Obama thinks marriage is between man and a woman

Read: I think your blatant hyperbole on the situation indicates how much you're grasping to make any kind of issue out of it, and make it a "reflection of poor performance."
LOL. Nope. Neither of these people will receive my vote and it doesn't matter all that much to me other than in a view of how campaigns control messages. If McCain's followers had tried the same thing I'd be saying the same thing about him. Fast-response teams can cause problems when it makes them appear to be whiney.

Of course, I don't think McCain's quick-response has been quick or very responsive. But it definitely makes Obama's side look defensive, which creates the view that I have portrayed in this thread.

I suspect that Obama's official response is something like, "We aren't pursuing this matter."
"it definitely makes Obama's side look defensive, which creates the view that I have portrayed in this thread."

It really doesn't. I doubt there are many who saw that complaint, disregarded Obama's actual performance in the debate, and jumped the conclusion that "he's covering."

It's a pretty silly conclusion.

I think that the "OMGZ!!1!!shiftplusone!!1!! he had all the questions for weeks ahead of time!!1!!1" creates that appearance, even if FOX doesn't say he had a poor performance.

No, it’s totally not about Obama’s performance – that stands alone. This is all about McCain’s performance Damo. He did not outperform Obama, but he did outperform himself. Anyone who has seen him on the stump, and talking to the press on his plane knows this. In fact, his own campaign has kept him away from the press lately, and this has been reported, precisely because of his consistently poor and confused performances. I’m sorry you need to make this about Obama, but Damo, you don’t the power to do that anywhere but here. And your boy, and he is your boy Damo, is in trouble. Sorry.
Did anyone see the forum that they had on Saturday where they were both interviewed at that Church in California? All McCain did was invoke his POW status. Just about every story he had was about when he was an effin' POW. It was a 1000 years ago and has no bearing on his ability to lead.
And it doesn't appear that McCain cheated. McCain cheated. He broke the ground rules. That's cheating.

And if someone breaks the little rules, they'll break the big rules too. And if they're willing to lie about the small stuff, they're willing to lie about the big stuff.

This is what happened Damo. McCain cheated.

Why are you desperately trying to make this about something else?
Did anyone see the forum that they had on Saturday where they were both interviewed at that Church in California? All McCain did was invoke his POW status. Just about every story he had was about when he was an effin' POW. It was a 1000 years ago and has no bearing on his ability to lead.

He invokes his POW status about everything. Here is his response to questions raised about his favorite song of all time being "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (seriously):

"A lot of my taste in music stopped about the time I impacted a surface-to-air missile with my own airplane and never caught up again."

What the fuck is that? I mean, aside from the fact that he was shot down in 1967 and released in 1973 and that "Dancing Queen" was released in 1976 so the timeline doesn't really work, what the fuck is that? Seriously.
Did anyone see the forum that they had on Saturday where they were both interviewed at that Church in California? All McCain did was invoke his POW status. Just about every story he had was about when he was an effin' POW. It was a 1000 years ago and has no bearing on his ability to lead.

A-yup. 2 of the 3 people whose opinions he would look to most in his admin (if elected) were military people, as well.

It's pretty clear what their "theme" is going to be for the campaign...
He invokes his POW status about everything. Here is his response to questions raised about his favorite song of all time being "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (seriously):

What the fuck is that? I mean, aside from the fact that he was shot down in 1967 and released in 1973 and that "Dancing Queen" was released in 1976 so the timeline doesn't really work, what the fuck is that? Seriously.

Duhhhh. his taste in music was ruined by being a POW. Liking Abba is the proof.
This is what happened Damo. McCain cheated.

Why are you desperately trying to make this about something else?
LOL> Still without evidence. Again, I think this backfires on you, for the reasons I have presented. It does make Obama's side look defensive and reactive.
LOL> Still without evidence. Again, I think this backfires on you, for the reasons I have presented. It does make Obama's side look defensive and reactive.

Damo, why are you lying? You better read again:
Rick ****** informed everyone that the candidates had agreed to flip a coin for who would go first, with the person going second to be in the “cone of silence”.
Rick Warren’s first question to McCain was whether that room of silence was comfortable.
John McCain, by not being in the agreed upon room, but rather outside of the building, broke the agreement. He cheated. This has been admitted by his campaign.
He invokes his POW status about everything. Here is his response to questions raised about his favorite song of all time being "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (seriously):

What the fuck is that? I mean, aside from the fact that he was shot down in 1967 and released in 1973 and that "Dancing Queen" was released in 1976 so the timeline doesn't really work, what the fuck is that? Seriously.

He’s unbalanced. I keep saying it…I just hope that others see it before November. I don’t think this cheating episode will help him to keep up the mythology he has built around his persona.
He invokes his POW status about everything. Here is his response to questions raised about his favorite song of all time being "Dancing Queen" by ABBA (seriously):

What the fvck is that? I mean, aside from the fact that he was shot down in 1967 and released in 1973 and that "Dancing Queen" was released in 1976 so the timeline doesn't really work, what the fvck is that? Seriously.

