Obama thinks marriage is between man and a woman

Rubbish. When he arrived he was placed in a holding room with no access to TV, etc. per the SS. Now at that time is it possible he was "trying to hear through the walls?"

This again makes the whiners look ridiculous. Especially the ones who pretend he had the questions for "weeks". It also makes them look petty and defensive when they try to say his motorcade to the place was somehow also "cheating".

It appears sad, defensive, whiney, and baseless to people who are on the outside looking in. It will continue to look that way. By all means, continue to project that, it makes Obama look like he is still following and reacting rather than controlling his own message. I think it will hurt your candidate to continue this tactic.


I feel sorry for you Damo.

But today is a good day for some of us. John McCain has been exposed as a cheater.

I see that nobody really cares about Obama's position on marriage. That's pretty Ironic as well.

He can believe whatever he wants as long as he doesnt plan to FORCE his beliefs on the rest of America.

Why is it you guys cant seem to figure this stuff out?
He arrived at least half an hour late. He was supposed to be hanging out in the "cone of silence." He wasn't. He broke the rules. That's called cheating.

Oh, and how whiny and defensive is it to refer to McCain's POW status to excuse his cheating? Or this:

Having your campaign manager send out a bullshit cry-baby letter to NBC after you break the fucking rules is pretty whiny and defensive. But, I suppose it should be since he cheated.
True that. I didn't see the letter. I think McCain would be better served to have just let it go. Instead he seems to have jumped into defense mode early and will hurt himself as well.
Does anyone really think McCains aides did not tell him every question Obama was asked and how he should answer?
He can believe whatever he wants as long as he doesnt plan to FORCE his beliefs on the rest of America.

Why is it you guys cant seem to figure this stuff out?

LOL Hilarious.

So if someone has racist leanings, it makes no difference unless they enact some laws that discriminate? OK, I got it.
True that. I didn't see the letter. I think McCain would be better served to have just let it go. Instead he seems to have jumped into defense mode early and will hurt himself as well.

Hurt himself as well? HE CHEATED. No matter how badly and desperately you want to believe that John McCain cheating is going to hurt Obama, it’s only going to hurt one person.

As well…pftt

Hurt himself as well? HE CHEATED. No matter how badly and desperately you want to believe that John McCain cheating is going to hurt Obama, it’s only going to hurt one person.

As well…pftt

I don't believe that you have evidence to support the "cheating" allegation, it is baseless and should have been treated as such from McCain, otherwise it makes him look petty and whiney.
LOL Hilarious.

So if someone has racist leanings, it makes no difference unless they enact some laws that discriminate? OK, I got it.

I know many people of the christian faith who believe marriage is a religious matter and that its for a man and woman.

That is why I have always said the gov should be out of the marriage business.

Civil unions for everyone.

I would Proudly change my 20 + year marraige to a civil union.

If you want "marriage" go to a church.
I know many people of the christian faith who believe marriage is a religious matter and that its for a man and woman.

That is why I have always said the gov should be out of the marriage business.

Civil unions for everyone.

I would Proudly change my 20 + year marraige to a civil union.

If you want "marriage" go to a church.
One of the areas on which Desh and I agree.
I know many people of the christian faith who believe marriage is a religious matter and that its for a man and woman.

That is why I have always said the gov should be out of the marriage business.

Civil unions for everyone.

I would Proudly change my 20 + year marraige to a civil union.

If you want "marriage" go to a church.

100% agree with the above.

The government should not be involved in marriage at all. If you want to get married, go to your respective religious organization and get married.

If the government is going to provide couples with tax benefits, inheritance rights etc... then they can do so by requiring couples apply for cival unions. In which they cannot discriminate. Any two consenting adults can apply for a cival union.
100% agree with the above.

The government should not be involved in marriage at all. If you want to get married, go to your respective religious organization and get married.

If the government is going to provide couples with tax benefits, inheritance rights etc... then they can do so by requiring couples apply for cival unions. In which they cannot discriminate. Any two consenting adults can apply for a cival union.
And I also agree. This is where you and Damo are too libertarian for your Republican brethern. Never get past the primaries with this attitude. Homosexuality is a sin and civil unions are condoning that sin.
If that is truly the case, I wonder why he attends a church (United Church of Christ) which sanctions sodomite "marriage."

I find nothing more amusing that a repressed virgin who has never felt a pair of tits in his hand, sermonizing against "sodomites".

...in a strange, yet compelling way, you're titillated by it, aren't you?

mmm hmm.
If Obama truly believes this, I think its news.

It really isn’t. It’s what every Democrat running for President, including the more liberal John Edwards has always answered. Kucinich was the only one, to my knowledge, who parted from that. This is the stock Democrat answer: I personally believe MARRIAGE is between a man and a woman, but I am for civil unions. What they are trying to do is to take the religious aspect (marriage) out of the equation, and address only the civil aspect, wherein the government is involved.
When asked what was America's greatest moral failure, His Weakness replied, "Uhh .. ahh .. selfishness." :eek:

WTF !!!

Wouldn't America's greatest moral failure be slavery and/or the genocide of the American Indian?

I'm beginning to actually detest Obama and I think I'm beginning to want him to lose.
When asked what was America's greatest moral failure, His Weakness replied, "Uhh .. ahh .. selfishness." :eek:

WTF !!!

Wouldn't America's greatest moral failure be slavery and/or the genocide of the American Indian?

I'm beginning to actually detest Obama and I think I'm beginning to want him to lose.

I thought that his answer to that was something along the lines of; Americans still do not take the words of Christ to heart – that which you do to the least among you, etc.

I remember because I have always gone to those words and really tried, though sometimes failing, to live with t hem as a guide. I think that they are beautiful words, and I thought that Obama was really good. I did disagree with several of his answers, but I agreed with more of them, and I like someone who takes the time to think over a question. Enough of this shoot from the hip “I go by my gut” nonsense.
When asked what was America's greatest moral failure, His Weakness replied, "Uhh .. ahh .. selfishness." :eek:

WTF !!!

Wouldn't America's greatest moral failure be slavery and/or the genocide of the American Indian?

I'm beginning to actually detest Obama and I think I'm beginning to want him to lose.

At least hate him for real reasons, not made up ones. That's all I'd ask:

WARREN: OK, all right. Let’s talk about personal life. The Bible says that integrity and love are the basis of leadership. This is a tough question. What would be, looking over your life — everybody’s got weaknesses. Nobody’s perfect — would be the greatest moral failure in your life? And what would be the greatest moral failure of America?

OBAMA: Well, in my own life I’d break it up in stages. I had a difficult youth. My father wasn’t in the house. I’ve written about this. You know, there were times where I experimented with drugs. I drank in my teenage years. And what I traced this to is a certain selfishness on my part. I was so obsessed with me and, you know, the reasons that I might be dissatisfied that I couldn’t focus on other people. And I think the process for me of growing up was to recognize that it’s not about me. It’s about –

WARREN: I like that. I like that.

OBAMA: Absolutely. So — but look, you know, when I — when I find myself taking the wrong step, I think a lot of times it’s because I’m trying to protect myself instead of trying to do god’s work.

WARREN: Fundamental selfishness.

OBAMA: So that I think is my own failure.

WARREN: What about America?

WARREN(sic): I think America’s greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me, and that notion of — that basic principle applies to poverty. It applies to racism and sexism. It applies to, you know, not having — not thinking about providing ladders of opportunity for people to get into the middle class. There’s a pervasive sense, I think, that this country, as wealthy and powerful as we are, still don’t spend enough time thinking about the least of us.
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