Obama wins Maine Democratic caucuses

I voted for him because

1. I like him. He is charismatic and seems able to be a good leader

2. Because he is not Hillary

3. Because McCain would die in office and loves war.

4. Because he is not Hillary

5. Because I think electing a black man as pres would be good for the country

6. Because he is not Hillary

7. Because his speeches capture and inspire me.

8. Because he is not Hillary

9. Because he was and is still against the dumb iraq war
No, you are just reinforcing my opinion that none of you actually know. I think you are voting based on an abstract concept rather than any solid policies, otherwise you could easily type a list of things he wants to reform.

I could easily type a list of things he wants to reform by going to his website & regurgitating what he writes there.

As I said, I know where he is on the issues; I know what he would propose. But the intangibles are just as important to me as any of that.

You have a theory to prove; have at it. I've already proven that you have no idea what you're talking about.
I voted for him because

1. I like him. He is charismatic and seems able to be a good leader
Based on what? 3 years as a senator from Illinois? Ooo, what qualifications! Charismatic is not a policy.

2. Because he is not Hillary
Fair enough

3. Because McCain would die in office and loves war.
Loves war based on what, and if he dies in office that would be a good thing for you, would it not?

4. Because he is not Hillary

5. Because I think electing a black man as pres would be good for the country
Why, just to show we can?

7. Because his speeches capture and inspire me.
Braveheart inspires me but I'm not pushing for Gibson 08.

9. Because he was and is still against the dumb iraq war

But wants to fuck up worse now that we are there.
You have a theory to prove; have at it. I've already proven that you have no idea what you're talking about.

You have no idea what I'm talking about--- you are assuming that I need someone to tell me Obama's stance-- I don't.

What I need someone to tell me (and what you continue to fail to do) is why to vote for Barack Obama other than because it feels good.
i have noticed that obama is VERY responsive. in his speech on sat night it was like a state of the union address. He responded to all the criticisms about him and built his case. None of the other candidates are this way.
You have no idea what I'm talking about--- you are assuming that I need someone to tell me Obama's stance-- I don't.

What I need someone to tell me (and what you continue to fail to do) is why to vote for Barack Obama other than because it feels good.

I can tell you i think he will do the best for our economy and our international position in the world. Thats 2 reasons.
what do you want to know. he has spelled out his plans on every major subject. i have watched the youtubes of him explaining them.

SSI.. fix it by re-instituting it at 200k.. so a donut hole between 100-200k
healthcare: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/healthcare/
Bush tax cut: roll back over 250k.

easy to find his ideas... the whole notion that hes just spreading false hope with nothing to back it up is a hillary machine idea. See how good she is?
I want to see them given in his speeches. Every speech I have recently seen are "change" with no substance in them. People are all over salivating over him without knowledge of his policy.

I watched a video of a Latino girl making bumperstickers for Obama because she loved his policy on giving DLs to Illegal Immigrants. When she told the guy at the printing shop why she liked Obama, the dude (black dude) was shocked and openly decided to support Hillary instead. Dude was ready to vote for somebody he didn't know the policy of.

I think all here know his policy, I don't think most all excited about "change" do. I won't vote for him.

in terms of investments - he is by far the most fiscally conservative candidate out of hillary and mccain. Hillary is a tax and spend liberal who will raise taxes big time on the 100-200 driving force in this economy. Mccain is a war monger who will be fiscally conservative on domestic issues but then blow it on rediculous military spending. Like driving a used car, bringing bagged lunch to work.. but then once a quarter going to the casino and blowing all your money you saved. Hes not consistent in his fiscal conservative behavior when it comes to his hardon for military. Obama wants paygo.. will end the war drasticaly cutting costs, will solve ssi issue, has medical plan that looks like pays for itself.. all this will bring in more investment into the country.
I want to see them given in his speeches. Every speech I have recently seen are "change" with no substance in them. People are all over salivating over him without knowledge of his policy.

I watched a video of a Latino girl making bumperstickers for Obama because she loved his policy on giving DLs to Illegal Immigrants. When she told the guy at the printing shop why she liked Obama, the dude (black dude) was shocked and openly decided to support Hillary instead. Dude was ready to vote for somebody he didn't know the policy of.

I think all here know his policy, I don't think most all excited about "change" do. I won't vote for him.

If he beats Hillary and gets into the general election vs. McCain he is going to have to speak to a lot more detail about his positions etc. So far his 'change' tone is working pretty well against Hillary.
in terms of investments - he is by far the most fiscally conservative candidate out of hillary and mccain. Hillary is a tax and spend liberal who will raise taxes big time on the 100-200 driving force in this economy. Mccain is a war monger who will be fiscally conservative on domestic issues but then blow it on rediculous military spending. Like driving a used car, bringing bagged lunch to work.. but then once a quarter going to the casino and blowing all your money you saved. Hes not consistent in his fiscal conservative behavior when it comes to his hardon for military. Obama wants paygo.. will end the war drasticaly cutting costs, will solve ssi issue, has medical plan that looks like pays for itself.. all this will bring in more investment into the country.

Obama wants to let the tax cuts expire and wants to raise taxes on social security. I'm not calling that fiscal conservatism.
I want to see them given in his speeches. Every speech I have recently seen are "change" with no substance in them. People are all over salivating over him without knowledge of his policy.

I watched a video of a Latino girl making bumperstickers for Obama because she loved his policy on giving DLs to Illegal Immigrants. When she told the guy at the printing shop why she liked Obama, the dude (black dude) was shocked and openly decided to support Hillary instead. Dude was ready to vote for somebody he didn't know the policy of.

I think all here know his policy, I don't think most all excited about "change" do. I won't vote for him.

Have you seen actual stump speeches, or are you just talking about speeches that he gives after primary wins/losses?
Obama wants to let the tax cuts expire and wants to raise taxes on social security. I'm not calling that fiscal conservatism.

not true. he wants to make permanent the tax cuts for up to 250k.
He wants to raise ss on above 200k.

that is very fiscal conservative.

whats not fiscally conservative is paying 100B here 100B there for some shitty country with no financial return to us.
Have you seen actual stump speeches, or are you just talking about speeches that he gives after primary wins/losses?
The ones most people see.

Yes I have seen some of his stump speeches. He does not give much detail. The reality is, the man is riding a tide of popularity, which can fail him once his policy becomes more apparent.
The ones most people see.

Yes I have seen some of his stump speeches. He does not give much detail. The reality is, the man is riding a tide of popularity, which can fail him once his policy becomes more apparent.

The ones most people see are primary night speeches, which are not substance speeches for most candidates.

For the stump speeches, have you seen entire speeches, or just clips from the cable networks?
If he beats Hillary and gets into the general election vs. McCain he is going to have to speak to a lot more detail about his positions etc. So far his 'change' tone is working pretty well against Hillary.
Why, other than the war and "all the other wars we will be in" McCain has talked about little but that. Tell me what his policies are going to be. What are his plans for the economy, if any? Where does he stand on appointing judges that will take peoples property from them to give to big business? Is ABORTION the only issue for judges, cause that is what "I will appoint strict constructionists" means. You know how i know that, because ALL the strict constructionists on the Court right now don't interpret strictly. If they did then no search would EVER be valid without a warrant, because strictly construed the constitution does not EVER allow for a search without a warrant. So, so much for strict construction.

But McCain has said very little of substance other than 'We need a commander in chief ready on day one" so when the Pub candidate gets specific I imagine the dem will too. This is about selling the candidate to the base not to the american people.