Obama supporters battling flood of Racist Whites.... WP Story

LMAO.... you stated....

"Lorax.... "Obama will win D Bag. He'll get millions of people who don't normally vote to go out and vote. Shit is a lock unless it's rigged."

I stated....

"According to Lorax, the only way McCain can win is if the election is rigged."

Maybe I am just way off base, but could someone please explain how it is "I lied"?
He's explaining! LOL> This is sooooo funny!
SF likes to play dumb. Now, he is dumb, but he pretends to be even dumber than he is, by claiming that I ever said that anyone who doesn’t like Hillary is a sexist, and anyone who doesn’t like Obama is a racist. He pretends that anyone on the left said this, so that he may construct a strawman, in this manner, deflecting attention from the sexists and racists who do exist. See, he needs those racists, some on this very board who use the n word and are greeted with silence from SF. He needs them to put McCain in the white house.

LMAO... whatever you need to tell yourself Darla. Yes, you never said "anyone who doesn't like Hillary" blah blah blah... but you did come on this site and call me and others sexist bastards blah blah blah.... for daring to speak against Hillary... the "oh, those awful awful men blah blah blah.

But yeah, that didn't happen.

Nor did you state that the only way Obama loses is because of racism. Right...
He's explaining! LOL> This is sooooo funny!

Yeah, and he's lying in his explanation. You'd think even someone as stupid as SF would go back & look at the original quote if someone called him on it.

Now, that IS funny. When are you 2 tying the knot, anyway?
LMAO... whatever you need to tell yourself Darla. Yes, you never said "anyone who doesn't like Hillary" blah blah blah... but you did come on this site and call me and others sexist bastards blah blah blah.... for daring to speak against Hillary... the "oh, those awful awful men blah blah blah.

But yeah, that didn't happen.

Nor did you state that the only way Obama loses is because of racism. Right...
Remember how angry she was at the apparent misogyny of the Obama Campaign?
LMAO... whatever you need to tell yourself Darla. Yes, you never said "anyone who doesn't like Hillary" blah blah blah... but you did come on this site and call me and others sexist bastards blah blah blah.... for daring to speak against Hillary... the "oh, those awful awful men blah blah blah.

But yeah, that didn't happen.

Nor did you state that the only way Obama loses is because of racism. Right...

Today, 08:27 AM
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"This election won’t swing on abortion and gun control and there is no way any republican should be able to win it. That doesn’t mean that some won’t vote on those issues, some always will, but they will be few and far between. If he loses, it will be because of racism, period."

oops... I guess you did say just that....
Remember how angry she was at the apparent misogyny of the Obama Campaign?

That's a lie, too. You guys are out-stupiding yourselves, today.

She was angry about the mysogyny being displayed by some on this board, mainly; she never mentioned Obama's actual campaign.
Remember how angry she was at the apparent misogyny of the Obama Campaign?

I do recall that you and I are sexist pigs for daring to say the very same things about Hillary that she herself stated three months later once she pulled her head out of Hillarys ass long enough to see what Hillary was like in the real world.
I'd like to hear how he was misinterpreted. If it is even Obfuscate he is talking about.

Why don’t you go back and look? It definitely was obfuscate who made the post, and you can ask that “left wing nut” what he meant by it when you see him

I understand how embarrassing it is for you that your cyber girlfriend SF the moron, called a libertarian like obfuscate a “left wing nut’ and you are going to need to make at least 100 pointless posts to try and cover it up, so carry on. The things we do for love.
That's a lie, too. You guys are out-stupiding yourselves, today.

She was angry about the mysogyny being displayed by some on this board, mainly; she never mentioned Obama's actual campaign.

Yeah, I recall those discussions quite well. The misogynists at issue were largely folks on this board and members of the press such as Chris Matthews, not the Obama campaign.
Yeah, I recall those discussions quite well. The misogynists at issue were largely folks on this board and members of the press such as Chris Matthews, not the Obama campaign.
Please... she was all about how she didn't know if she could vote AT ALL in this election because of it.
I don't think MOST people that are going to vote for McCain are racists. I can see lots of moderate Dems that might support Hillary voting for McCain if Obama is the nominee. I myself am torn. I am fairly conservative when it comes to issues of business and taxes and the economy. I think that both Obama and Hillary have healthcare proposals that are cost prohibitive and may actually do more harm than good in the long run. At the same time I am a lefty socially. I am terrified at what one more Alito or Roberts will do to 40 years of civil liberties and criminal procedure rights. The right doesn't believe in the exclusionary rule and they believe that once pregnant a woman MUST be kept pregnant. They have just recently pulled back on first amendment rights of juveniles. I don't want a conservative court and right now that is the primary issue that keeps me voting Dem. If the republicans didn't feel so beholden to the Religious Right and embrace men like Robertson, Hagee and Parsley and went back to being the party of Eisenhower and Goldwater I might vote for them. 8 years ago McCain looked like a maverick. He actually was on camera saying that if his daughter was pregnant and wanted to abort the child it would be HER CHOICE. When he said that I thought "I could vote for this guy" and then he came out with his "agents of intollerance" comment and I REALLY thought I could vote for him. But NOW he has embraced the agents of intollerance and pandered to the relgious right. I won't vote for him. But I can see lots of moderate and blue dog dems that would vote for him and it would be based solely on issues of fiscal concern and not the fact that Obama is a brown man.
The "real racist" wouldn't vote for McCain because he adopted his daughter. Seriously, the skinheads I used to argue with in HS would definitively vote against both of these people.
Because of what? The mysoginism of the Obama CAMPAIGN? Are you standing by that?
Are you going to say it was because of the misogyny of his supporters? That seems unfair and unlike Darla.

I do know that while I was reading about it, she couldn't vote for Clinton because of her war vote, Obama... It was this.

Whether it was his supporters or it was him, it makes little difference to me.
And then there is this T-Shirt being put out by some knuckledragging mouthbreathers. This is from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
