Oh Lord, where Ark thou?

I would say that if anything is miraculous, it is the underlying order and mathmatical structure to the universe.

Why does there have to be order rather than disorder?

I don't have to invoke a specific deity to explain it, but I can still hold the mathmatical structure of the universe in awe and reverence.

If he didn't take, for example, two black bears and two polar bears, how did polar bears come to exist in artic? Did a male and female black bear decide to swim there or did Noah drop off two black bears in the Arctic and they survived long enough to reproduce and eventually evolve into polar bears?

bears gradually migrated to different areas and adapted to changed environment........it is called evolution......
If he didn't take, for example, two black bears and two polar bears, how did polar bears come to exist in artic? Did a male and female black bear decide to swim there or did Noah drop off two black bears in the Arctic and they survived long enough to reproduce and eventually evolve into polar bears?

If you don't want the dogma folk's head to explode, don't use the word "evolve".
bears gradually migrated to different areas and adapted to changed environment........it is called evolution......

I agree. Bears have evolved over millions of years. Polar bears are one of the most recent bears to come into existence, possibly as recently as 70,000 years. But, they did not evolve in the time since Noah's ark sailed.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, let's take this sentence for sentence:

1. But you DID doubt (with extreme prejudice) Nye's credentials when you called him a "noted charlatan and moron".

2. Let me put this side bar to rest: to say that over 230 years of increasing global deforestation, industrialization and its air/ground/sea pollution, urbanization on grand scales has no (or negligible) effect on the planet's eco-system is just illogical (or to put plainly, stupid). Too many bonafide scientists from various fields with more extensive credentials than Nye's concur. Industrial lobbies work long and hard on their propaganda to deny reality...and they are losing.

3. My good man, since you are taking a somewhat condescending attitude towards the common man, it should be noted that YOU incorrectly put Moses in the stone age, NOT the bronze age. Get an anthropologist to explain to you the extreme differences, especially when it comes to tool making and such. Once corrected, your original assertions change to a degree.

4. As you previously pointed out, the whole concept of divinely influenced scribes of the Bible is a dubious claim. Couple that with language, social and political changes in translations over the centuries and one can easily cast doubt beyond faith.

5. I suggest you do some research as to the accuracy of many of Egypt's endeavors...whether in science or medicine or mechanics or astronomy. Religion may have been the basis but constructing those pyramids sure as hell required some serious engineering genius by the human brain. There's nothing wrong with spirituality guiding scientific discovery and practices. Case in point, Chinese acupuncture. To date, Western and European medical science don't understand it, and condescendingly say it "tricks" the body into healing itself. Chinese doctors laugh their asses off at this desperate ploy to keep European based medicine as wholly superior.

6 - 10. An analogy that is off topic. At this point, I'm discussing how Nigh deconstructs some major points regarding the "Great Flood" in the Bible. To date, no one on this thread .... including you ... can disprove or debunk what he says. My point of contention with you is that you dismissed Nigh as some blathering phony, which is not the case. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them a fraud...you have to prove that they are. You can't, in this instance.

11 - 14. Essentially a rehash of what was covered in #1-5, video non-withstanding.

My various digressions were what they were. Your observations regarding them are interesting and thank you for taking the time and effort to make your extensive reply.

In your point 2 you addressed environmental impacts of man on the Earth. They are real. While fleas can make a dog itch, they can't control which direction he runs. In this sense, we humans on the planet are like fleas on a dog.

Anthropogenic Global Warming Science asserts that mankind is causing climate change and that mankind can unify and then, acting in concert to achieve a particular goal, can control and direct the climate of the planet.

The two flaws in the theory driving AGW Science are that

1. Mankind cannot and will not ever unify as one
2. Mankind cannot control and direct the climate of the planet.

The Sahara Desert formed long before any SUV was ever driven.

The Glaciers in Glacier National Park are melting today. They were melted completely 7000 years ago.

