Obama's judgement under fire for prolonged membership in Trinity Church

It means a majority of people who actually run the country are white. And most of them are jew brainwashed noahides.
LOL. Joy! Two racists. Start a church, Obama will probably join. :D All ten of the Noahides that showed up to their convention hold no part of the government here.
LOL. Joy! Two racists. Start a church, Obama will probably join. :D All ten of the Noahides that showed up to their convention hold no part of the government here.

Oh yes. Wright = racist for pointing out white control. yet me = racist for pointing out the inherent racism of judaism. Your narrative is splitting apart at it's seams, mason.
Oh yes. Wright = racist for pointing out white control. yet me = racist for pointing out the inherent racism of judaism. Your narrative is splitting apart at it's seams, mason.
It isn't just pointing out "white control" to call all of "white America" the US of KKK A. That includes all of the white people in the US not just those who "control" it.

Your hope that you can ride this train to the same station just shows that often politics create strange bedfellows and makes you hope that people will take your fear of a tiny group of an even tinier group of one of the smallest minority groups in the world and make it grow in others.

You are sad to try to hitch your wagon to a racist that even Obama finds "shocking" now that he "suddenly found out" about those remarks.

Thankfully Wright tells me that you are part of the US of KKK A so I can only expect that of you and shouldn't be surprised that birds of a feather attempt to flock.
You dang well bet I did. I was far more outspoken and disgusted by the policy of hiding it and believe that it created the environment that attracted the pedophiles to the clergy.

Is this selective memory? You had to have read my scathing posts on the topic on this very website.
So using your logic EVERY PERSON of conscience in the Catholic Church should have left it cause remaining there is endorsing the catholic church and their continued hiding and paying off of victims. Every Catholic that stayed is REPUGNANT because they stayed in the religion of their fathers and should be held accountable for remaining catholic? 'Cause that ist he logic of your first statement.
Why would I feel "threatened"? That's just silly. I was wondering when the church would come more out in the open. I predicted to my wife it would be after he secured the nomination. I didn't think Hillary would go there, but knew that fully funded 527s would.

That is plain idiobabble stated to give yourself a reason to excuse another's racism because you want it to be something other than it is. You feel uncomfortable that you supported somebody that clearly had the poor judgment to support somebody that is clearly racist. Enough that even the person you so desperately want to support says that the statements are alarming.

IMO, his statements are weak excuses and it is inconceivable that he could be a member of the church for 20 years with no clue whatsoever of the racism inherent in the culture of the church as taught from the pulpit.

And you know if it was an R candidate and a white church, like Duke, they would already have been rejected. Soundly. I think you get embarrassed by the hypocrisy apparent in such ideological slavery and because of that embarrassment you work to excuse anything at all, even against a person who isn't even the candidate.

Whether or not I understand the underflow of anger that causes such racism, I can certainly recognize racism.

Let's put it this way. If any R Candidate went to a church that had this as it's "about us" statement:

They'd be out long ago and forced to live in shame.

Instead we have one that has a D by their name that has this one:

I changed only a total of four words... White to black, slavery to immigration, African to Aryan, and segregation to integration.

While the experience that brought the racism to the fore is entirely different, it doesn't change what it is.

It's no surprise that you've been getting this stuff off the wingnut websites. Black liberation theology, and the black religious left frighten you. And they frighten other white people. The fear is palpable. Calm yourself down. Afrocentric chrisitanity is nothing new in this country. Seriously, I can't even believe I'm wasting time writing this. The Greek orthodox church is unashamedly greek. The russian orthodox church is unashemedly russian. The serbian orthodox church is unashamedly Serbian. The Aglican Church of England is unashamedly English. The Catholic church is unashamedly beholden to the Vatican. Many jewish congregations are unashemedly pro-Israel, and zionist. Where's your "outrage" at those sectarian churches?

The black experience in this country is unique, and in some cases has resulted in a strain of chrisitainity that uses the pulpit to address issues of racism and oppression. Why does that shock you? There is no equivalent experience in the "white" community. The jewish congregations certainly use their clout and theology to promote pro-israel polcies.

