Obama's judgement under fire for prolonged membership in Trinity Church

No, I made a big deal about the separatist message involved in what is taught form the pulpit.

And again this pretend, "You feel threatened" crap is just a weak attempt to distract from the reality of racism. I point out racism in white themed churches, I point out racism in black themed churches. There is no "fear" involved other than in your imagination in a hope that you can pigeonhole all people who reject such a negative message towards any sort of reconciliation.

Synagogues promote the religion, it is what they are supposed to do it would be unrealistic to attempt to get a Christian church to stop teaching Christian themes, it would be just as unrealistic to get a Jewish synagogue to stop teaching Jewish themes.

Neither of them focus on race. African or Aryan are not religions. Jewish is. Get the difference?

Under this sad attempt at distraction you are afraid of white supremacist groups who don't threaten you, it is disingenuous. I was actually disappointed when Darla started into that same theme, mostly because I don't expect her to be as deliberately dishonest as you in her arguments.

It is sad to be so disingenuous about what even the candidate himself says is "shocking" and unsupportable.

So if racism is your religion, then it's not racism. Hmmmm. Clever.
Yet one is considered jewish if their mother is jewish. That's race.
However, that is the same with Ethiopian Jews who are certainly of a different "race". It is again a religious thing. If you convert, marry a converted Jew and have a kid he'll be a Jew, it doesn't matter what "race" you are. If it is "race" it is certainly very inclusive considering I can't convert to African-American or Aryan.
However, that is the same with Ethiopian Jews who are certainly of a different "race". It is again a religious thing. If you convert, marry a converted Jew and have a kid he'll be a Jew, it doesn't matter what "race" you are. If it is "race" it is certainly very inclusive considering I can't convert to African-American or Aryan.

Yet the promise between god and the jews was a covenant to them AS A PEOPLE. He promised to multiply them to be as numerous as stars in the sky.

And conversion is just a politically correct add-on to seem non-racist. Non jews are actually not supposed to convert according to doctrine, they are to accept the chosenness of the jews and do what they're told.

Struggle and deny all you want. You can't change the truth.
Yet the promise between god and the jews was a covenant to them AS A PEOPLE. He promised to multiply them to be as numerous as stars in the sky.

And conversion is just a politically correct add-on to seem non-racist. Non jews are actually not supposed to convert according to doctrine, they are to accept the chosenness of the jews and do what they're told.

Struggle and deny all you want. You can't change the truth.
That was the Hebrew tribe, and conversion helps in the "multiplication".

Jewish = religion, not race.

Hebrew is the tribe they were from and would better describe the "race" of the beginning of the religion. It has changed quite a bit since then.

As for "chosenness", it is much the same as a Christian dude believing I won't reach paradise.
That was the Hebrew tribe, and conversion helps in the "multiplication".

Jewish = religion, not race.

Hebrew is the tribe they were from and would better describe the "race" of the beginning of the religion. It has changed quite a bit since then.

As for "chosenness", it is much the same as a Christian dude believing I won't reach paradise.

Jewish "again": DNA unlocks secrets in New Mexico

By David Kelly
Los Angeles Times

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — As a boy, the Rev. William Sanchez sensed he was different. His Catholic family spun tops on Christmas, shunned pork and whispered of a past in medieval Spain. If anyone knew the secret, they weren't telling, and Sanchez stopped asking.

Three years ago, after watching a program on genealogy, Sanchez sent for a DNA kit that could help track a person's background through genetic footprinting. He soon got a call from Bennett Greenspan, owner of the Houston-based testing company.

"He said, 'Did you know you were Jewish?' " Sanchez, 53, recalled. "He told me I was a Cohanim, a member of the priestly class descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses."

With the revelation that Sanchez was almost certainly one of New Mexico's hidden, or crypto-Jews, his family traditions made sense to him.

He began a DNA project to test his relatives, along with some parishioners at Albuquerque's St. Edwin's Church, where he works. As word got out, others in the community began contacting him. So Sanchez expanded the effort to include Hispanics throughout the state.

Of the 78 people tested, 30 are positive for the marker of the Cohanim, whose genetic line remains strong because they rarely married non-Jews throughout a history spanning up to 4,000 years.

Michael Hammer, a research professor at the University of Arizona and an expert on Jewish genetics, said that fewer than 1 percent of non-Jews possessed this marker. That fact — along with the traditions in many of these families — makes it likely that they are Jewish, he said.

It also explained practices that had baffled many folks in Albuquerque for years: the special knives used to butcher sheep in line with Jewish kosher tradition, the refusal to work on Saturdays to honor the Sabbath, the menorahs that had been hidden away.

