Obama thinks marriage is between man and a woman

"Evidence of the "schooling"... attempting to say he was cheating because he could somehow hear all the questions from his motorcade... "

That's evidence of schooling?

Are you drinking a lot these days? Your brain cells seem to have taken a real beating of late...
Is that right.

There's the admittance of the partial lie to cover up the bigger lie.

McCain had the questions beforehand and practiced all week. And that is not about "schooling" obama - this wasn't a debate and Obama was himself, thoughful and really smart and confident and great. This was about McCain NOT being himself. I knew it.
See? The schooling was so bad they have to pretend that it is even "worse" than riding in a car rather than being in the "cone of silence".

Totally without evidence they make crap up because their messiah can't have been schooled that bad otherwise... :rolleyes:
The Pastor there, that Rick guy "seemed surprised" when informed McCain wasn't in the building during Obama's interview.

LMAO. Man, what a worm, but this is great. This is the best thing that coudl have happened.

There is the vaunted "mccain honor".

I love it!
See? The schooling was so bad they have to pretend that it is even "worse" than riding in a car rather than being in the "cone of silence".

Totally without evidence they make crap up because their messiah can't have been schooled that bad otherwise... :rolleyes:

I didn't watch it, but I'm quite certain that Obama wasn't schooled.

I just think it's quite telling that McCain cannot follow simple rules established to avoid exactly these types of issues and then gets all "I was POW" about it when he gets called out.

Then we have to deal with your happy horseshit defending it, when, if the shoe were on the other foot, we'd have to hear about how it gives the "perception" that the candidate is dishonest.
"Evidence of the "schooling"... attempting to say he was cheating because he could somehow hear all the questions from his motorcade... "

That's evidence of schooling?

Are you drinking a lot these days? Your brain cells seem to have taken a real beating of late...

John McCain was just caught cheating – the agreement was that McCain would be in the building and in a room where he couldn’t hear Obama’s interview. He reneged, that’s cheating. He’s in a world of hurt right now. Of course Damo and the other Republican operatives are going to try and divert this to “SEE OBAMA WAS SCHOOLED AND THE LEFT WANTS TO MAKE THIS ABOUT MCCAIN CHEATING”.
But that doesn’t matter.
Man that guy is such a worm, I am so happy that this came out. No honor.
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The best part if that the first question the guy asked McCain was:

“Now, my first question: Was the cone of silence comfortable that you were in just now?”

Mr. McCain deadpanned, “I was trying to hear through the wall.”

I wonder how the event would have progressed if McCain answered truthfully.
"I just think it's quite telling that McCain cannot follow simple rules established to avoid exactly these types of issues and then gets all "I was POW" about it when he gets called out. "

I think Damo still doesn't comprehend that you were talking about the McCain camp's response, and not "accusing" him personally.

They'll work in any insidious way that they can to reinforce the impression THEY have already created that Democrats hate the troops & are weak on defense.
"I just think it's quite telling that McCain cannot follow simple rules established to avoid exactly these types of issues and then gets all "I was POW" about it when he gets called out. "

I think Damo still doesn't comprehend that you were talking about the McCain camp's response, and not "accusing" him personally.

They'll work in any insidious way that they can to reinforce the impression THEY have already created that Democrats hate the troops & are weak on defense.
I don't think you understand that I am talking about the Obama camp's response and not about his time in the motorcade and then in a holding room with no TV or radio. I don't think the Secret Service are lying to me about that.

Any excuse to cover up a poor performance just makes the campaign appear childish and whiney. I don't think this attempt to make it appear as if he "cheated" on an interview is helping the Obama campaign, it makes it appear as if they are trying to excuse a poor performance.
I don't think you understand that I am talking about the Obama camp's response and not about his time in the motorcade and then in a holding room with no TV or radio. I don't think the Secret Service are lying to me about that.

Any excuse to cover up a poor performance just makes the campaign appear childish and whiney. I don't think this attempt to make it appear as if he "cheated" on an interview is helping the Obama campaign, it makes it appear as if they are trying to excuse a poor performance.

Did you think Obama had a "poor performance?" Honestly, I haven't seen anyone, even on Fox, give that response.

No one is forgetting how stupidly you misread DH's posts earlier in the thread, btw.
The best part if that the first question the guy asked McCain was:

I wonder how the event would have progressed if McCain answered truthfully.

He also made a damned liar and fool out of one of the most popular preachers in the country. I am actually finding this thing very funny, but only because I already knew that McCain was a crawling liar…now, everyone will know.
I don't think you understand that I am talking about the Obama camp's response and not about his time in the motorcade and then in a holding room with no TV or radio. I don't think the Secret Service are lying to me about that.

Any excuse to cover up a poor performance just makes the campaign appear childish and whiney.

Ah, the Damo "perception" dodge. I knew it was coming sooner or later.

Hey Damocles, tell me what the perception is of people who cheat.
And it doesn't appear that McCain cheated. McCain cheated. He broke the ground rules. That's cheating.

And if someone breaks the little rules, they'll break the big rules too. And if they're willing to lie about the small stuff, they're willing to lie about the big stuff.
I see that nobody really cares about Obama's position on marriage. That's pretty Ironic as well.

I don't think any of the Dem candidates came out & said they support gay marriage. Most toe the civil union line.

Candidates aren't stupid. For a national Presidential candidate to come out strongly for gay marriage & not just civil unions could be very damaging for electoral prospects. There is political courage, and there is political suicide.
Did you think Obama had a "poor performance?" Honestly, I haven't seen anyone, even on Fox, give that response.

No one is forgetting how stupidly you misread DH's posts earlier in the thread, btw.

I think that the "OMGZ!!1!!shiftplusone!!1!! he had all the questions for weeks ahead of time!!1!!1" creates that appearance, even if FOX doesn't say he had a poor performance.

I think that the "OMGZ!!1!!shiftplusone!!1!! he had all the questions for weeks ahead of time!!1!!1" creates that appearance, even if FOX doesn't say he had a poor performance.

Read: I think your blatant hyperbole on the situation indicates how much you're grasping to make any kind of issue out of it, and make it a "reflection of poor performance."
And it doesn't appear that McCain cheated. McCain cheated. He broke the ground rules. That's cheating.

And if someone breaks the little rules, they'll break the big rules too. And if they're willing to lie about the small stuff, they're willing to lie about the big stuff.

Further, and maybe the worst thing about this (or maybe not, it’s a close call) is that he would use his POW status to get out of being caught. I’m sorry, but that is just gross.