Obama's judgement under fire for prolonged membership in Trinity Church

Calling all of "White America" the "U.S. of KKK A" is a bit more directly racist against somebody than wearing an Irish Pride shirt is.

I haven't seen the full quote, or the video. So I can't address that particular statement in any informed way.

However, I understand that you and many white people get frightened by the rhetoric of black liberation theology. Its not something mainstream american understands; and they certainly have no informed knowledge or comprehension of it, or its historic and theological roots. I certainly don't, though I have made efforts to understand it.

That said, the people in the best position to determine if Pastor Wright is racist against whites, are the caucasians in his own congregation. From what I understand, his church has many white members who are welcomed and embraced there.

I wonder if Pastor Hagee's, Pastor Parsley's, or Reverend Falwells church are welcoming and embracing to gay members?

I think that would speak volumes.
I haven't seen the full quote, or the video. So I can't address that particular statement in any informed way.

However, I understand that you and many white people get frightened by the rhetoric of black liberation theology. Its not something mainstream american understands; and they certainly have no informed knowledge or comprehension of it, or its historic and theological roots. I certainly don't, though I have made efforts to understand it.

That said, the people in the best position to determine if Pastor Wright is racist against whites, are the caucasians in his own congregation. From what I understand, his church has many white members who are welcomed and embraced there.

I wonder if Pastor Hagee's, Pastor Parsley's, or Reverend Falwells church are welcoming and embracing to gay members?

I think that would speak volumes.
Why would I feel "threatened"? That's just silly. I was wondering when the church would come more out in the open. I predicted to my wife it would be after he secured the nomination. I didn't think Hillary would go there, but knew that fully funded 527s would.

That is plain idiobabble stated to give yourself a reason to excuse another's racism because you want it to be something other than it is. You feel uncomfortable that you supported somebody that clearly had the poor judgment to support somebody that is clearly racist. Enough that even the person you so desperately want to support says that the statements are alarming.

IMO, his statements are weak excuses and it is inconceivable that he could be a member of the church for 20 years with no clue whatsoever of the racism inherent in the culture of the church as taught from the pulpit.

And you know if it was an R candidate and a white church, like Duke, they would already have been rejected. Soundly. I think you get embarrassed by the hypocrisy apparent in such ideological slavery and because of that embarrassment you work to excuse anything at all, even against a person who isn't even the candidate.

Whether or not I understand the underflow of anger that causes such racism, I can certainly recognize racism.

Let's put it this way. If any R Candidate went to a church that had this as it's "about us" statement:

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly White and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the White religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an Aryan people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of immigration, the days of integration, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a White worship service and ministries which address the White Community.

They'd be out long ago and forced to live in shame.

Instead we have one that has a D by their name that has this one:

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

I changed only a total of four words... White to black, slavery to immigration, African to Aryan, and segregation to integration.

While the experience that brought the racism to the fore is entirely different, it doesn't change what it is.
If Blacks said they were god's chosen people, would that be racist, damo? I mean, since you like doing word experiments... this is a useful one.
It's a dishonest comparison. Many Christian churches preach discrimation against gays, Muslims, & even other kinds of Christians (Catholics, Mormons, etc.). The philosophy of born-agains, which Bush claims to be, is inherently discriminatory against anyone who doesn't accept what they believe.

Intolerance is preached every Sunday in America, but we're used to hearing most kinds of it, so it's no big deal.
It's a dishonest comparison. Many Christian churches preach discrimation against gays, Muslims, & even other kinds of Christians (Catholics, Mormons, etc.). The philosophy of born-agains, which Bush claims to be, is inherently discriminatory against anyone who doesn't accept what they believe.

Intolerance is preached every Sunday in America, but we're used to hearing most kinds of it, so it's no big deal.

Denial ain't just a river in egypt.
Does anyone believe that Obama and his wife attended this Church for 20 years and never truly knew the Pastor or his radical views? Do you believe they never heard any of these radical sermons or later viewed them on some video format? Do you truly believe that they didn't know the Pastor that joined them in matrimony and baptized their children? Chances are that they know Pastor Wright and the Church very well. On the other hand, we (most of us) do not know this Pastor or Church.

Should any of this change your opinion of Barack? Maybe or Maybe not, but don't be too fast to run away from the issue. The Media should do some more research concerning the Church and Pastor and their relationship with Barack Obama. Maybe in the end we will be glad that we didn't rush to judgement on either side of this issue.
Jesus. I didn't know about any of this. Who gives a shit about any of this crap first of all? And second of all, Cypress is correct in his posts.

But most importantly, I couldn't care less. Calm down white people! Nobody is coming to kill you or rape your white wife, everything is going to be ok.
"Chances are that they know Pastor Wright and the Church very well. On the other hand, we (most of us) do not know this Pastor or Church."

And why should most of us know or care? It's his church; religion should be private. I hate how it has entered our public focus with such authority. Watching the GOP debates was ridiculous.

What does it tell us about someone? Bush was a born again, and promised to conduct foreign policy with "humility." He has displaced millions, and killed over 100,000.

