Ok, Biden not dropping out!

It appears that the matter is not closed.

House Democrats are meeting this morning to determine…
It’s not closed but it’s closing. It’s clear the momentum to dump him is gone. Something new would have to happen to start it up again.
I think they are going to try for the sympathy vote. Joe will shockingly and unexpectedly pass in the next couple of the months, leaving the party in deep mourning. All Americans are urged to vote for Kamala, because it's what Joe would have wanted.

C'mon man - it's really all they have left.
Donald Trump drove him to suicide.
It’s time to get back on board and defeat the dictatorial felon!

It can still be done!
:rofl2: You seriously believe that Joe Biden is calling the shots as to whether or not he officially becomes the Demonkkkrat Party's nominee?? :rofl2:


The Intelligence Community (4th Branch of Government) has already signaled, via Mark Warner, that they want Joe Biden OUT of the running because they don't trust that there are enough illegal invaders physically existing within the correct states in order to use their names/ID's to generate, harvest, fill out, and (mis)count enough ballots in order to counteract all of the MASSIVE gains in support that Trump has achieved since 2020's fraudulent (s)election, let alone since his 2016 election victory (when "the cheat" was caught sleeping and couldn't counteract the support for Trump).

If the Intelligence Community gets their way, then Biden will be OUT by the time the convention in Chicago is over with, no matter how much Jill Biden wishes to remain "First Lady". The other key "tell" that Biden is toast come August is the fact that the Demonkkkrat lapdog media are now FINALLY, per received "marching orders", openly prying at Biden and his press secretary about his health conditions that have been known for MANY YEARS NOW, ceasing with SOME of the pretending surrounding it (but they're still pretending that this is some "new discovery").
I think the party will move him aside in a more dramatic way - at this point.
Yup. Behind the scenes, TPTB are currently working out a "sweetheart deal" for Biden to step down. If he doesn't "do as he is told", then the Intelligence Community has all sorts of dirt on him, his son, and the "Biden Crime Family" in general to use as blackmail.

If it's the wish of the Intelligence Community, and Mark Warner has already let it slip that it does seem to be the IC's wish, then by the time the August DNC convention is over with, Biden HIMSELF will be over with.