Oh Lord, where Ark thou?

You made this comment early on.

"the interesting thing about an intelligent designer is that she could accomplish the same thing in a single generation that random chance required tens of thousands of years to bring about...."

If I'm way off point, then what is your belief.

that there is an intelligent designer......I impose no time restrictions on him.....
Anybody over the age of two and a half who believes the Bible literally should be kindly and humanely euthanized for his/her own good.

Please do not consider this a hyperbolic statement. I literally mean it.

and anyone who has not tried to end your suffering has failed this city.......
why do you go out of the way to demonstrate what a fucking retard you are?.......
It’s not out of my way since you’re doing all the work. You’re the one constantly proving you are a minion of Satan. I can’t prove you are a minion anymore than you can prove I’m a “fucking retard”. We each do it to ourselves.

It’s up to individual viewers to decide if I’m a fucking retard or if you are not a Christian. Shall we take a vote? My guess is all the haters and Pedo Don followers will agree with you and all the sane, intelligent, honest people will either say you’re an evil person or that we’re both fucking morons. I’d be happy to make a wager on it. :)
neither do I......that is why I use an interlinear.......any more questions?........have you read Genesis 1:1 yet?......

An interlinear bible means you are still reading a transliterated version of the original Hebrew in vernacular English.

Translations, transliterations, and interpretations still can distort the original meaning and intent of language. There is no precise one-to-one correspondence of words between languages. And if you actually studied Hebrew you would know that.

^ That is freshmen level linguistics 101.

Moral of the story: I accept your confession you have never actually read Genesis in it's original language by the people who actually wrote it, nor have you studied the interpretations of Genesis by the people who wrote it in the Rabbinic scholarship, the Mishnah, or Talmud
You've never actually read Genesis, and neither have I.

The Torah was written in ancient Hebrew, and our only exposure to it is through imperfect translations into vernacular English. It is a law of linguistics that translations, even at their best, are imperfect and flawed attempts to capture original meaning and intent.

Unless anyone here has read the the scholarship of the people who actually wrote and interpreted the Torah - specifically the Midrash, the Talmud, and the corpus of Rabbinic scholarship - the opinions of random message boarders do not carry a lot of weight

If you have not read the Bible you have no opinion about anything in it!
. Rabbinic Judaism is the dominant strain of Judaism.

Riiiight. You claim to speak and read ancient Hebrew.

Does God know you love lying?

You're assuming the English translation isn't accurate, with out reading it!
You have no educated opinion!
And don't quote someone elses opinion! Do your own research!
The First and Second Temple style of Judaism hadn't existed for two thousand years.

The Hebrew scholars I have listened to say that in Rabbinic Judaism, allegorical interpretation of Genesis has been the dominant form of Torah and Talmudic scholarship since at least the middle ages

You haven't read it,you have no opinion!
I'm betting you have not read the Bible

I sure as hell haven't read too much of it, but I've read enough to recognize bullshit.
I hear enough about it from what idiot theocrats say.

In my youth, however, I read ALL of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer novels.
I'll bet you haven't.

The ultimate in circular reasoning:

God exist because the Bible says so,
and the Bible can't be wrong because it's the word of God.
I sure as hell haven't read too much of it, but I've read enough to recognize bullshit.
I hear enough about it from what idiot theocrats say.

In my youth, however, I read ALL of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer novels.
I'll bet you haven't.

The ultimate in circular reasoning:

God exist because the Bible says so,
and the Bible can't be wrong because it's the word of God.

You have no opinion, because you didn't read the book
You haven't read it,you have no opinion!

I have read Genesis in English translation, but your position is that unless someone has read the entire Affordable Care Act and the entire Roe v Wade supreme court decision word for word, page by page, they are not allowed to write or talk about Obamacare or abortion rights.

Pretty silly, huh?
You have no opinion, because you didn't read the book

I'm pretty sure that I admitted to reading some of it.
The old testament in particular is a manifesto of lunacy.
The new testament has some good ideas stated in allegorical fashion, but so-called Christians don't follow any of it.
Intellectual atheists are more inclined to have Christian values in my experience.
You have to read the whole book!

There is a lot of crap in the Tanakh I just can't wade through. The Pentateuch has a lot of stuff about Jewish dietary law that bores me to tears, the writings have a lot of mediocre poetry that bore me (maybe in the original Hebrew the poetry is more beautiful), and some of the prophets part, the ethics wisdom, is pretty good, but I can't say I have read all the prophets word for word
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