I can't say I'm suprised. Listening to him on Saturday night made us want to puke. I was at a dinner party and we watched it, by the third time he bought it up everyone was just yelling at the screen. But if you think about it, what else does he have to run on?
A-yup. 2 of the 3 people whose opinions he would look to most in his admin (if elected) were military people, as well.

It's pretty clear what their "theme" is going to be for the campaign...

Oh yeah. He definitely got last week's kiss @$$ award when he mentioned Patreus. Can you be anymore transparent.

The only question I think he excelled above Obama was the tax question. Obama's fatal mistake was being specific and actually answering the question. He should have kept it vague and somewhat hyperbolic like McCain. $5M is rich. Obama was way too detailed.
Damo, why are you lying? You better read again:
Rick ****** informed everyone that the candidates had agreed to flip a coin for who would go first, with the person going second to be in the “cone of silence”.
Rick Warren’s first question to McCain was whether that room of silence was comfortable.
John McCain, by not being in the agreed upon room, but rather outside of the building, broke the agreement. He cheated. This has been admitted by his campaign.
Rubbish. When he arrived he was placed in a holding room with no access to TV, etc. per the SS. Now at that time is it possible he was "trying to hear through the walls?"

This again makes the whiners look ridiculous. Especially the ones who pretend he had the questions for "weeks". It also makes them look petty and defensive when they try to say his motorcade to the place was somehow also "cheating".

It appears sad, defensive, whiney, and baseless to people who are on the outside looking in. It will continue to look that way. By all means, continue to project that, it makes Obama look like he is still following and reacting rather than controlling his own message. I think it will hurt your candidate to continue this tactic.
Rubbish. When he arrived he was placed in a holding room with no access to TV, etc. per the SS. Now at that time is it possible he was "trying to hear through the walls?"

This again makes the whiners look ridiculous. Especially the ones who pretend he had the questions for "weeks". It also makes them look petty and defensive when they try to say his motorcade to the place was somehow also "cheating".

It appears sad, defensive, whiney, and baseless to people who are on the outside looking in. It will continue to look that way. By all means, continue to project that, it makes Obama look like he is still following and reacting rather than controlling his own message. I think it will hurt your candidate to continue this tactic.

He arrived at least half an hour late. He was supposed to be hanging out in the "cone of silence." He wasn't. He broke the rules. That's called cheating.

Oh, and how whiny and defensive is it to refer to McCain's POW status to excuse his cheating? Or this:

August 17, 2008
Mr. Steve Capus
President, NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112


We are extremely disappointed to see that the level of objectivity at NBC News has fallen so low that reporters are now giving voice to unsubstantiated, partisan claims in order to undercut John McCain.

Nowhere was this more evident than with NBC chief correspondent Andrea Mitchell's comments on "Meet the Press" this morning. In analyzing last night's presidential forum at Saddleback Church, Mitchell expressed the Obama campaign spin that John McCain could only have done so well last night because he "may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama." Here are Andrea Mitchell's comments in full:

Mitchell: "The Obama people must feel that he didn't do quite as well as they might have wanted to in that context, because what they are putting out privately is that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama. He seemed so well-prepared." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 8/17/08)

Make no mistake: This is a serious charge. Andrea Mitchell is repeating, uncritically, a completely unsubstantiated Obama campaign claim that John McCain somehow cheated in last night's forum at Saddleback Church. Instead of trying to substantiate this blatant falsehood in any way, Andrea Mitchell felt that she needed to repeat it on air to millions of "Meet the Press" viewers with no indication that 1.) There's not one shred of evidence that it's true; 2.) In his official correspondence to both campaigns, Pastor Rick ****** provided both candidates with information regarding the topic areas to be covered, which Barack Obama acknowledged during the forum when asked about Pastor ******'s idea of an emergency plan for orphans and Obama said, "I cheated a little bit. I actually looked at this idea ahead of time, and I think it is a great idea;" 3.) John McCain actually requested that he and Barack Obama do the forum together on stage at the same time, making these kinds of after-the-fact complaints moot.

Indeed, instead of taking a critical journalistic approach to this spin, Andrea Mitchell did what has become a pattern for her of simply repeating Obama campaign talking points.

This is irresponsible journalism and sadly, indicative of the level of objectivity we have witnessed at NBC News this election cycle. Instead of examining the Obama campaign's spin for truth before reporting it to more than 3 million NBC News viewers, Andrea Mitchell simply passed along Obama campaign conspiracy theories. The fact is that during Senator Obama's segment at Saddleback last night, Senator McCain was in a motorcade to the event and then held in a green room with no broadcast feed. In the forum, John McCain clearly demonstrated to the American people that he is prepared to be our next President.....

We are concerned that your News Division is following MSNBC's lead in abandoning non-partisan coverage of the Presidential race. We would like to request a meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss our deep concerns about the news standards and level of objectivity at NBC.


Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
John McCain 2008

Having your campaign manager send out a bullshit cry-baby letter to NBC after you break the fucking rules is pretty whiny and defensive. But, I suppose it should be since he cheated.