans of all three candidates, showed that it was John McCain, BY FAR, by BILLIONS, who was going to sink the United States with his economic plans.

Seriously, just how long are you people going to go on believing a myth, just because it makes you feel good?

And, as an aside, I expect SF, who should apply for a position as a zucchini, to claim that “if Obama loses the election it will be because of racism” means “everyone who votes for McCain is a racist”.
But I think you’re a little smarter than a zucchini, aren’t you?

Ahhh... you really should be careful with your words.... for a writer, you should know this.... when you say the only way Obama loses is because of racism, you imply that is the reason people are voting against him. Did you not also state that those that would vote for McCain on issues were "few and far between"???

Yeah.... a big stretch on my part.
Today, 08:27 AM
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"This election won’t swing on abortion and gun control and there is no way any republican should be able to win it. That doesn’t mean that some won’t vote on those issues, some always will, but they will be few and far between. If he loses, it will be because of racism, period."

Yeah, you did indeed state that... those that vote on issues will be few and far between.... meaning the vast majority will be voting based on race.
Our elections are rigged.

They are rigged in a manner that only allows the rigging to switch a fraction of the votes. They need a close election to pull it off. If the election is loppsided it doesnt do enough to flip the election. So you see the dems need big margines it win. That makes it harder for the dems to win and that makes it not real democracy. Once we take control then we can fix the fraud and return this country to a democracy. It will benifit all voters in the end.

That truth is more telling than anything else that can be said about the American electorate. It crystalizes what is unsaid about the American people .. at least in America.

Beyond all the discussion and rancor about this or that candidate, this or that political party, hunderds of millions of dollars poured into campaigns, all the time and energy that goes into media coverage, and the vital importance of intelligent leadership for America this time of critical global, economic, and strategic challenges .. our elections are rigged.

They've been proven to be designed for fraud for at least 5 years.

We are an invented people.
I remember once blowing up at Chap, who was posting extremely sexist things, and telling him to keep it up, I’d end up voting for Hillary.

What I’d like to see is you back up your claims that I said I wouldn’t vote for Obama because he was running a sexist campaign. And I’d really like for you to stop lying about me, on account of your being completely unable to face up to the fact that racism, and/or sexism can affect the outcomes of a national election.
Oh, I believe that racism and sexism both can effect elections. I have never made any claim otherwise.