Any election is a crapshoot. You listen to what someone says, try to get a feel for whether or not you can trust them & pull the lever. What their pastor does or doesn't say is utterly inconsequential to the process.
I'd be willing to bet 1,000 Barak has said anti white comments in his former senate runs.
I'm not drinking the Kool aid like cypress and lorax.
I most definately want him to win, all I'm saying is have the opposition shot that weak ass bullet now. If you guys think Barack is perfect - your retarded. I don't want some stupid republican mantra like flip flopper to be rolled out on barack. Let hillary try and fail, and have the republicans face him on the issues.
Does anyone believe that Obama and his wife attended this Church for 20 years and never truly knew the Pastor or his radical views? Do you believe they never heard any of these radical sermons or later viewed them on some video format? Do you truly believe that they didn't know the Pastor that joined them in matrimony and baptized their children? Chances are that they know Pastor Wright and the Church very well. On the other hand, we (most of us) do not know this Pastor or Church.

Should any of this change your opinion of Barack? Maybe or Maybe not, but don't be too fast to run away from the issue. The Media should do some more research concerning the Church and Pastor and their relationship with Barack Obama. Maybe in the end we will be glad that we didn't rush to judgement on either side of this issue.

I was a cradle Catholic for 40 years, I didn't believe everything the man behind the pulpit told me. I was a lucky one, my mind was able to filter and decide for itself what was right and what was wrong.

Catholics preach that if you do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you go to hell, a place of eternal damnation, fire and brimstone, eternal suffering. Now tell me, what could be worse than that? The USofKKK seems minor to me in comparison. It is still a divisive remark which in my opinion doesn't belong in a church, but in my opinion, neither does politics.
It is hard at times to separate the two.
It's a dishonest comparison. Many Christian churches preach discrimation against gays, Muslims, & even other kinds of Christians (Catholics, Mormons, etc.). The philosophy of born-agains, which Bush claims to be, is inherently discriminatory against anyone who doesn't accept what they believe.

Intolerance is preached every Sunday in America, but we're used to hearing most kinds of it, so it's no big deal.
True, so adding a bit more and supporting it with membership is a good thing, right?
Jesus. I didn't know about any of this. Who gives a shit about any of this crap first of all? And second of all, Cypress is correct in his posts.

But most importantly, I couldn't care less. Calm down white people! Nobody is coming to kill you or rape your white wife, everything is going to be ok.
Again silly idiobabble hoping to excuse and wash away all problems. Who has said they were "afraid"? Poor judgment is something we've all had enough of. It is likely that this poor judgment may hurt the guy just a months ago you were accusing of misogyny and worrying about how you just couldn't vote this year....

Was that because you were "afraid" of him raping your white wife? Come on, just a sad attempt at reverse sexism with a smidge of ideologicalism all mixed in.
When Wright says america is run by rich white people, is that really some sort of insane fiction, or is it the truth?

It is run by a mix of people. One portion is that group you hate so much. Jews. Another are people like Condi, yes some large portion are rich white people too.

When he says that all of white America is the US of KKK A does that mean that because some large portion of people who run this is white or that all of the white America is part of that racist slur?
True, so adding a bit more and supporting it with membership is a good thing, right?

I tried to change what I saw wrong, but I was shunned. It is not a pleasant thing. The parish priest referred to me as the woman with the red lipstick.
He was brought in when it was discovered by the a temporary priest discovered that the former monsignor has embezzled money to buy trip for his "victims".
Monsignor Murphy, he is still alive, out there. Suits are pending and he has FINALLY been placed where he can't hurt anymore, hopefully. The man gave inspiring sermons! Imagine how I felt when I learned he was rotted inside!
I tried to change what I saw wrong, but I was shunned. It is not a pleasant thing. The parish priest referred to me as the woman with the red lipstick.
He was brought in when it was discovered by the a temporary priest discovered that the former monsignor has embezzled money to buy trip for his "victims".
Monsignor Murphy, he is still alive, out there. Suits are pending and he has FINALLY been placed where he can't hurt anymore, hopefully. The man gave inspiring sermons! Imagine how I felt when I learned he was rotted inside!
The reality is the church is the set of members, not a building they visit. Everybody becomes shocked when they find out something like that.

However, 20 years of membership would give you an idea that the membership thought the way this pastor did, all without hearing one sermon with such in it.

Seriously, we left a church when I was a kid because they were negative towards divorces regardless of why they happened. Kids were shunned and treated like trash because their parents had divorced. Had they been directly racist we wouldn't have stayed for that rubbish, not for a minute.
The reality is the church is the set of members, not a building they visit. Everybody becomes shocked when they find out something like that.

However, 20 years of membership would give you an idea that the membership thought the way this pastor did, all without hearing one sermon with such in it.

Seriously, we left a church when I was a kid because they were negative towards divorces regardless of why they happened. Kids were shunned and treated like trash because their parents had divorced. Had they been directly racist we wouldn't have stayed for that rubbish, not for a minute.

I left the church after I read Joseph Campbell, before that I practiced the standards as my parent, pray, pay and obey!

I agree with what you say, but since we are not privy to all of the pastors sermons, maybe these were few and far between instead of the norm. If they were the norm, then Obama must have his reasons for staying there and it would be interesting to hear them.
It is run by a mix of people. One portion is that group you hate so much. Jews. Another are people like Condi, yes some large portion are rich white people too.

When he says that all of white America is the US of KKK A does that mean that because some large portion of people who run this is white or that all of the white America is part of that racist slur?

It means a majority of people who actually run the country are white. And most of them are jew brainwashed noahides.