I think you need to calm down damo. Pastor Wright's flock is not going to burn your house down, or start a race war. The white people who attend his church don't appear to be under any threat.
So using your logic EVERY PERSON of conscience in the Catholic Church should have left it cause remaining there is endorsing the catholic church and their continued hiding and paying off of victims. Every Catholic that stayed is REPUGNANT because they stayed in the religion of their fathers and should be held accountable for remaining catholic? 'Cause that ist he logic of your first statement.
When they have no other choice, according to their religion, they must change their church.

Are you saying that Obama showed any sort of objection in those 20 years to what had to be obvious?

As it were, yes. I said that anybody who supported those who made these choices should reject the church. Their bible says "suffer the little children to come to Me" not "the little children must suffer when they come to me".
It's no surprise that you've been getting this stuff off the wingnut websites. Black liberation theology, and the black religious left frighten you. And they frighten other white people. The fear is palpable. Calm yourself down. Afrocentric chrisitanity is nothing new in this country. Seriously, I can't even believe I'm wasting time writing this. The Greek orthodox church is unashamedly greek. The russian orthodox church is unashemedly russian. The serbian orthodox church is unashamedly Serbian. The Aglican Church of England is unashamedly English. The Catholic church is unashamedly beholden to the Vatican. Many jewish congregations are unashemedly pro-Israel, and zionist. Where's your "outrage" at those sectarian churches?

The black experience in this country is unique, and in some cases has resulted in a strain of chrisitainity that uses the pulpit to address issues of racism and oppression. Why does that shock you? There is no equivalent experience in the "white" community. The jewish congregations certainly use their clout and theology to promote pro-israel polcies.

I think you need to calm down damo. Pastor Wright's flock is not going to burn your house down, or start a race war. The white people who attend his church don't appear to be under any threat.
Again a sad pitiful attempt at excuse and misdirection. I have said nothing of how they were coming to "burn my house down". And excusing it because it isn't new doesn't change the reality that equal statements from a different "race" would not only make you cringe but would have you up in arms.

If I were a member of the church that had the "about us" statement I first related and nobody at the church was going to burn down any houses it still wouldn't make it right nor would it make it any more likely that I would be considered a valid candidate for the R party.

Your pretend "your afraid" crap isn't working. Pointing out divisive racism has nothing to do with fear, it has everything to do with truth. If Obama is able to actually distance himself from his decision to remain a member of this church for that long, then it shouldn't matter to you what I say about a divisive church teaching racism from a pulpit. If he is not, pretending I am "afraid" won't help him.

For instance, if I say that the Skinheads are racists (except SHARPIES) does that mean I fear them? If you do does that mean you fear them?
It isn't just pointing out "white control" to call all of "white America" the US of KKK A. That includes all of the white people in the US not just those who "control" it.

Your hope that you can ride this train to the same station just shows that often politics create strange bedfellows and makes you hope that people will take your fear of a tiny group of an even tinier group of one of the smallest minority groups in the world and make it grow in others.

You are sad to try to hitch your wagon to a racist that even Obama finds "shocking" now that he "suddenly found out" about those remarks.

Thankfully Wright tells me that you are part of the US of KKK A so I can only expect that of you and shouldn't be surprised that birds of a feather attempt to flock.

You can stop throwing everyone under the bus on behalf of your jew masters now, damo. Everyone's over it.
Maybe in their private sessions Obama did criticize him? Is there any mention in his book?
You can stop throwing everyone under the bus on behalf of your jew masters now, damo. Everyone's over it.
I have never had a "Jew Master". Your phobia of Jews notwithstanding.

The allegory of Masonry, while centered on a fictional account of the building of King Solomon's Temple, has nothing to do with Judaism or even which God one should follow.

You should really consider when you want to ban something that Iran's government, the Nazis and pretty much every single authoritarian government, has whether or not your fears are well founded. Also the history of the nation itself should give you reason to pause when considering they largely created the government as it was back then.
Maybe in their private sessions Obama did criticize him? Is there any mention in his book?
He called him his personal spiritual adviser and gave him credit for many of his beliefs and even the title of one of the books. No hint of criticism.

It is possible if they weren't very active and this guy hid it well that they wouldn't know. How often did he go to this church?
I have never had a "Jew Master". Your phobia of Jews notwithstanding.

The allegory of Masonry, while centered on a fictional account of the building of King Solomon's Temple, has nothing to do with Judaism or even which God one should follow.