Yet there are genetic tests for "jewishness". That make me right and you wrong.
Yet there are genetic tests for "jewishness". That make me right and you wrong.
Again, they are misstating. The Ethiopian Jews are not "Jewish" by any racial sense, the reality is any "race" can convert. They are speaking of the Hebrew tribe, not the religion. A regional mark can be made on the DNA by the way people evolved in the area.

Unless you believe that upon conversion people suddenly take on their DNA... But we both know that is rubbish, and we both know you can convert to Judaism. So either you are being disingenuous deliberately or accidentally, but either way you are disingenuous as you cannot convert to any "race".
Again, they are misstating. The Ethiopian Jews are not "Jewish" by any racial sense, the reality is any "race" can convert. They are speaking of the Hebrew tribe, not the religion. A regional mark can be made on the DNA by the way people evolved in the area.

Unless you believe that upon conversion people suddenly take on their DNA... But we both know that is rubbish, and we both know you can convert to Judaism. So either you are being disingenuous deliberately or accidentally, but either way you are disingenuous as you cannot convert to any "race".

What do you mean "jewish by any racial sense"? Just the fact that you have that concept in your head means it's not a religion like christianity is a religion.
What do you mean "jewish by any racial sense"? Just the fact that you have that concept in your head means it's not a religion like christianity is a religion.
No, if you notice the quotations, I was stating that Jewish isn't a race, it is a religion. Hence they are not "Jewish" by race, they are from the Hebrew tribe. Again you are being intellectually dishonest, and now I believe that it is purposeful because if you were being honest you wouldn't continue to attempt to argue that something you can convert to is a "race".

I usually will put "race" in quotations because "race" is a social construct, there is really only one race, the human race.
No, if you notice the quotations, I was stating that Jewish isn't a race, it is a religion. Hence they are not "Jewish" by race, they are from the Hebrew tribe..

I usually will put "race" in quotations because "race" is a social construct, there is really only one race, the human race.

It is a religion with racial supremacism at it's core. People do not say "you are from the hebrew tribe" if they have these genes. They say "you are jewish" if you have these genes.

Owned again.
It is a religion with racial supremacism at it's core. People do not say "you are from the hebrew tribe" if they have these genes. They say "you are jewish" if you have these genes.

Owned again.
Again rubbish. They say you are Jewish if you are of that religion. Those Ethiopian Jews are Jewish nonetheless and are not of the same "race" as those you think of as "Jewish".

It is idiotic to proclaim it a race when you can convert into it with no DNA that matches.

You are being so deliberately dishonest it's becoming embarrassing to watch. You know you can't convert to a "race" yet continue to argue this moronic line of fallacious reasoning as if you can't understand the English language or as if you were the only one in the room.
Again rubbish. They say you are Jewish if you are of that religion.
Oh. so it's a circular definition? How absurd of you to say so.
Those Ethiopian Jews are Jewish nonetheless and are not of the same "race" as those you think of as "Jewish".

It is idiotic to proclaim it a race when you can convert into it with no DNA that matches.

Yet they have genetic tests for it. Get over it damo. It's a race. People consider it a race. If you are "anti-semitic" you are considered a racist.
Oh. so it's a circular definition? How absurd of you to say so.

Again dishonest intellectually. Re-read, there is no need to restate when you make such blatantly dishonest fallacies.

Yet they have genetic tests for it. Get over it damo. It's a race. People consider it a race. If you are "anti-semitic" you are considered a racist.

Again for the regional DNA for those who started the religion, those of a certain tribe. One could find out that they are related to those who started the religion, but one can also be Jewish and have no Genetic tie to those people because you can convert to the religion. Nobody can convert to a certain Ethnicity. It is plain stupid to suggest that it is a race if you can convert to it.

One can also be related Genetically and not be Jewish at all. Much like a friend of mine named Jacob whose mother was Jewish but he is Christian.
Again dishonest intellectually. Re-read, there is no need to restate when you make such blatantly dishonest fallacies.
Disingenuous rubbish.
Again for the regional DNA for those who started the religion, those of a certain tribe. One could find out that they are related to those who started the religion, but one can also be Jewish and have no Genetic tie to those people because you can convert to the religion. Nobody can convert to a certain Ethnicity. It is plain stupid to suggest that it is a race if you can convert to it.
Again. People don't say, "you have the similar dna to the tribes that started the religion" they say. "Wow. you are jewish". But of course they must be misstating. So moses was misstating, and the bible?
One can also be related Genetically and not be Jewish at all. Much like a friend of mine named Jacob whose mother was Jewish but he is Christian.

But jews would still consider him a jew, a bad one.