Climate change happens. Always has. Always will.

1. Your "digressions" non-withstanding, you have yet to just concede a point. You were wrong on a few things. Deal with it or don't, but spare me the smoke blowing.

2. YOU injected the climate change debate in your assertions regarding Nye's scientific credibility. I merely responded with common sense observations that to date cannot be answered straight forward by climate change deniers. Instead of directly dealing with my statements, you blather on with some drivel about the Sahara and essentially create your own discussion that ignores what you don't like or can't dismiss.

3. You ignore the other points regarding #3 and #5

So my previous post stands valid.
I agree. Bears have evolved over millions of years. Polar bears are one of the most recent bears to come into existence, possibly as recently as 70,000 years. But, they did not evolve in the time since Noah's ark sailed.

I've got the PMP on permanent ban ... ask him how a creationist or fundamentalist (or any believer in the Old Testament, for that matter) can use the word "evolve", when there is no mention of it...ever!
I've got the PMP on permanent ban ... ask him how a creationist or fundamentalist (or any believer in the Old Testament, for that matter) can use the word "evolve", when there is no mention of it...ever!

Your choice on the ignore, but he’s no Christian. Minions of Satan are often experts of the Bible so they can better twist the words.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Really? Says who? Any of the following?




Obviously, you didn't read any of the content in the links or you have a serious reading comprehension deficiency. I'm going to give you one more chance before humiliating you. What group in the contents of the links I presented state as you did that, "...Only a small % of people who believe in Creation buy into that 6000 year nonsense."
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I've got the PMP on permanent ban ... ask him how a creationist or fundamentalist (or any believer in the Old Testament, for that matter) can use the word "evolve", when there is no mention of it...ever!

Your choice on the ignore, but he’s no Christian. Minions of Satan are often experts of the Bible so they can better twist the words.


Now, now...it's not nice to tease the caged animals. Play nice!

Now, now...it's not nice to tease the caged animals. Play nice!
PmP likes to play Christian but all the Christians on the forum can see he’s never once acted like a Christian, focused on Chrisitian ideals or otherwise followed in the path of Christ. He, like a few others on JPP, are simply bitter, angry old men spreading their pain and hate onto others. A very unChristian action.
I would say that if anything is miraculous, it is the underlying order and mathmatical structure to the universe.

Why does there have to be order rather than disorder?

I don't have to invoke a specific deity to explain it, but I can still hold the mathmatical structure of the universe in awe and reverence.


If you choose to believe that a god started all this, that's cool. The only thing that matters, in my not-so-humble opinion, is that you be happy with your beliefs and don't insist that everyone else has to believe the same.

If you choose to believe that a god started all this, that's cool. The only thing that matters, in my not-so-humble opinion, is that you be happy with your beliefs and don't insist that everyone else has to believe the same.
I agree. Bears have evolved over millions of years. Polar bears are one of the most recent bears to come into existence, possibly as recently as 70,000 years. But, they did not evolve in the time since Noah's ark sailed.

I see you have also Nye's failing........you think you know when the ark sailed........

A simple summation of two integers isn't that revealing to me.

What I am alluding to is that mathematics, properly viewed, seemingly reveals some kind deep, underlying truth to nature and reality as a whole. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio seem to be embedded in the very fabric of nature itself --> and we really don't know what that means, but it must mean something.
A simple summation of two integers isn't that revealing to me.

What I am alluding to is that mathematics, properly viewed, seemingly reveals some kind deep, underlying truth to nature and reality as a whole. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio seem to be embedded in the very fabric of nature itself --> and we really don't know what that means, but it must mean something.

"God doesn't play dice with the universe"
I see you have also Nye's failing........you think you know when the ark sailed........

I'll be generous and continue using the lowest estimate for polar bears coming into existence... some estimates are as high as 1.5 million years ago.

You believe it was more than 70,000 years ago that Noah was alive and sailed? ? So, 68,000 before Jesus birth?