You should really consider when you want to ban something that Iran's government, the Nazis and pretty much every single authoritarian government, has whether or not your fears are well founded. Also the history of the nation itself should give you reason to pause when considering they largely created the government as it was back then.

I don't fear jews. I just recognize that claiming to be god's chosen people, is, in fact, a racist assertion. So let's not have a double standard on racial pride. MMmmmkay?
I don't fear jews. I just recognize that claiming to be god's chosen people, is, in fact, a racist assertion. So let's not have a double standard on racial pride. MMmmmkay?
Oh, I agreed with that long ago. However the small group of people who supposedly try to get you under this noahide law are failing miserably and the incredible fear you show because of this tiny group of people is amazing.
Again a sad pitiful attempt at excuse and misdirection. I have said nothing of how they were coming to "burn my house down". And excusing it because it isn't new doesn't change the reality that equal statements from a different "race" would not only make you cringe but would have you up in arms.

If I were a member of the church that had the "about us" statement I first related and nobody at the church was going to burn down any houses it still wouldn't make it right nor would it make it any more likely that I would be considered a valid candidate for the R party.

Your pretend "your afraid" crap isn't working. Pointing out divisive racism has nothing to do with fear, it has everything to do with truth. If Obama is able to actually distance himself from his decision to remain a member of this church for that long, then it shouldn't matter to you what I say about a divisive church teaching racism from a pulpit. If he is not, pretending I am "afraid" won't help him.

For instance, if I say that the Skinheads are racists (except SHARPIES) does that mean I fear them? If you do does that mean you fear them?

Damo, you made a big deal out of the fact that the church has an afro-centric theology.

Yet, you've not once denounced any american synagouge, for having a pro-israel and zionist theology.

That's how I know, that afrocentric churches frighten you, or disturb you somehow.

Don't worry about it. A lot of white people are irrationally threatened by afrocentric theology and the religious black left. It's something that can be overcome, with an open mind.
Damo, you made a big deal out of the fact that the church has an afro-centric theology.

Yet, you've not once denounced any american synagouge, for having a pro-israel and zionist theology.

That's how I know, that afrocentric churches frighten you, or disturb you somehow.

Don't worry about it. A lot of white people are irrationally threatened by afrocentric theology and the religious black left. It's something that can be overcome, with an open mind.
No, I made a big deal about the separatist message involved in what is taught form the pulpit.

And again this pretend, "You feel threatened" crap is just a weak attempt to distract from the reality of racism. I point out racism in white themed churches, I point out racism in black themed churches. There is no "fear" involved other than in your imagination in a hope that you can pigeonhole all people who reject such a negative message towards any sort of reconciliation.

Synagogues promote the religion, it is what they are supposed to do it would be unrealistic to attempt to get a Christian church to stop teaching Christian themes, it would be just as unrealistic to get a Jewish synagogue to stop teaching Jewish themes.

Neither of them focus on race. African or Aryan are not religions. Jewish is. Get the difference?

Under this sad attempt at distraction you are afraid of white supremacist groups who don't threaten you, it is disingenuous. I was actually disappointed when Darla started into that same theme, mostly because I don't expect her to be as deliberately dishonest as you in her arguments.

It is sad to be so disingenuous about what even the candidate himself says is "shocking" and unsupportable.
I was shocked by the 30 second sound-bites of Pastor Wright and I'm sure I would not make his Church my home. I have walked away from several Churches for less. But still I would like to know more about their overall contribution to the Chicago Community.

Even a Parent that loves a child can have a fatal flaw among many virtues (alcoholism, drug addiction, anger issues, etc.). Most of the time the child loves the parent despite the flaw. When they grow up, many of them try to take the "good" they found in their Parent and forgive and forget the bad. Perhaps Barack Obama has taken the good from Pastor Wright and ignored or fogotten the bad. Perhaps Pastor Wright has contributed to his community in ways that have improved the lives of his followers as well as all members of the local community.

It would be easy to pass judgement based on a few words that I find severely offensive, but as I haven't walked in his shoes, I would like the media to put Pastor Wright's views into perspective. Tell me a little about his life in Chicago. I do believe when we know Pastor Wright a little better, we may also know Barack Obama better. Keep in mind, the child is not responsible for the sins of the father.

Barack doesn't have my vote, but that does't mean I have any less respect for him.